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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by the mingo » January 1st, 2021, 3:48 am

Poetry is not a vocation or ability or art - it is an activity. Something to do. Also, just about everything said about poetry is pure almost unadulterated nonsense & bullshit. Jesus spoke to Nicodemos about the Spirit in figures of wind - he could have been talking about poetry.

Watched 2 vids about Greenland, the ice melting - watched 7 vids about ebikes - one road in Greenland 38 miles long - it goes from the coast to the edge of the ice cap - if you had an e-bike in Greenland your options (?) would be limited. Plus there's always the chance you could be attacked and eaten by a polar bear.

Fuck that.
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by sasha » January 1st, 2021, 1:37 pm

The mice have launched their annual invasion upon my Keep. I've whacked six so far - four the first night I set out the traps, one each on subsequent nights. None in the last few days. I toss their corpses out into the yard as a warning to the others, but something eats them before the memo gets sent. No doubt, there will be more blood shed.

Saw my doc last week- she wanted to review my medication needs, so she sent 3 little vials of my vital ichor to the lab. They came back with a gold star and a "Well Done!". So looks like I can continue popping amlodipine & atorvastatin, and squirting latanoprost into my eyes every night.

While I was there, I mentioned my hip. She had me do a few dance moves, then sent me down to x-ray. Results: moderate osteoarthritis, no sign of trauma. That's actually GOOD news - it could be amenable to PT without requiring more invasive therapies. For now, anyway.

Be nice to be able to put weight on that leg again. Gotta get back to the trails - my pants are getting snug.

My piss turns the dead leaves from brown to black. Maybe I should review the results of my blood work a little more closely.
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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by saw » January 1st, 2021, 2:59 pm

my mice invasion is a tale of relentlessness
they are plentiful....and trap-averse
won't touch em.....and here is the kicker
they chew up rat poison like blocks of candy
I might have to call a pro, 'cause I'm pretty sure
they are mutants

take pills in the morning, pills at night
seem to be doing fairly well on this regimen
not crazy about Plavix, the blood anticoagulant
I nicked by hand with a scissors and bled for 2 days
a tiny little cut....wholey moley
this aging is not for the faint of heart

the new year brings a sadness, yet relief
my relationship for the last 2 years will be ending
we have a date for my partner to move out of
February 15th.....irreconcilable differences
but still love is there at the core
nothing lasts forever....people, relationships....a walk in the woods
If you do not change your direction
you may end up where you are heading

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by sasha » January 1st, 2021, 5:43 pm

Sorry to hear that you're saying Good Bye - never an easy thing. I hope it's an amicable parting - I still maintain friendly ties with a couple of my X's.

Mice - until a few years ago, I never realized they were cannibalistic. One morning I discovered a mouse haunch in one of the traps - and a day or so later, a mouse with a deep conical hole in its side about the size & shape of a mouse head. Eventually I bagged a very well-fed - and wholly intact - female mouse looking suspiciously pregnant.

I fucking HATED Plavix while I was taking it - I was covered with bruises, & springing more leaks than an old rowboat. I skinned a knuckle once and it seeped for an entire afternoon. And after I'd nicked a finger while slicing an onion, my bathroom looked like a crime scene.... They've since downgraded me to a low-dose aspirin each morning, so my blood mostly stays inside now.
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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by judih » January 1st, 2021, 11:37 pm

saw - sorry to hear of your need to split from your partner. We were all so relieved to know she had your back this past year. (but who asked us, anyway?)
roy - so good to hear that your hip's workable.
and those mice, poison consuming, species chomping, mighty mutant developing mice - yikes.
mice power
bring on the cats
here our kibbutz gardener is on a rampage. She trims bushes, rips up sidewalks, deposits huge boulders so as to curb those little club cars,
vehicles that tear down the kibbutz paths at 15 kph (not very fast). You hear the roar of the huge tractor, and sure enough, after a bit, when you scrape up the courage, you go look to find more giant rocks deposited to mark territory.
No parking, no travelling, no arguing.
Kibbutz gardeners are all a strange breed.

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by the mingo » January 3rd, 2021, 10:55 pm

Rocket Roy & saw - I accidentally discovered a way to reduce your mouse populations some years ago after a water line break in my basement - I did a temp repair and left a bucket about a third full of water on the cellar stairs - I kept checking on the repair but paid no attention to the bucket on the stairs - four days later I passed the bucket and noticed 9 dead mice floating in the water, drowned - surprised I took it outside to dump for the crows & coyotes -
refilled the bucket to a bit less than half full - next day 5 mice - kept this up and stopped counting at 62 mice for a 12 day period - after that 2-3 mice a day on a regular basis for the next month - it makes sense though it never occurred to me - in the northeast a mouse's greatest need in winter is water - their burrows are full of dry food, seeds & such and their need of water trumps that of food -

fill the bucket no more than half full so they can not reach the top and place it where they can get to it - in the basement and on the stairs worked for me - the scent of the water and their thirst will do the rest - it will work on house mice and believe me you have many more than you can see or imagine - with the larger field mice you will need a bigger deeper container for water - metal bucket is best but plastic will work if they can't get a purchase on it

Zuihitsu Out -
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by the mingo » January 20th, 2021, 9:56 am


Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by judih » January 20th, 2021, 10:19 am

mama mia

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by sasha » January 20th, 2021, 6:32 pm

saw wrote:
January 1st, 2021, 2:59 pm

my mice invasion is a tale of relentlessness
they are plentiful....and trap-averse
won't touch em.....
Many years ago I had a similar problem - the traps were setting themselves off, and the mice helping themselves to the bait. So I designed & built my own mousetrap out of a galvanized stovepipe cap, the lid from a tuna fish can, and a small block of wood.

I screwed the block of wood to the bottom of the stovepipe cap on its inner surface, then screwed the tuna lid atop the block. The bait sat atop the lid, with some scattered inside the inverted cap to lure them in. I soldered one lead of an extension cord to the lid and the other to the stovepipe cap; then plugged the cord into a wall outlet. I placed this contraption under a small table beside my stove, where the mice seemed to be emerging from the basement.

But I got a little concerned wondering if a mouse carcass might become a (bad pun alert) dead short - so I wired one of those porcelain ceiling light bulb fixtures in series with the device and screwed in a 60-w bulb for a current-limiting resistor. I figured it would also serve as a visual cue that the trap needed emptying.

Alas, I never caught any mice (nor set my house on fire), but the story provided my coworkers with much material to twit me with.....
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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by the mingo » January 21st, 2021, 4:50 am

mama mia
* 8) *
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by stilltrucking » February 11th, 2021, 1:05 am

The film may have been adapted from a CS Forester novel but it was shot in precisely the locations that Marlowe describes in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, "where the merry dance of death goes on in a still and earthy atmosphere as of an overheated catacomb."
african queen dreams
charlie and rose
a man and a woman
sweet dreams are made of
lies all lies I am a truck
actually i dream about trucks a lot
if not for my bike i would be an alcoholic by now
my 81 year old sense of balance is shaky at best
i don't dare ride after i drink
and as much as i need to drink these day i need to ride my bike more
got three good rides in this week sunny and mild days in the seventy degree range
i am typing with one finger and a thumb :?
cold wet night i pour my first drink of the day MMM

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by sasha » February 13th, 2021, 12:14 pm

The town road crews seem to be taking pity on the lone 70-yr old living here with arthritis and a snow shovel, and lately seem to have gone out of their way to scrape the road as close to my mailbox as they can. Between their efforts and my plowman Dave's, there hasn't been a lot of cleanup to do after the recent snows. Oh, I still like carving straight lines, flat planes, and right angles, but that's just to indulge my OCD tendencies.

Dave charges $30 a visit, but usually does such a fine job (especially as compared to his predecessor's) that on several occasions I've been inclined to pay more than his invoiced amount. He once charged the usual $30 - for a Christmas Day visit! I gave him $45 for that one. After a particularly heavy snowfall, he'd had to make two trips to clear my drive; but he only charged me for one. I paid him for both.

Our first storm this season was mostly sleet & freezing rain, without enough accumulation to warrant his services. But the town plows had been out, and had left a mound of icy slush across the end of my driveway. The next morning I trudged out to the road intending to remove it - but someone had already done it for me. I assumed it was Dave, but he didn't include it on his next invoice. He got a tip for that one, too.

I figure tossing a few extras his way now & again could work in my favor, too. At my age especially, Preferred Customer status is worth more than cash.
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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by stilltrucking » March 15th, 2021, 12:20 pm

i used to date daisey mouse, but our romance ended in tragedy when i rolled over on her in my sleep and crushed her to death. :mrgreen:

old batchelors never die they fade their Peterbilts™

spring revival feel
life is good and suicide can be a fatal mistake, beware
Christian warriors bearing a child
rock and roll mornings Revival dicky betts
Timely qoute
for me Proverbs 31:6 KJV
if not for my bike I would be an alcoholic by now.
gimmee gummy gummies for days that I ride like today.
my balance is precarious at 81

so i can't drink and ride anymore
some days a hard choice to drink or ride
addicted to smokey words
flickering cursors and text box epitaphs on an obscure but cool website called studio eight

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by sasha » March 15th, 2021, 4:07 pm

Yeah, my own balance has gotten a bit dodgy since the mini-stroke, especially with my eyes closed. When I'm in the shower lathering my hair, I like to keep one elbow pressed against the wall - not so much for support as for orientation.

Studio 8?  Sounds cool, I should check it out....

stilltrucking wrote:
March 15th, 2021, 12:20 pm

old batchelors never die they fade their Peterbilts™
"There is no object more deserving of pity than the married bachelor."- W Somerset Maugham, "The Moon & Sixpence"

"Falsehood flies, the Truth comes limping after it." - Jonathan Swift, ca. 1710

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by stilltrucking » March 16th, 2021, 9:29 am

I wasn't sleeping with the fishes
I was sleeping with the mices
Basement apartment, I was overrun with the critters, once when I was sitting with my feet up on a hassock and reading I looked up and saw one sitting on my foot, watching me.
bUT the morning I woke up with a dead mouse in bed with me was a bummer
Decadence when batchelors live like married men. —RAY nitzke GREEN bay PACKERS

SAW, it has been over 40 years since my last duchess cut me loose.
It is well known fact that geezers thrive on broken hearts. I hope I can survive until I have at least one more. 8)
Do not read Nietzsche when doing LSD, your brain chain can be manipulateD like a micro chip
there are people who know genomes can be REcodeD like microchips meet my maker the madmolecule

yes ashes to ashes stardust to ...
cut me loose
let me fly
after all these years
I am still alive.
the purpose of the void

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