perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

On-going spontaneous Word Jams.
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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Post by stilltrucking » October 24th, 2021, 1:31 pm

spooky action at a distance
thoughts entangled with my homeboy
wireman was a happy man
my memories of him are a comfort to me.
A pirate contemplates his 90th year I think about
and wish I had been a better friend for him

sometimes when I am writting I get entangled up with cay janauary as if he is reading over my shoulder checking out my studio eight has been good to me

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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Post by stilltrucking » October 28th, 2021, 3:32 pm

When I was a sqeaky voiced little jackster in(1949) I wished I had a deep male voice like Vaughn Monroe. I would try to lower my voice by putting the earpieces of my glasses in my mouth and spreading my cheeks to get a hollow sound when I tried to sing Ghost Riders in the Sky for my mother'
first thoughts
When the cursor is one pixel behind the text scrolling across the page
editing on the run but spontaneous as a knee jerk to a poem

Kerouac's voice is what I try to emulate .

I HAVE READ THE WRITTER IS THE MANURE from which his work grows
St Jack[ died for my sins.

like when all time stopped
in Dagsboro, Delaware the
place where the wired man
met the road, head on in '76
I had left D.C. on impulse and
moved in with a band of gypsy
ironworkers at the beach, after
a night of intense revelery and
wrestling bouts... me ...tucker and
paula got in the truck and headed
for "Stompin' 76" in Galax, Va. on the
way I had this chivas regal dream of
flight and tried to take off from the
roof of that chevy pick-up at 70 mph
I did fly right to the edge of the light
which I must add is slow and silent
when all was said and done I came
to on the highway pavement alive...
gloriously alive...although I broke the
right collarbone and was road rash
head to toe......................................

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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Post by saw » December 2nd, 2021, 10:35 am

the perpetual jam
mustn't fade away
no matter how tired or busy we are
it was created my wireman of the stars
to be a running commentary
of the diehard S-8ers that have survived
some how to carry on a new day
and it does not matter what you say
only that you say it, perpetual means
never having to say your sorry for what you said
only that it was your first thought
first thought, best thought....aka wireman
the master of the spoken word jam
on stage with only a microphone to cover your
private parts, and who just kept spinning
dem words, the voices of the tribe
come together to carry out a mission
the perpetual jam for wireman of the stars
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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Post by stilltrucking » December 3rd, 2021, 6:49 pm

for wireman of the stars and ju_ih in the skies
with diamond sparkles in her posts
we are all double plus cool in perpetuity 8) 8)
hot doggity do :!:

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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Post by saw » December 9th, 2021, 9:09 am

my tinnitus sounds like a diesel
it ain't a good idea to install one
in your head
reminds me of being on ship
the USS Bushnell, nicknamed the Burning Bush
for all it's fires onboard
and going out to sea on missions to prepare
a teenager to do this and that if we are at war
and we would go 4 on 4 off for weeks
training to go with little sleep was the mission I suppose
and I was in the engine room with those giant diesels
and I learned that if I didn't go back to my rack
when I was off duty...if I just throw a blanket
on the catwalk,
I could get a little more sleep, because
they wake you up a half hour early for duty
and oh man those diesels rocked me to sleep
like a little baby first time away from home
and now those god dammed diesels have found
their way into to ear......into my head
and they aren't as comforting to me as an old man...
this audiologist at Hopkins believes that when you go deaf
your brain isn't happy that it doesn't have anything to do
so it generates all these phantom noises
to feel better about being unemployed
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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Post by stilltrucking » December 9th, 2021, 12:44 pm

user names
short-timer and zero_hero
for example
j and dp get annoyed sometimes with all my no so subtle nom de prunes so does everybody else on S8
an odious habit and hard to stop
be that as it...
your signature tag line always a mindf*k for me 8) 8)
they was a fellow over on litkicks called surfermike on a thread about whether there is a god or not he posted about the time he saw god on a fire base in i remember he said god eas wearing aviator sunglasses
diesels sound a holy note that reverberates in my heart that deep kind of ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
highway longing lingers for the freedom of the roaad

sometimes i feel like asking someone who is really pissing me off if he is a combat vet or not
Laredo Texas 1984 day after my Rose of Agudas Acheim died, big Mexican __biggest one I had ever seen, riding my ass because he mistook me for a white boy, I had a little knife with a1 inch blade in my pocket with thoughts of coming up behind him and cutting his throat

short timers was a name I used when I was offering a hand in friendship to jimboloco when he was down and out in saint pete.
jimboloco was a mr bojangles friend of mine 8)
jimboloco night mare.gif
jimboloco night mare.gif (147.26 KiB) Viewed 2550 times
Last edited by stilltrucking on December 9th, 2021, 1:14 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Post by stilltrucking » December 9th, 2021, 12:53 pm

sound of close dryer whirling
a lot to be said for silence
my beloved brother in law hears music
deaf as a post
silence can isolate
i worry for him
because my baby sister needs a husband
i need a rock and roll doctor

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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Post by judih » December 9th, 2021, 3:26 pm

after a few days silence
i long for more

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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Post by saw » December 10th, 2021, 8:24 am

mini strokes they said
damage to left frontal lobe
and off they went searching for answers
always coming up short
expensive scans and lab work
meeting with specialists that probe
into everything about you....appointments
and they tell you not to drive your car
and they tell you not to blow your nose
and they tell you to take this better blood thinner
better than the last one, pills in the morning
and more pills in the evening
and well it's all unclear, so I ask
and this neurologist and he says yes you are right
sometimes we don't find a reason. and sometimes
we guess at things, and sometimes well.... he asks,
how do you Feel, and if the if the patient says I feel fine
we say, Ok well
I guess you are
that is
same with hearing
we don't know why you can't hear
and there are 50 million more like you in the US
and we don't why they can't hear either
but somebody is making a ton of money
looking at all this data and I don't mean to be cynical
sometimes checking is a good thing
but my personal experience tells me
most times they just shrug their shoulders
and say, Beats Me.....i have no idea
my insurance pays most but heir are plenty of copays
and things they won't pay for
and the money is staggering....for just one little
old patient that says, I feel fine...
oh well.....not bitter, not ungrateful, just curious
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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Post by sasha » December 12th, 2021, 8:06 am

48 minutes on the operating table
that'll be $32,000 please...
comes to $40K per hour
divided by the dozen or so
on the surgical team
that's still over $3000 per hour
3300 dollars
per hour...
not bad
a lot more than I ever made
I sure hope Medicare can handle
the heavy lifting
"Falsehood flies, the Truth comes limping after it." - Jonathan Swift, ca. 1710

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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Post by saw » December 13th, 2021, 9:09 am

oh wireman of the stars
and his right hand man
dino, poet of the planets
guide us into this turbulent world
with enuff tools to whip up a beautiful omelet
with or without the eggs
because maybe the chickens are on strike
and maybe our diet calls for strange new food
and maybe the kitchen is on fire,
so my celestial friends show us
in some subtle way another room in the house
that isn't on the blueprints
a secret space for time travelers

I shall return
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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Post by stilltrucking » December 18th, 2021, 9:54 pm

I been thinking about Love in the Ruins -percy walker's
ontological lapsomer
time lapse memory
a day in December
a photo of a house trailer in a Google™ pop up :o :shock: :? :x :!:
wireman flying like an eagle out among the stars >>>>>>>>>>>>>double plus 8)

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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Post by saw » December 21st, 2021, 9:35 am

oh wireman of the stars
and dino poet of the galaxies
spin us a few lines in the sky, in the clouds
so we can read our way out of this
so we may stare into the stratosphere
with our hopeful eyes that want to see only
twinkling stars and meteors streaking
like naked runners racing towards the love of humanity
give us a clue 'cause so many are lost
and stumbling because they never look to the skies
only Fox tv, only to be outfoxed
by corporate snake oil salesman and carnival barkers
write for our eyes in particular in poetic script
just for us Studio Eighters that still believe
in your unearthly wisdom
and maybe, just maybe, some fool from the valley
will pull his head out of his ass
and see another way......skywrite for all of us !
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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Post by stilltrucking » December 21st, 2021, 6:44 pm

we write our way out
with the tender indifference of stars 8)

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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Post by saw » December 23rd, 2021, 10:34 am

we are the masked rangers
"what you mean "we" kemo sabe
how can I read your lips
oh i know it's necessary, but i can't hear you
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