The I Can't Wait Word Jam!

Sep 2005
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Post by tori » September 17th, 2005, 12:24 am

All that rappin'
Jaw flappin'
ain't for me.

I'm more of a melody girl over here,
don't care if it's coming, and good,
at pretending it's not.
Soft pink, cotton
pillowcase sleeping.

I don't get my nails done
not at midnight
or ever.

I'm not the pink you paint on toes,
I'm that raw pink that stalls and sputters

How about you?
You blue?
Blue at midnight
-rappin' and jaw flappin'

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Post by judih » September 17th, 2005, 12:30 am

what's good is good
ole grandma used ta say
morning? hell,how good is that?
waking up
still alive
what's right is right
still quite prepared
for shocks and glories
of the morning sort

don't mourn for her
that ole lady paid her way
played in her day
husbands came (& went)
hair was grown, blown
thrown away
life was offered in frozen portions
thawed and heated
frugally depleted

a smile and a joke
a wiggle and a coke
a brooklyn woman
filling her time with sublime
to activity

so, what's good is good
and this morning should
live up to its potential
in zen elemental

being here now
is the place for me

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Post by Doreen Peri » September 17th, 2005, 12:33 am

I'll tell you the sTori of a melody girl.
Hair in the wind, heart in a whirl.
Pillowcase waitin' for a dream to arrive.
Nails undone, but the hope's alive.
Come tomorrow, they're painted pink.
Hot or pastel? Whaddya think?

I'll tell you the sTori of a melody girl.
Hair in the wind, heart in a whirl.
I'll throw some harmony into the mix.
I'll tell you the sTori of a melody chick.

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Post by judih » September 17th, 2005, 12:37 am

tori's painted her self with pink spontaneous guache-y wash
the pouring down of honesty
the page is wet with tori-ents

i feel the damp
as i navigate the fibres
unpainted yet awed

a tori has pinked the place

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Post by Doreen Peri » September 17th, 2005, 12:40 am

grandma was a lady of dignity.
no-one would argue that fact.
mourning came too soon,
slack, with no purpose
and how
it came
in like a full-blown
concert, orchestrated
in relative theatrics.
here is my vow.
i never knew her.
but i will remember her now.

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Post by Doreen Peri » September 17th, 2005, 12:42 am

I heard Tori was a pinko.
I know she'd never admit it.
Maybe it was the nails
that gave that impression.
Or my imagination did it.


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Post by judih » September 17th, 2005, 12:42 am

she knew you'd know
grandmothers weave their spider web
to offer us geneology

how can we fall with such support?

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Post by Doreen Peri » September 17th, 2005, 12:43 am

'course i'm just kiddin.... gotta find my own pillow.
now you see me... now i go...
love to all! see you tomorrow.

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Post by Doreen Peri » September 17th, 2005, 12:44 am

your writing this morning is sparkling, judih....

grandma got nuthin on you...


i seek dreams to see me through

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Post by judih » September 17th, 2005, 12:59 am

oh, shame
i did the unthinkable
i lost track of jam
i went reading
i got lost in thought
i spaced out of the place

oh, the joy
i'm back
on the wagon
coffee here,
sparkles in wait
earphones on pause
ready for words
to play out their fate

(let the rhymes get lost)

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Post by stilltrucking » September 17th, 2005, 1:28 am

coming to america at 13
they got children together in groups
the oldest of ten children not all her brothers and sisters
they put her in charge
they just gathered them together and called them a family
they knew what was coming down they had to get those children out of poland
headed for the Baron's kibbutz in Woodbine New Jersey
she was in charge
and Fiddler on The Roof was the story about peasants
but it had to be a lie, cause we all know they are all rich bankers who rule the world and plot conspiracy theories
got dam fear it poisons the mind but i will never forget
but I wish I had the amygdala of a cat
the woman with the spoon gave such wonderful baths
rub a dub dub
in her kitchen sink
I was such a clean child
got up thinking about work
and thought I would wish C a happy birthday

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Post by stilltrucking » September 17th, 2005, 1:43 am

It was sad when her youngest son grew up to become a successful lawyer and let her die in a nursing home.
He could not bring her to his big house because he was ashamed of his peasant roots.
But I remember when he was auditioning for a gig as a cantor, his voice was beautiful but he had to validate his geneology, question her over and over about her mother, and her mother's mother and on and on. That is her father in the avatar. widowed five times, 13 children maybe those ten children who came over with her were related, I forget, step brothers and sisters?

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Post by judih » September 17th, 2005, 1:51 am

sad times, old times
bad times, festering dna injected times
new york times
herald tribune
trumpet blasted times

back in the day,
knights were bold
and damsels deeply distressed
undressed by force
bad times
ugly cruel times

those times linger
creep up in the space between sanity

zip up
it's a jungle out there

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Post by stilltrucking » September 17th, 2005, 2:19 am

Don Quixote on his deathbed
Renounces chivalry
I am so stupid about women
But I am ready for a change.
Where is our American Golda?
Sorry she ever left.
Hoping Hilary will rise to the occasion
We need some balance in politics
Our government uses fear to manipulate us
Constant fear stories
They say the deciding votes in this past election was going to be “security moms”
You are my metaphor for courage.

I heard a scientist on radio talk about the amygdala and the fear responce. Once it turns off it still lingers.
Last edited by stilltrucking on September 17th, 2005, 2:32 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by stilltrucking » September 17th, 2005, 2:27 am

11:00 Dr. Marc Siegel: "False Alarm" (Wiley)
A look at the epidemic of fear sweeping America. Dr. Marc Siegel explains why, in a country where most deadly diseases have been eradicated and advances in science and technology protect our bodies and property better than at any other time in our history, Americans are still afraid.
Marc Siegel, is a practicing internist, associate professor at N.Y.U. School of Medicine and columnist for the "New York Daily News

end times
begin again times
preacher on the tv putting down rock and roll
searching his bible
looking for the signs of the times
and we all got the eyewitness news blues


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