the funeral event horizon. . . ?

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the funeral event horizon. . . ?

Post by still.trucking » August 22nd, 2016, 6:33 am

I got the pre-grief downs
preemptive mourning
old and sick people

on the horizon
smoke from the funeral pyres
and one five year old girl
got to save us all
Strive not, my soul, for an immortal life, but make the most of what is possible.

Pindar, Pythian Odes.
quotation source
"Natural selection, as it has operated in human history, favors not only the clever but the murderous." Barbara Ehrenreich


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Re: the funeral event horizon. . . ?

Post by tarbaby » August 23rd, 2016, 7:24 am

It is a cosmological constant
life is a crap shot
Uncle Albert did not mean
but it is still true
“Where is that man who has forgotten words that I may have a word with him?”

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Re: the funeral event horizon. . . ?

Post by gypsyjoker » August 23rd, 2016, 7:30 am

I miss you dino
thank god I still have your poetry here
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'Blessed is he who was not born, Or he, who having been born, has died. But as for us who live, woe unto us, Because we see the afflictions of Zion, And what has befallen Jerusalem." Pseudepigrapha

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Re: the funeral event horizon. . . ?

Post by still.trucking » August 24th, 2016, 5:24 am

between grief and nothing
falls the inkling
Welcome to Sparta

The years
so many years
too many years

so now
nothing to be done
except to sit and watch
"Natural selection, as it has operated in human history, favors not only the clever but the murderous." Barbara Ehrenreich


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Re: To bring to bloom the million-petalled flower

Post by stilltrucking » March 13th, 2017, 8:39 am

At death you break up: the bits that were you
Start speeding away from each other for ever
With no one to see. It's only oblivion, true:
We had it before, but then it was going to end,
And was all the time merging with a unique endeavour
To bring to bloom the million-petalled flower
Of being here. Next time you can't pretend
There'll be anything else. And these are the first signs:
Not knowing how, not hearing who, the power
Of choosing gone. Their looks show that they're for it:
Ash hair, toad hands, prune face dried into lines -
How can they ignore it?

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Re: the funeral event horizon. . . ?

Post by stilltrucking » July 27th, 2017, 6:06 pm

To bring to bloom the million-petalled flower

“For what are we,” she asks, “if not a body taking a mind for a walk, just to see what’s there?”
A Memoir
By Cory Taylor
This may not be quite as glorious a description of life as Philip Larkin’s “million-petaled flower of being here,” but it has a startling offhand grace. ... aylor.html

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Re: the funeral event horizon. . . ?

Post by WIREMAN » July 27th, 2017, 8:39 pm

the fact faced ....a flower wilts,the tree sheds its leaves in the fall...afraid? of the's your original face, before you were born, or perhaps a cycle of wheels turning.....John Lee growls, "nobody knows"....that's it, simply put, nobody knows!
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Re: the funeral event horizon. . . ?

Post by stilltrucking » July 28th, 2017, 5:23 am

I been absent from my body for seventy seven years
at this late date my mortality is starting to dawn on me

I can't believe this is happening to me
I am in denial
if a coward dies a thousand deaths
I am going to owe the undertakers a lot of money
Instead of a pirate looks at forty
a coward looks at eighty
Lord help me Jesus
I know what I am

Do you see that? That's how much longer you've got to be alive! And it isn't long, my pretty - it isn't long!
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Re: the funeral event horizon. . . ?

Post by still.trucking » January 15th, 2019, 3:33 am

Jesus H Christ

yes yes I must becareful

of what I pretend to be

the jack of nightmares

it is not the dying so much that scares me but the cost, parents pray that they die before their children, all I got is siblings, and nieces and nephews, and their progeny. I pray they all outlive me.

Why do I worry so much about how to pay for my funeral, reason tells me that it is fear of being out of this world around us. I will be dead, what good is money going to do me then? This is night after a long day of dealing with other peoples lives and money.

So I tell myself I deserve to sit here and do what I want.
Yeah, I spent all day sitting on my ass and here I am sitting on my ass all night.

I am absurd. Sisyphus got the metafiscal blues again
the seventh solitude metaphysical homelessness blues
suicide by inertia

one thirty AM and I am five hours from my workday 6 AM wake-up time
Going to bed and wake up when I feel like it because you know a day off is a day on, a day well spent. I might be having too much fun, I hope I don't spend all day tomorrow sitting on my ass.
Fun on my ride tomorrow :D

Feel like I just drove three thousand miles in two days, and I finally made it back home to my Barcolounger and I nod off, and just for a second, I dream the trucker's nightmare. It startles me awake. And I am back in the lounge chair. Sweet sleep, I don't know what it is doing to my dreams but for the past two weeks I been falling asleep to an audiobook called "To Hell and Back Europe 1914 — 1949"
"Natural selection, as it has operated in human history, favors not only the clever but the murderous." Barbara Ehrenreich


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Re: the funeral event horizon. . . ?

Post by the mingo » January 15th, 2019, 1:09 pm

I just had to kick a cat outta my chair to write this - I don't think the cat is thinking about dying or funerals or money - she's just trying to stay two cat-steps ahead of the dog - the dog is out-classed not only by Mama Gato but all her kittens got the dog's number too - I wouldn't be my dog for all the whisky in Ireland -

I hear that the great state of Yew Nork will cremate me if I'm indigent - I've checked my wallet, I qualify 8)

We need more emoji's on this site -
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: the funeral event horizon. . . ?

Post by stilltrucking » January 15th, 2019, 1:32 pm

I knew a woman that wanted to be cremated when she is dead. Then she wanted to will her ashes to her friends and they would put the ashes in their peace pipes and smoke it/them?.

You know what I said when I saw you posting today.?
thank god
I made a solemn promise to my bike that I would not spend all day sitting on my ass.
Another beautiful day in paradise, 49 degrees and cloudy. Waiting for the high of the day before I ride, 52 degrees at three PM.
I get about five channels of God TV INC LLC
in surfing through them I caught a few words.
A preacher, a real professor George Fox would call him.
So, he was quoting god.
And this is what god said
"God said, You Know what?

You know what?

When I Get to Heaven

When I get to heaven, I'm gonna shake God's hand
Thank him for more blessings than one man can stand
Then I'm gonna get a guitar and start a rock-n-roll band
Check into a swell hotel; ain't the afterlife grand?
And then I'm gonna get a cocktail: vodka and ginger ale
Yeah, I'm gonna smoke a cigarette that's nine miles long
I'm gonna kiss that pretty girl on the tilt-a-whirl
'Cause this old man is goin' to town

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Re: the funeral event horizon. . . ?

Post by stilltrucking » January 15th, 2019, 2:13 pm

waiting around for an old dog to die, I don't think my brother in law (the bear, I call him) can make it without a dog. Whinnie the Chihuahua must be 25 years old, maybe it just seems like we have had her forever. She is covered with warts and tumors but she still has good days when she gets up and eats and greets everyone with her tail a wagging and puppy-like exuberance, other days she just sleeps which is okay too.

I used to be a coward, now I feel like I have the amygdala of a big cat.

My grandmother used to say that someone had the head of a cat. She said it Yiddish which sounds a lot like German. What she meant is that a cat is startled every morning when it sees the Sun Rise for the first time. No memory I guess is what she meant. She is the original old wife who started all the old wives tails. She was always on the lookout when I was around, on guard against anyone who would want to put the "evil eye on me"
enough >>>>>>>.going, going and gone to ride....................//.<>.\\

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Re: the funeral event horizon. . . ?

Post by the mingo » January 15th, 2019, 10:43 pm

enough >>>>>>>.going, going and gone to ride..........
Ain't got that kind of weather up here, Jack - been down around zero and below the past few days so I been concentrating on splitting firewood - it has been a mild winter so far and I been out riding more than I expected to be - it's 30 degrees right now what feels like a heatwave compared to what it has been the past week /
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: the funeral event horizon. . . ?

Post by stilltrucking » January 22nd, 2019, 12:42 pm

You mentioned once that global warming is a misnomer, it is global cooling. I suppose you were basing your statement on your own observations. Reminds me of what Ray Nitzke the famous German philosopher and middle linebacker for the Greenbay Packers used to say — "Experience, Who has time enough for that?"

It is going to be a bad winter I have read. Something about the collapse of the polar vortex. I have too many nightmares about winter weather in the mountain ranges of the far west to think too much about winter. Too many flashbacks to near death experiences. I suppose I have PTWSD, post-traumatic winter syndrome. But I do remember the serene beauty of that mountain top. I remember snowflakes as big as hubcaps falling in the silence. And those gotdam skiers in their four-wheel drive SUV's with roof racks full of skis, and they merrily happily driving by on their way to a ton of fun. And me in my fear, envious.

Every once in a while, I remember that feeling in my gut when forty tons of onions and eighteen wheels start sliding backward down Monarch Pass Colorado, I block it out. Don't want to go there. New England in winter is just as bad I know. Something about the ice in New England, don't know what it is but it is the slickest ice I have ever driven on. Maybe it is the hardness of the freeze.

Going to 71 degrees today, we have been swinging between the low thirties and seventies for weeks. Every is day beautiful for me, the indignities of these forlorn rags don't seem so bad when one is grateful for life.
Every day I hear a click, one less day, one more day gone forever, counting down to eternity.

I always wanted to ask Sylvia, or Hunter S, or Spalding, or Papa Hemingway what their [u]gotdam [/u]rush was. We going to get there sooner than later. Not for me to judge their suffering.
I got a friend a retired flight surgeon, he has seen more death and suffering than any other person I know. He is retired now in his eighties, he still likes to flirt with sudden death. I will ride today, pedal and think about friends on studio eight.

button up your overcoat, cause you belong to us


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Re: the funeral event horizon. . . ?

Post by sasha » January 22nd, 2019, 5:29 pm

Here in New Hampshire it got all the way up to zero yesterday. Farenheit.

Global warming/cooling is/are a bit of a misnomer. Global climate changes driven by increased absorption of solar energy are likely to result in more uneven distribution of temperature, greater extremes - colder winters, hotter summers, drier droughts, fiercer storms. The polar vortex hasn't so much collapsed as calved - split into lobes that extend further south than usual. But I suppose that's okay just so long as the nations of Exxon/Mobile/BP continue to rape - excuse me, REAP - the benefits from dwindling supplies of fossil fuels.... as long as Trump and his minions get to cavort in the swamp he swore he was going to drain... as long as the lobbyists he exalts into positions of authority for their personal gain, well, it's okay if they fuck over the electorate, 'cause what's good for the coal industry is good for 'Murrica, right?
"Falsehood flies, the Truth comes limping after it." - Jonathan Swift, ca. 1710

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