God Damn The Pusher Man

Commentary by Lightning Rod - RIP 2/6/2013
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Lightning Rod
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God Damn The Pusher Man

Post by Lightning Rod » March 9th, 2006, 12:34 am


image from http://www.neon-das.com/pawnshop.jpg

God Damn The Pusher Man
for release 03-09-06
Washington D.C.

Has it gotten down to this? Are we so strung out on the crack and junk of oil and useless products that we are pawning our vital infrastructure?

I once lived across the street from a pawnshop. It was run by some ex-cops in Dallas. They had an all-night drive-up window. At any time of day or night you could sell your neighbor's TV or DVD player or lawnmower or Rolex for enough money to get a fix. They had a semi-tralier sitting out back and they would ship the stolen appliances and electronic equipment to Mexico once a week. I'm sure the cops thought it was a sweet deal. All their daughters went to Eastern prep-schools and were equestrians who paid more to stable their horses than most of the people who were pawning their lives paid in rent.

Let's face it. In any neighborhood, the deck is hopelessly stacked in favor of the bookies, the pawnbrokers and the dope dealers. They always have the house edge. Eventually the dealer or the broker owns every TV and Rolex in the neighborhood. I call it Trickle Up economics.

Now we see that even the White House has begun pawning the silverware. Everything in America is for sale, after all. If they want to demolish your house to put up a casino or a shopping mall, hey, it expands the tax base. We call it progress and imminent domain. If they can make a few extra bucks for the [url=http://www.correntewire.combush_family_dubai_ports_world_and_the_carlyle_group_more_incest_than_a_village_in_appalachia]Carlyle Group[/url] by selling the ports of Miami, New Orleans, Philadelphia, New Jersey, Baltimore, and New York to the pawnbrokers from the UAE, all the better, their daughters can be equestrians.

It takes a lot of money to be a Senator or a Congressman, just like it takes a lot of money to be a junkie or a crack-head. These people are strung out on power and privilege. It's no wonder that they roll up regularly to the all-night window at the pawnshop run by the dealers. The dealers have the money, after all, they have the product. The users will fuck or suck anybody who has the product. The shame of it all is that our country is being run by craven addicts in denial who make decisions based on their need for a fix. So they are willing to sell our assets, our ports or our highways or our airlines and utility companies, just to maintain their power high.

Eventually the pawnbroker owns everything.

It's a matter of consumption. Junkies are notorious for extravagant consumption. Americans are the junkies of the world. We use more natural resources per capita than any other nation. This is starting to catch up with us, as it catches up with any junkie. Eventually the trust fund wears out. You have to start working, selling your flesh or stealing.

The Poet's Eye sees that we are selling our flesh.


The dealer for a nickel
Goin to sell you lots of sweet dreams.
Ah...but the pusher will ruin your body;
Lord he'll leave your mind to scream.
God Damn! The pusher.
God Damn! God damn the pusher.
I said God Damn! God damn the pusher man.
– Steppenwolf

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Last edited by Lightning Rod on March 9th, 2006, 11:42 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by stilltrucking » March 9th, 2006, 6:17 am

I hate graveyards and old pawn shops
For they always bring me tears
I can’t forgive the way they rob me
Of my childhood souvenirs
John Prine

Nice Eye Clay. Makes me wonder what's next.

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dolphin girl
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Post by dolphin girl » March 10th, 2006, 7:48 am

imminent domain! Yes how long before we sell our seas, our country. Perhaps it is already sold--whole sale price of course.
we rape the land, sodomize our rivers and lakes; and for what price.

LRod i enjoy your editorials very much. There are not enough people in the world, let alone this country, who will speak out. I include myself in that very group.

We are selling our companies to other countries, cheaper labor. And why is that? We because we Americans want more and more and more; because we need more. Perhaps we should scrape the whole damn country and start over. I mean literally scrap every thing: cars, DVD player, electric heat, all the things that make this life easier to live. Perhaps then we, and the rest of the world would appreciate what we have; very cushy life's.

What of the millions of people who starve, not only in other countries, but in our own as well.

Ah hail the Almighty Dollar. I could ramble on, but I've said too much as it is.

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Lightning Rod
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Post by Lightning Rod » March 10th, 2006, 9:46 am

welcome aboard, dolphin girl

here is an audio version of The Poet's Eye and some other treats

Don't Start Me Talkin'--RodCast

give a listen if you have a fast connection
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Post by jimboloco » March 11th, 2006, 8:25 pm

Clay Virginia rasta mon, you are definately a keeping the flame alive, I want you to know, we are on a survival mission, man.

I wonder when this kind of insight will translate into real political power. I see Madamne Rice kissing ass in South America now, in Chile she sayz it's time to put the past behind us, yes. I can only wonder what the neo-conz have up their sleevez. I only hope that these latin Americanz make a real break away from the IMF and the World Bunk. There is this black congresswoman from BillElectric's home town, Jacksonville, Florida, Correine Brown; she is the vice-chair of the congressional black caucus, voted agin the Iraq invaion, is watching the infrastructure as well. We just had 150 bus mechanics laid off by the Pinellas (County) school board, a tight budget, don't ya know, oh excuse me, with a 3 billion dollar budget excess in the Florida docket. At least Kathrine Harris, the madwoman of Sarasota, is getting flaky reviews of late.

It's a great analogy, man. What getz me is how many well meaning dopeheads still vote for and support the reigning establishment.

When I get my 'puter back, motherboard replacement sendout.
I'll check out your audio. working on an old homebuilt that I had set up. It runs slow, so

dolphin woman, you might be the 100th monkey, i hope so.

texas trucker, i dig john prine. i saw him once in tampa and asked him how he holds his liquor. he says, don't even go there, man.

guys, a saturday night, listening to jazz on http://www.wmnf.org and drinking a dutch nutbrown ale. gonna get stoned with my step-son and in the manyana, do zen sitting.

to hope til hope creates from its own wreck th thang it contemplatez
LRod keepin th flame alive!

[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Lightning Rod
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Post by Lightning Rod » March 12th, 2006, 12:41 am


you never cease to delight me
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Post by iblieve » May 17th, 2006, 1:45 pm

Damn, telling it like it is is rare in this country, and can get your phone tapped. I love the comparrison, politicians to drug addicts, works for me. Being an ex-dealer and junkie I know the feeling of power and uphoria this can bring. Nothing like a large shot of meth to make you feel like God and I guess selling a port for a fix of power would be the same high. Having used drugs for 26 years I wish they would legalize them and use the money saved to subsidize the habit and rehabilitaion of the users, (also then I could smoke a joint or do a large bump of meth without worrying about going to the pen for many many years, I have at least 8 drug convictions---so many I lost count.) The money saved on incarceration alone would build a lot of rehab centers. Legalization would also do away with a lot of crime. While we're at it legalize prostitution, hell I think it's an honorable profession and serves a vital function for stress relief. Ooops got off subject but anyway once again your writing has made me think. I watch Hard ball on MSNBC and all it makes me thinks is what fucking idiots we have in the media.

DARC Poet's Society.

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