Hello Campers

Commentary by Michael Bonanno.

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Hello Campers

Post by Michael » February 17th, 2006, 1:13 am

I guess the question is, “Is this enough proof that The Regime isn’t a government of the people, by the people and especially for the people? Is this proof enough that The Regime should be removed, legally, if possible, from the seat of power in The Former United States of America (FUSA)?

What is the “this” about which I write? The Regime has awarded The Department of Haliburton a $385 million contract to build internment camps throughout the US within the next five years.

I guess they didn’t think of “an emergency influx of immigrants into the U.S or the rapid development of new programs” when the Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s illegal alien holding sites were constructed.

The Native Americans would have had an easier time of holding on to their land if it wasn’t for “an emergency influx of immigrants”. In fact, once the European occupation became a nation, wasn’t its population built on a foundation of “emergency influxes of immigrants”? Aren’t most of the 250 million Americans here because they had ancestors who fluxed into The United States at one time or another? With immigrants pouring onto this land over the past 400 years or so, why do we suppose it took so long for the government to realize that we just didn’t have enough concentration camps?

How about the development of new programs? How’s The Department of Halliburton’s project going to help out with that?

I can’t think of a more dangerous new program than Eisenhower’s interstate highway system. Wouldn’t facilitating travel throughout the nation help political subversives/communists/terrorists/Grandmothers for Peace in their goal to violently overthrow the government? Why didn’t Joe McCarthy sit Ike down in the senate and say, “Isn’t it true, Mr. President, that your half baked interstate highway idea veil’s your true intention - to allow east coast and west coast communists more convenient access to one another?”

That’s when we needed concentration camps throughout the country. We could have snagged nine, maybe ten commies at every exit.

It’s fortunate that the House approved a $39 billion reduction in spending for domestic programs that help Americans in need.

These concentration camps can serve as housing for those who can no longer afford it, for those who’ve lost jobs to slave labor nations like China, India, South Korea and, yes, our old buddy, Vietnam. There are still some decent paying manufacturing jobs left in FUSA which means that there are still opportunities to turn jobs which pay a few Americans a living wage into jobs which help place people in third world countries in occupational hell holes and keep them living in squalor.

It’s possible that The Regime is under the impression that the recent $56 billion dollar cut in capital gains and dividend income taxes will make the domestic programs less important. This would be true if all Americans that are in need are part of “the investment class”.

It’s possible that The Regime is finally embarrassed for spending $250 billion dollars of tax payers’ money to send members of a shrinking middle class to fight a war against a noun in a nation that never even threatened to pick a fight with FUSA and it needs to show the world that it can at least contain “political subversives” at home who use logic and fact and refuse to aid and abet the hegemonic occupation effort.

If you still support this Regime, say to yourself, “I support a government that is now paying millions of dollars to a corporation without competitors for the purpose of building concentration camps throughout this country.”

If one can support that program and still believe that one is patriotic, one may be surprised at how many Americans, real, patriotic Americans would suggest that one may be in the wrong country on the wrong continent at the wrong point in time.

See, I’m blaming Germany first this time.

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Post by stilltrucking » February 17th, 2006, 8:10 am

You are being sarcastic?

I just woke up, sleep still in my eyes, no coffee, and it is cold as a well digger's ass in here. I have only read it once, trying to work up the nerve to check the links.

I can't remember where I go this quote.
"It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong."

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Post by stilltrucking » February 17th, 2006, 10:01 am

I can’t think of a more dangerous new program than Eisenhower’s interstate highway system. Wouldn’t facilitating travel throughout the nation help political subversives/communists/terrorists/Grandmothers for Peace in their goal to violently overthrow the government? Why didn’t Joe McCarthy sit Ike down in the senate and say, “Isn’t it true, Mr. President, that your half baked interstate highway idea veil’s your true intention - to allow east coast and west coast communists more convenient access to one another?”
Yeah sarcasm, well done. 8)

You almost tripped my trigger with that one. Joe McCarthy, AKA Tailgunner Joe, the worst kind of scumbag. Like Pat Robertson running for President as a combat veteran of the Korean War. He posed for a picture in the tail gunner's seat of a bomber. He used it in his campaign for congress.

I still have not worked up the nerve to check the links.

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Post by stilltrucking » February 17th, 2006, 10:10 am

The opening of old records last week revived the memory of Joseph R. McCarthy, a fine Republican senator from another era who would be right at home in today's Congress.

"Tail-Gunner Joe," as he liked to call himself in political years, makes our current Top Gun president look like a Boy Scout. He never was a tail gunner, though he did join the U.S. Marines in 1942, at age 34, when he could have exempted himself. That seems today like great patriotism, but in those days almost every red-blooded American male signed up. Even Ronald Reagan and John Wayne ended up in uniform, though never in combat fatigues.

McCarthy did make it to a combat zone in the South Pacific. On the way, on a ship crossing the equator, he fell while climbing a ladder with a pail attached to his foot. That silliness was part of an equator-crossing ceremony aboard ship. The injury to his foot became McCarthy's much-ballyhooed war wound.

Sometime later, after a speech in his home state of Wisconsin, McCarthy was asked why he walked with a limp. "It's because I carry 50 pounds of shrapnel in this leg," McCarthy responded. No lie was too outrageous for the man.


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Post by Michael » February 17th, 2006, 11:57 am

Stilltrucking, you're right. McCarthy would have felt right at home in today's congress.

I wonder what the concentration camps are really for. I've seen the words "political subversives" used. Hmmm. I wonder what constitutes a "political subversive".

Is this the best way to spend taxpayers' money? I vote no.

I wonder how other Republicans are going to feel after they throw whatever it is that they're going to throw into the ring to run for president in 2008 just to find out that the concentration camps are starting to fill up due to the martial law The Regime is going to proclaim because of some convenient emergency, maybe an emergency influx of immigrants. I wonder how members of the GOP who see their chances of playing queen for a day disappear before their very narcissism are going to feel about that.

“Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.” – Sigmund Freud

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Post by stilltrucking » February 17th, 2006, 4:08 pm

Michael I got to sit on my hands until I check out the links. Got to much on my mind to give it the attention this this srting demands. Yeah Freud is the archeologist of human nature. But a lot of his theories are just plain wrong. He was a child of the victorian age. Like my father. Man did I ever have a belly full of Freud when I was groming up. Looking at your last name I imagine that your Trinity was , the son the father and the holy ghost

Mine was the ego, the id, and the superego

talk at you later I hope

talking about rocks

"There are never enough rocks." recognize that line from a very popular movie a few years ago (shit it could have been ten or more years ago, I run on geezer time)

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Post by stilltrucking » February 17th, 2006, 4:57 pm

Is this the best way to spend taxpayers' money? I vote no.
I ate a spoon full of herbs and I ain't worth a fuk. Figured I may as well chew the cud with my old bud Michael

That is some sick shit michael. Sorry I read it, but my conscience tells me it is a dam good thing I did read. I suppose I should thank you for posting it.

That movie line is from Forest Gump, "life is like a box of choclates got all the ink. But "There are never enough rocks." is the wisest thing he said in the movie. imho

keep on trucking amigo

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Post by Michael » February 17th, 2006, 7:14 pm

Stilltrucking, sorry to hear about your digestive problems.

Yeah, that’s being done right under the noses of people who are too busy calling opponents of The Regime names and getting all personal. It’s OK, though, because I figure with what I write they have me on some list anyway. If I live long enough, I’m likely to end up in some of that public housing.

On the other hand, the sheeple are just following, keeping their nose clean and minding their own business (except in areas like homosexuality, same sex marriages, you know, the stuff that really is their business - NOT). They’re the ones who’ll be surprised when the new King George, inarticulate spokesman for The Regime, orders them wiretapped right into one of those pens.

With some people, the more they learn, the less they know.

To friendship,

“Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.” – George Washington

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