Sunday Political Rant – 3.25.2018

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Sunday Political Rant – 3.25.2018

Post by mtmynd » March 25th, 2018, 5:58 pm

Sunday Political Rant – 3.25.2018

After sitting in somewhat a state of awe watching the March yesterday in DC and so many other U.S. cities (including my hometown) and even across the oceans… there was an amazing show of solidarity by and for our youths who finally have had enough of the gun violence in ever state of our Union.

If any saw any of this you might of seen some really young folks get up on stage and speak their minds.
I was touched by so many I heard and rooted for their success. I felt good about the March. I felt good about the young unified and fed up. I was pumped for the rest of the day.

I woke up this morning and couldn't believe the absolute madness coming out of the NRA… in part they used the social media and posted “Today’s protests aren’t spontaneous,” the post declared. “Gun-hating billionaires and Hollywood elites are manipulating and exploiting children as part of their plan to DESTROY the Second Amendment and strip us of our right to defend ourselves and our loved ones.”

Are you friggin' out of your bullet-laden brains?? This organization has definitely hit an all time low by the post. It's a plea to stop this youth movement and any and all attempts at bringing sanity to the gun populous, which again was clearly threatened that their precious 2nd Amendment was the ONLY Amendment that matters and their leader Wayne LaPierre, who has been at the helm since 1991, over 27 years the sole voice of authority who cheers on his most radical supporters in believing “his 2nd Amendment” was and is all that matters in our Constitution. He has lost his mind and has betrayed his organization. This man, LaPierre is surely mentally unstable and should be watched very, very carefully to what he may do next to our Country. He has already, along with DJT, divided us for one reason and that is to assure control over every aspect of our country and to make sure the (R)'s remain in control for those are largely the group who will fall in lockstep to their demands as we've witnessed since DJT completed his Oath the the People, January 20th 2017. Out Nation has been visibly in chaos and our future looks equally unsure of any unity of the People.

Why else would anyone continually defend ONE AMENDMENT ONLY, the one that pertains to guns? Where are the radical's Right's support on any other Amendments?


Cecil B. Lee
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Re: Sunday Political Rant – 3.25.2018

Post by mnaz » March 26th, 2018, 2:09 pm

The NRA is just about irredeemable. Gone around the bend, down a rabbithole. Outrage is standard, almost meaningless, redundant at this point. The deeper question is-- who are we as a society? How do these extremists continue to gain and hold so much power unless "we the people" continue to enable and empower them? Do they reflect us? Do we "get the leadership we deserve," as I've heard claimed in the past.

p.s. I've read several statements by gun owners/enthusiasts since the FLA school shootings of the opinion that the NRA has gone way too far/lost its way on this issue. Maybe the real problem is the gun lobby and all the money involved and the powerful politicians who accept that money. In short, basically bad capitalism tainting "democracy" (again)...

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Re: Sunday Political Rant – 3.25.2018

Post by mtmynd » March 27th, 2018, 2:58 pm

The true culprit behind the NRA is the leadership of Wayne LaPierre, i.e. Executive Vice President. He's been with the NRA since 1977 and IMO has achieved the madness of a man who believes he IS the 2nd Amendment, treating and protecting this one piece of legislation as the ONLY thing that matters in the Constitution. When any legislation regarding the 2nd A comes up he is sure to lobby against it at all costs.

FYI: Today's news reported this: "Calling it “a relic of the 18th century,” retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens called Tuesday for the outright repeal of the Second Amendment, saying it would achieve “more effective and more lasting reform” than other efforts to curb the country’s scourge of gun violence."

Another interesting article I read today -

"Former Chief Justice Warren Burger, a CONSERVATIVE, said the idea that there was an individual right to bear arms was "a fraud." If he were writing the Bill of Rights now, he said in 1991, "There wouldn't be any such thing as the Second Amendment."

He declared on PBS that the Second Amendment "has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud, on the American public by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime."

Hows them for strong words regarding the overblown 2nd Amendment that so many swear by and will die from...!
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Re: Sunday Political Rant – 3.25.2018

Post by mnaz » March 29th, 2018, 6:44 pm

I read that donations to the NRA tripled after the Parkland shooting (or maybe the public reaction to it). Jeez man. Again, is this the society we (or a very large number of "we") are choosing with our actions?

I'm not in favor of getting rid of the 2nd Amendment; that seems extreme. But the 2nd Amendment shouldn't mean "anything goes, with absolutely no restrictions whatsoever" in terms of the "arms" in question.

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Re: Sunday Political Rant – 3.25.2018

Post by mtmynd » March 29th, 2018, 11:20 pm

mnaz wrote:
March 29th, 2018, 6:44 pm

I'm not in favor of getting rid of the 2nd Amendment; that seems extreme. But the 2nd Amendment shouldn't mean "anything goes, with absolutely no restrictions whatsoever" in terms of the "arms" in question.
I think is a poll were taken regarding this today, there would be a majority that would agree with you, myself included (altho I assure you, if this amendment were voted out I wouldn't share any tears).
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