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Doreen Peri
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Post by Doreen Peri » April 26th, 2005, 10:26 pm

In this poem, I personified the name Eros as a woman who represents Sex and Cupid as a man who represents Desire.

I posted this to another website where they review the material prior to allowing it to be seen on the site. I think you know the one. The webmaster told me that Eros and Cupid are the same gods, one Greek, one Roman and I said I knew that, but not in this poem.

He said he couldn't publish it on his website because people would not understand that they aren't the same gods, one Greek and one Roman. I said, "If a person reads the poem, he or she would clearly see that in this poem, neither of the names are gods at all and Eros is a female." Still, rejected.

I like the poem if I do say so myself. Not my finest work, but I think it works just fine and is quite passionate.

As a writer, I have the right to use any names I want, even if someone else like myth writers used them in a different way. Do you agree or disagree?

I often use the name Eve and make her a totally different woman than the Bible's Eve in the garden. I use many names and make them become whatever I want.

Anyway, here's the poem. I'll publish it here since I do believe it's a fine poem and there is no conflict whatsoever with the names of the Roman and Greek gods.


Eros is swathed in silken garb,
draped by touch, angelskin lust
just as eveningshade awaits
the must have rhythm of chest to breast,
given way to candlelit play; fingers read
Braille on skin, again again, the want,
again, again, the taunt of tear-filled eyes -

Wise is the arrow,
Cupid the bearer ready to shoot,
his quill full, a sharpened head
pierces into soul-center.

Eros bathes in oils, aromas
fill air currents, swirled around the
girl's limbs and he comes in, he comes
in her core, more more, she croons, the
moon, a satellite, a witness.

Eros kisses
Cupid's brow
now that his quills are
launched. She taunts him with
coy retreat. He meets her once more,
quills filled, bow pulled, again, again,
her legs wrapped 'round his back,
again, again, Eros cracks open
like a sky when stormclouds break,
wet-eased into a warm breeze which
subsides the gust with an exhale
on the nape of his neck.

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Post by stilltrucking » May 26th, 2005, 9:14 am

As a writer, I have the right to use any names I want, even if someone else like myth writers used them in a different way. Do you agree or disagree?
jeezus h crist, is that what you call a no brainer?
I mean ten four on the poetic ticket to ride.

I don't know why I should expect brooklyn to be any more consistent then anyone else. But he was always going on about how we should not try to act pedantic, not be scholars, no footnotes. (this line was edited)

His first post to me was how intrigued he would be to read about my upcoming hyper text novel about the romance of Sylvia Somebody, and Jack Nobody which I was going to write spontaneously on The Summer of Love board.. Took me a while to figure out his style. But I wrote him back a msg about how I wanted the immense amount of money it would make donated to the American Friends service committee. So much for the existential strip tease.

more like thanatos for me
taunts him with
coy retreat.
I am just your zero hero don't mean nothing just my campaign against zero's
Last edited by stilltrucking on May 27th, 2005, 1:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Dave The Dov
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Post by Dave The Dov » May 26th, 2005, 2:20 pm

Some people have a hard time when it comes to understanding others and where they are coming from to mean something in the end. dp are you going to still try and find a way to have this wonderful poem of your's be published somehow so that everyone will have the chance to read it????
Honda Nighthawk

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