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Post by sasha » July 17th, 2018, 3:20 pm

A physicist, a mathematician, and an engineer are spending a weekend camping at a remote cabin deep in the forest. Their guide unlocks the door and shows them inside. To their bemusement, each leg of the woodstove rests on a 3-ft stack of bricks. They begin to speculate about this peculiar arrangement.

"It looks to me like this is the best way to maximize convective airflow within an adiabatic system," the physicist says.

"No, no, nothing that complicated," the mathematician scoffs. "The stove has been placed at the centroid of the room to get uniform radiative heating."

The engineer snorts. "You guys need to get out more," he says. "The stove is elevated so we can store wet firewood under it to dry it out faster."

The guide has been listening to all this without a word. "You're all wrong," he says with a smile. "The truth is, a section of stovepipe rusted out last winter, and it was easier to raise the stove than to hike out for a replacement!"
"Falsehood flies, the Truth comes limping after it." - Jonathan Swift, ca. 1710

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