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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by gypsyjoker » February 8th, 2019, 11:06 pm

Snapped cold again down forty degrees from yesterday. Never will get used to the changes here. Like someone turned a weather switch the way the cold fronts flow in so fast, first the wind, then the cold. Sounds like a truism but maybe cause it is true, there is nothing between Texas and the artic except for a few strands of barbed wire.

Sasha thank you for writing about your mom. I was deeply affected.

keep the faith
Free Rice
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'Blessed is he who was not born, Or he, who having been born, has died. But as for us who live, woe unto us, Because we see the afflictions of Zion, And what has befallen Jerusalem." Pseudepigrapha

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by gypsyjoker » February 17th, 2019, 11:46 pm

will the circle be unbroken
November 22, 1984, I was listening to that song when the carried her remains out to the ambulance?
I have not seen Diamond Lil in a year, even if she has no idea who I am anymore, I still know who she is. She is the woman who was responsible for the good death of my Rose of Agudis Achiem

how blue can you get
an Ottis Reading night
a chill coming on me
hope it ain't the flu
Zuihitsu is:
a conversation :!:
that's all it was with the beat saints, a conversation among friends
Free Rice
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'Blessed is he who was not born, Or he, who having been born, has died. But as for us who live, woe unto us, Because we see the afflictions of Zion, And what has befallen Jerusalem." Pseudepigrapha

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by the mingo » February 18th, 2019, 3:59 am

Tonight I'm conversing with the snow:

Me: I'm getting tired of this bullshit - I look out the window it's just white everywhere!

Snow: Too bad, sport, you expected a rose garden? Put some gloves on your ya-ya's and deal with it!

Jack Kerouac died. The dramatic worship came early.
We melted. We dimmed.

As far as Lew Welch goes I'd just like to find the pistol he walked off with. Hang it on the wall opposite the wood stove. Write over it "Werewolves of London vs. the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"

It is infinitely worse to be left behind, a prey to all the horrors of imagining what may be happening to one we love.

Elizabeth "Libby" Bacon Custer

I'm not from Tennessee. If I were from Tennessee I wouldn't be from Texas. The Random Word Generator is my secret weapon when things get tight and things always get tight -

There are only bones
alone with the story
I'm warm
absorb me

Things stopped completely for General George Armstrong Custer at the end of June 1876 but not for his wife Libby - she lived right into the 20th century dying the same year Hitler became Chancellor of Germany.

Libby Custer went all over the United States in support and promotion of her husband's memory & legacy and her books about him but she never went to the Little Big Horn battle site. Ever. Neither did she remarry - she kept her vagina empty in memory of her husband who had stopped completely the end of June 1876.

We shoot.., we ride fast.., we shoot again. Soldiers drop.. and horses fall on them. ~

Cheyenne Chief Two Moon's account of battle of Little Big Horn

Kimiko Hahn in an interview likened zuihitsu to a fungus.
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by the mingo » February 18th, 2019, 5:13 am

Tonight I'm conversing with the snow. Also I have talked to a couple of my cats.

Sometimes I jettison the romantic slant and go for the mere oceanic. Largest geographical feature on the planet. Only thing ever approached the ocean sizewise were the continental ice sheets.

Big Ice.

Speaking of the romantic:I once took a whole bunch of love letters down to the shore of Lake Ontario (a lake created by continental ice sheets) gathered up the driftwood there and started a fire. Threw the letters one by one into the flames as a way of signaling an end of things.
Of course, it wasn't going to be as easy as that but the symbolic value was what I was after. Drama drama drama. Falling in love: you might as well tear your own heart out of your chest and lick it.
I mean consider the Aztecs. Ther tore the hearts out of sacrificial victim after sacrificial victim all the damn day long - didn't do them any good - the Spanish arrived and kicked Aztec ass 8 ways from Sunday. Subjugated the whole lot. The fat lady sang over the whole of the Aztec empire. End of story.

As a veteran trucker once said to me: "She is twice the man I am."
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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by sasha » February 18th, 2019, 12:58 pm

the mingo wrote:
February 18th, 2019, 5:13 am
Falling in love: you might as well tear your own heart out of your chest and lick it...
Couldn't agree more. I promised myself the last time I fell in love would be the Last Time. I've kept that promise. I will not volunteer to be pulled through that knothole again.

I love trees. There are a few ancient, magnificently deformed white pines on Rhododendron Road I always have to stop and admire; and one on Templeton Road just south of the knoll. They make me smile. I feel akin to them. Trees are silent & non-judgmental. The only way they can hurt you is to fall on you.

I wouldn't mind a bit of snow (for a while, at least) - but every snowfall we've had so far this year has been chased with sleet, rain, & freezing rain. Six inches of powder followed by 2-3 inches of sleet, soaked by rain into slush, then frozen solid into ice. Yak-Trax only help if the cleats can dig into the surface - but it's been so cold the ice is hard as diamond. And it's only intermittent - the bare patches of road may be few & far between, but they're hard on the cleats. Climate change, anyone?

Retired engineers and scientists have bizarre conversations over lunch. So far the topics have included fluid dynamics, hiking, astrophysics, optics, carpentry, numerical analysis, and fishing. We're all in agreement that our current Imbecile in Chief is an embarrasment.

Why am I sitting here? Why aren't I attacking the cobwebs tethering the Morris chair to my desk? Why aren't I doing something about the dust, the dog hair, the sand in the entryway? I guess because I'm fed up with living according to someone else's standards. If the dirt and clutter doesn't bother me, it shouldn't bother you. And if it does - well, I guess you have a problem.
Last edited by sasha on February 18th, 2019, 3:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by gypsyjoker » February 18th, 2019, 2:16 pm

oneofjerk.gif (8.83 KiB) Viewed 2532 times
tiny boxes all in a row
you all sound so quaint
give up on love
peckerhead nostalgia

no one gives up on love
goose for the gander
love gives up on people
I made no conscious choice to give up on romance these past 40 years
yes I dig that oceanic feeling
women give me the blues
I would ride the roller coaster of love one more time at least before I go gently into that goodnight
geezers thrive on broken hearts.
for a long time on litkicks and studio eight I used to haunt the boards with lust in my heart, I was crazy, out of touch with my emotions, with what I was writing
Steppenwolf drowns in the ocean of love
Free Rice
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'Blessed is he who was not born, Or he, who having been born, has died. But as for us who live, woe unto us, Because we see the afflictions of Zion, And what has befallen Jerusalem." Pseudepigrapha

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by sasha » February 18th, 2019, 3:10 pm

"no one gives up on love"

Yeah? Watch this...

You can't really speak for me, only for yourself. If you want to get on that roller coaster again, well, Odin bless you. Go for it. Your choice. Mine is to walk. We peckerheads might not cover as much ground, but we sure see a lot of detail taking it slow.

Nostalgia? Nah - nostalgia is a wistful desire to go back to happier times, and there's no way I'd go back. The innoculation has taken this time, I'm cured, and that's the place I want to be. Ten years I've been pain-free, and that, sir, is a beautiful thing.
"Falsehood flies, the Truth comes limping after it." - Jonathan Swift, ca. 1710

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by gypsyjoker » February 18th, 2019, 4:00 pm

live in despair and die in hope
"we knowers must forever remain unknown to ourselves" Ray Nitzke, German Philosopher and middle line backer for the Green Bay Packers
Nietzsche died for my sins, the genealogy of my morals

who knows the intentions behind my intentions?
Last edited by gypsyjoker on February 18th, 2019, 4:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Free Rice
Avatar Courtesy of the Baron de Hirsch Fund

'Blessed is he who was not born, Or he, who having been born, has died. But as for us who live, woe unto us, Because we see the afflictions of Zion, And what has befallen Jerusalem." Pseudepigrapha

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by gypsyjoker » February 18th, 2019, 4:06 pm

How Blue Can you Go

It has been forty years since I worshiped at the temple of the inner thigh

ten years pain-free 8) , check back in another thirty years. :wink:
Sorry I started this pissing contest :oops:
language, communication and jam
Have you ever read "The Human Use of Human Beings"

I need this thread, I hope mingo don't lock it anytime soon.
Free Rice
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'Blessed is he who was not born, Or he, who having been born, has died. But as for us who live, woe unto us, Because we see the afflictions of Zion, And what has befallen Jerusalem." Pseudepigrapha

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by sasha » February 18th, 2019, 4:50 pm

In 30 years I expect to be compost!

No, I haven't read the book you cited - my non-fiction reads tend to be more concerned with the physical sciences or the history of technology. Last one I read was "The Difference Engine", by Doron Swade. It's about the first programmable mechanical computer, designed and (partially) built by Charles Babbage - in the early 1800s! Another great read is Bryan Burroughs' "Dragonfly", about the late Mir space station - reads like a sci-fi thriller.

Yeah, I like this thread, too. I'd never heard of Zuihitsu before stumbling over it, and I like the form, even if I'm not 100% sure I understand it. Not really a pissing contest, is it? - just an airing of differing opinions...? Jeez, I hope I'm not peeing where I shouldn't....
"Falsehood flies, the Truth comes limping after it." - Jonathan Swift, ca. 1710

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by the mingo » February 19th, 2019, 12:02 am

I don't give a damn where ya'll piss as long as you steer clear of my coffee.

Rocket Roy in The Real World - I'd never heard of zuihitsu either, Roy, and Japan was the home away from homeport for my first ship when I was in the Navy and I got out and around when I was there and never heard of it. Ran across the term on the net couple yrs or so ago due to the fact that a woman by the name of Kimiko Hahn published a zuihitsu that caused a stir on this side of the pond. I got curious. The rest is Fat Lady Singing territory.

It suits me to a double T. You write good zuihitsu. So does Jack.

Moon out so bright I could walk the woods by its light tonight.

I hear ya about the old trees. Knew where they all were in the woods and fields that surrounded the house I grew up in. They had a presence the younger trees around them lacked. You could feel it.
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by gypsyjoker » February 19th, 2019, 2:25 pm

"Achilles in Vietnam"—"Pissing Contest

"God is God" —and I ain't God earle as sung by Joan Baez
"Pissing in the Wind" —jerry jeff walker song as sung by Donald Trump
The Human Use of Human Beings. The Human Use of Human Beings is a book by Norbert Wiener, the founding thinker of cybernetics theory and an influential advocate of automation; it was first published in 1950 and revised in 1954.
Author: Norbert Wiener —wicki
I first read it about forty years ago, I tried reading it again a few years back and I could not. I am not as smart as I used to be, but on the other hand, I am not as bat shit crazy as I used to be.

There was a time when I believed that Germany and Japan was the source of all the evil in the world.
Hard to keep up with the enemies lists these days,
Are we at war with Landing Strip One, Eurasia, or EastAsia{{Orwell 1984}}

cold rainy day and I sit here shivering and typing
Free Rice
Avatar Courtesy of the Baron de Hirsch Fund

'Blessed is he who was not born, Or he, who having been born, has died. But as for us who live, woe unto us, Because we see the afflictions of Zion, And what has befallen Jerusalem." Pseudepigrapha

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by the mingo » February 20th, 2019, 9:51 am

I'm a river with snow on both banks making my water seem even darker.

Snowflake city - the humanity of winter - season be changing in a few weeks - sap already running in the trees - weather will go crazy all guns and no butter back & forth battle of the wilderness until it finally settles down into summer mode so I can bitch about the heat

wow got to add more wood to the fire not very warm in here -
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by the mingo » February 20th, 2019, 10:03 am

Watched some vids last night 0n the petroglyphs and rock art left by the Fremont Indians all up & down the canyons they lived in - one vid some guy walking around with a camera on the end of a long pole talking 'bout alien visitations - Good Gawd if ya want to know what happened to the Anasazi ask the Hopi -

I always liked saying that word Anasazi - just saying it makes you part of the drama drama drama - chants by the river, flutes in the canyon -
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by sasha » February 20th, 2019, 5:00 pm

the mingo wrote:
February 20th, 2019, 9:51 am
r - season be changing in a few weeks - sap already running in the trees - weather will go crazy all guns and no butter back & forth battle of the wilderness until it finally settles down into summer mode so I can bitch about the heat
I've heard the chickadee two-note "spring song", and woodpeckers' display drumming. Morning sun now makes a brief cameo through my kitchen window, and sunset doesn't happen until around 5 pm. It's coming.

Unfortunately, so is another few inches of sleet tonight. A little snow I can handle, but I can't tell you how fucking sick I am of sleet and freezing rain. Walking is damn near impossible, so both Dog and I are coming down with bad cases of cabin fever. He's gone AWOL 3 times in the last 10 days.
"Falsehood flies, the Truth comes limping after it." - Jonathan Swift, ca. 1710

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