Sunday Stream (S8-297) :: The Currents have Dried Up by Thieves

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (S8-297) :: The Currents have Dried Up by Thieves

Post by mtmynd » September 20th, 2020, 7:59 am

Sunday Stream (S8-297) :: The Currents have Dried Up by Thieves

I so often wonder about those limited few who pull the purse strings of consumers;
these same people that keep the wealthiest in money as if they deserve it all,
deserve being in the minority that has so much $$$ and oddly enough, believe
they deserve so much more as if they have been anointed by a god itself...

Is that so curious? Afterall they are but few in the continuing growth of 7.8 BILLION souls!
So many without, so many in need, so many asking themselves "why me?" so many... so many
Where is the justice that is so necessary for any sense of compassion..? So many... so many
living is pure squalor without a thing to their names... why do they even have names?

What use in going through a hell of life when even love is an unknown... never even felt.
Should the blame (if any) on the shoulders of our gods that we turn to, hear pleas to die?
"What good am I" - "Why am I even here breathing?" - "Where are the promised saviors to help?"
Is searching for the answers to all these question pounding in their heads ever to be found?

How many could be helped by those who have to their names and $$$$$ one-thousand million plus 20 billion that lies in the largest banks on earth, never to see the light of day, only to make more and a race of so few in an ego race to some unknown prize to just say "I am the richest in the world!"that only lasts as long as the next rival takes their turn onto the pulpit to actually without a care

"I own more than anyone and it's all mine and I will keep it, the poor be damned!"
"I own more than anyone and it's all mine and I will keep it, the poor be damned!"
"I own more than anyone and it's all mine and I will keep it, the poor be damned!"
"I own more than anyone and it's all mine and I will keep it, the poor be damned!"

Is not currency supposed to be shared amongst all to sustain their selves, their families?
Currency denotes a movement like the running waters so necessary to ALL LIFE, not to be horded
Currency is defined :: "Currency is a medium of exchange for goods and services. In short, it's money,
in the form of paper or coins, usually issued by a government and generally accepted at its face value as a method of payment.

As a method of PAYMENT not a method of theft, of cheating, of a means to have more than others.
No, a method of payment to keep th currency flowing for all to "drink from" to sustain their lives.

What has happened? For currency to survive, it must adhere to the definition that was agreed to be called.

NOT to be tossed into banks never to see the light of day and what for? What good is that money in chains?

Cecil B. Lee
19 Sept 2020
Allow not destiny to intrude upon Now

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Re: Sunday Stream (S8-297) :: The Currents have Dried Up by Thieves

Post by mnaz » September 28th, 2020, 4:14 pm

Good stuff Cec. Who knows what the answer is, or if there is such a thing, but it seems clear enough to me-- this ain't it. Greed kills.

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Re: Sunday Stream (S8-297) :: The Currents have Dried Up by Thieves

Post by mtmynd » September 28th, 2020, 6:32 pm

mnaz wrote:
September 28th, 2020, 4:14 pm
Good stuff Cec. Who knows what the answer is, or if there is such a thing, but it seems clear enough to me-- this ain't it. Greed kills.
Gracias, Mark. That two word "Greed Kills" is a truism, for sure.

We know greed never ends until the greedy one stops in one way or another. But the question is not "When did wealth become Greed, but how much more and more need the greedy one continue amassing? Perhaps the greedy need assistance to hold back the "consumption of wealth" before they die and what then? Pass it all off to a family favorite to wrestle with in the head? Who knows... not all wealth is unworthy. Many of the rich enjoy donating good stuff and things to the bottom of the rung.
Allow not destiny to intrude upon Now

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