Sunday Stream (S8-293) - A Plea :: Save America

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (S8-293) - A Plea :: Save America

Post by mtmynd » August 18th, 2019, 10:14 am

A Plea :: Save America

**Given DJT's acts against the very Symbol of America, the Statue of Liberty for which it stands, I offer to you, America, these words -

If nobody knows by now, Donald J. Trump is a disgrace to America, a threat to we Americans and our Origins and most importantly a Criminal against the very Constitution that has guided us since 1776, 244 years strong.

If he is not stopped at the polls from his self-important quest and narcissistic need to rewrite America's History, our children and future offspring will never recognize this Nation and what we stood for since our Founding Fathers took the Giant Step forward to raise the Hopes and Dreams of People worldwide in this Great Experiment to allow Freedoms to All Peoples in order to further Peace throughout the World, a world DJT finds to be only a product to be stripped and used for economic purposes to further the false wealth of a select few in his continuing self-importance to rewrite his own history to satisfy inflated ego.

This man is small, a very small man that hides behind a veil speaking his "tweets" to anyone that will listen, listen and believe what he believes he can get away with. A man so small, that he continues to cross his arms when talked to in a show of defense against his continuing act to be something he truly is not.

Behind this actor's mask, there is a frightened child who still hears the demands of his father to "Win at ANY COST less you be a nobody," (his father's name, Frederick Christ Trump). Donnie builds his Castle, (his ego demands the best he knows), this Tower of Gold, not as high as he tells others, in Manhattan, NYC, NY.

"The Don" view this Tower as an acceptance from where he came, the borough of Queens, New York City. To not be born and raised in Manhattan is something very, very important to a 'small man' like himself. The wealthy in the wealthiest area of the U.S. looks down on people not born and raised in their town. Trump knows this and knows well in order to be bigger and better that a small man from Queens, he must put on the greatest show of his life - live in a gilded Castle above the "little people below in Manhattan. He must show his (questionable) success by building bigger and more properties, buy the most expensive cars to have others drive him around Manhattan. Don't forget his helicopter with "TRUMP" loudly written in gold against his black helicopter! He's what he thinks is a VIP in NYC! But he needs an airplane... yes! a huge airplane to show once again his importance! It is so important to BE important, you know..?

All this is at heart of the 'small man' to tell his daddy, "Look! I did it, dad! I'm not only a mogul with properties in Man-Hattan man-o-man! but I can fly wherever I want!" Daddy has to be proud of him yes?

"Perhaps being a TV star will do... yes! I will have my own TV show and it will be a huge success!! People, more people will know who I am! The Lord... no! The King of New York!! Yes! I can buy that... that and buy more and more resorts around the world, resorts with Golf Course of course! Yes, they go together... resorts and clubs, Gold Clubs... this will really make me a Big Man.

But poor 'small man' cannot find happiness with just those things and places. No, not enough for him, this small man from Queens... he needs MORE, damn it! How about running for the President of the United States? Hell yes! THAT will make him the biggest man in the world yes? No more 'small man' is he... he wins that one... no sirree.

So "small insecure man" wins Presidency! He can't believe it!! Even reminds others "I'm the President!" So much to do to make... make, uh... he needs a tricky phrase... yeah! Ronald Reagan won't mind if I take his MAGA trip and use it myself... hell, he's dead! I can use that for free. You know those wealthy people, always looking for a bargain and the least expensive way to show off their wealth.

And now 'small man' and "The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World", the worldly symbol around the world for Freedom. But 'small man' doesn't like the poem for the Statue.

The poem concludes with these words:
"Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

The 'small man' doesn't like that! He's the most powerful man in the world and he's picking on Emma Lazarus’ Famous Poem. He doesn't like the fact that the words DO NOT inform the seeker of Freedom must have money.. and lots of it! And the seeker must have HEALTH INSURANCE! You know all American's have health insurance, yes?

'small man' just can't keep his hands off the keyboard, can he? (or is it HIS fingers doing the typing... or maybe his daughter..? )

So here we are, America. Historically the worst leader we have ever had turning our Country on its head because DJT CAN, dammit! Get that through your heads... he CAN DO ANYTHING HE WANTS TO DO! But he cannot be Putin or Un... he cannot be above our LAWS even though he has put his lawyers to work finding EVERY LOOPHOLE in the LAWS to get around.

So friggin' small and insecure this ridiculous person truly is... he actually believes he is the BEST leader this Nation has ever had. Enough so he belittles ANYONE that denies or even threatens his position of President. His father would be spinning in his grave if Donnie didn't "Win at ANY COST less you be a nobody."

America, love your country!
America, don't be caught behind the veil.
Do your duty to God and Country.
Cecil B. Lee
[August 18, 2019]
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Re: Sunday Stream (S8-293) - A Plea :: Save America

Post by mnaz » August 25th, 2019, 2:38 pm

And this A-hole thinks he's a friggin' dictator. Screw him and the band of racist Nazis he rode in on, who cobbled together just enough to squeak him over the top into office, despite losing the vote. My faith in this country has been shaken by these last 3 years of "Trumpism." Where is our soul? This is a "prove it" moment for us in 2020.

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Re: Sunday Stream (S8-293) - A Plea :: Save America

Post by mtmynd » August 28th, 2019, 1:26 am

mnaz wrote:
August 25th, 2019, 2:38 pm
And this A-hole thinks he's a friggin' dictator. Screw him and the band of racist Nazis he rode in on, who cobbled together just enough to squeak him over the top into office, despite losing the vote. My faith in this country has been shaken by these last 3 years of "Trumpism." Where is our soul? This is a "prove it" moment for us in 2020.
I read a short piece on Jimmy Carter who said since Putin helped Trump win his election, Trump should NOT be President due to cheating from Russia. period. Made perfect sense to me. But is it too late..? The $64 Question. Our young nation, 243 yo, has defended it's Constitution all that time and this election is the BIGGEST Question it has ever been asked - is D.J. Trump honestly our real president who can run tor election in 2020? Our Nation is on the line like NEVER before. We can so easily blow it in 2020 if we don't get serious enough to SEE what DJT has done and what he is capable of doing to our Treasured Constitution.
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Re: Sunday Stream (S8-293) - A Plea :: Save America

Post by mnaz » August 29th, 2019, 2:09 am

I agree. SEEing is key.

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Re: Sunday Stream (S8-293) - A Plea :: Save America

Post by stilltrucking » August 30th, 2019, 10:19 pm

I miss the good old days of 2.4 trillion-dollar wars and 500 thousand dead Arabs. Trump ain't got the balls to kick Sadam's ass all over the middle east. Trump looks pretty good to me compared to Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz and the rest of those sorry sons of bitches. (comparisons are odious I know but even so) And fuck Biden too for voting for that war.
"Did you tell her I intend to kick his sorry mother fucking ass all over the Mideast?" -- George W. Bush, when told in May 2002 that Helen Thomas was questioning the need to overthrow Saddam Hussein. The quote comes from "Hubris: The Inside Story of Spin, Scandal, and the Selling of the Iraq War," whose authors note that it reveals Bush's plan for Iraq nearly a year before he invaded and even as he was saying publicly that he hoped to avoid war. ... e_Iraq_War
Who gives a shit anymore? We all know that those who remember the past are assholes.

A plea to see Amerika for what it is.

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Re: Sunday Stream (S8-293) - A Plea :: Save America

Post by mnaz » September 1st, 2019, 6:50 am

Good point. Screw the Good Old Days as a general rule. Screw Bush and his band of Terrorist War Criminals. Screw Barack's secret drone bombings. So now (maybe) we withdraw from the Middle East (for awhile). What now? Oh that's right, we just turn our weapons on ourselves. Earth's lungs are burning. The place is melting down. Screw us in general, I guess...

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Re: Sunday Stream (S8-293) - A Plea :: Save America

Post by mtmynd » September 1st, 2019, 2:55 pm

Thx to Soo, I've put political news on a darkened shelf where it can bullshit its self until the next news subject happens, tonight probably.

I'm mesmerized by Dorian lately... Mother Nature's POWER does NOT bullshit, as serious as a heart attack.
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Re: Sunday Stream (S8-293) - A Plea :: Save America

Post by mnaz » September 1st, 2019, 7:18 pm

It ain't anything to mess with.

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Re: Sunday Stream (S8-293) - A Plea :: Save America

Post by jackofnightmares » December 15th, 2019, 10:17 am

you young whippersnappers give me hope as I try to see Amerika with the eyes of a child, no, not just Amerika but the whole wide world and associated realities, I get so got damn tired of the changes I have seen in myself as my world view (zeitgeist?) gets manipulated by the people who massage the message. Do you remember a TV show called "I Lived Three Lives" or one called, "I Married a Communist" Yep it's as serious as a fart in a spacesuit.
Speaking of heart attacks I am taking Schrub's advice, shop till I drop. I bought an Apple Watch™, the one that does EKGs.
Who is Dorian?
"Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect" Santayana The Idea of Christ in the Gospels

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