Well Caffeined and Eager

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Well Caffeined and Eager

Post by saw » June 18th, 2019, 12:09 pm

last drops of dark roast
room temperature, with a few grounds
rattlesnake eyes glint at the morning light
as I meditate on my good fortunes
meager and real
the ceiling fan hums like Enya
in one of her calming videos
with pictures of sea anemones
and wiggling plants a little out of kilter
and spinning....
there is rhythmic percussion
trying to move forward at 4:32 am
a time
in a day
in a week
in a month of sundays
years of awakening
to see what happens
when one engages the mind
through reverse
into drive
nothing special
just pull down the shifter
once the engine turns over
wiggle the toes
blink out some morse code
Here I Am World
little ole me
Well Caffeined and Eager
to see something new
If you do not change your direction
you may end up where you are heading

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Location: B'more, Maryland

Re: Well Caffeined and Eager

Post by saw » June 27th, 2019, 10:20 am

caffeinated brain
is better than the dead one
my addiction
according to the latest study
is either good for you or not good for you
so during those periods
when NPR warns you not to drink it
I keep on drinking my coffee
and bide my time til it's popular and safe again
it's comforting to sip my columbian
with a little smirk on my face
knowing I didn't fall prey to the naysayers
that need stories to put in their magazines
you are wasting your time trying to scare me
coffee is sacred
and well we all have our faith tested at times
and I am proud to say
I never give up on her
my devotion is on solid grounds ( get it ? )
If you do not change your direction
you may end up where you are heading

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Location: B'more, Maryland

Re: Well Caffeined and Eager

Post by saw » June 28th, 2019, 11:27 am

it's iced coffee time in Baltimore
93 degrees and humid and so we now brew our coffee
a day ahead and pour it in a bottle to store in the fridge
add a couple of cubes in the morning
refreshing and still potent enough to kick-start the old engine
we caffeine freaks know how to " get er done "
excuse me while i freshen my drink ....
peace, love and understanding happens only after morning beverages
If you do not change your direction
you may end up where you are heading

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Re: Well Caffeined and Eager

Post by sasha » June 29th, 2019, 12:59 pm

I savor each sip from the chalice -
that brown mug from the Dollar Store -
freshly brewed coffee
(Boston's Best, or maybe Green Mountain)
straight, no chaser
the way the gods intended
my awareness unfurls
like withered leaves after a rain
and even a lackluster day
becomes GOOD
"Falsehood flies, the Truth comes limping after it." - Jonathan Swift, ca. 1710

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Re: Well Caffeined and Eager

Post by creativesoul » June 29th, 2019, 1:21 pm

I love her too_ coffee-: it has been one of my most reliable friendships
In less than 3 seconds I could be in nirvana
Just one black American spirit
Cigarettes is like being a cat in heat
The insides scream and if she backs up the right way
She might get lucky like Russian roulette

I just do not know which one is the one

I think : maybe I’m lying that myself
Never had “ one” of anything
But the illusion is astonishing

No I don’t want to drink the tumeric and ginger stuff
Yes the house is clean for the dog sitter- just so there is no confusion
I’m going to see my mom
She will take me to see paintings in the fabulous museums

reason is over rated, as is logic and common sense-i much prefer the passions of a crazy old woman, cats and dogs and jungle foliage- tropic rain-and a defined sense of who brings the stars up at night and the sun up in the morning---

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