Charlie Sheen and 9/11

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Charlie Sheen and 9/11

Post by microbe » March 31st, 2006, 9:08 am

Actor Charlie sheen has joined the growing chorus asking for a new enquiry into the events of 9/11. See the CNN report about his radio broadcasts. ... sheen.html ... about.html

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Post by mtmynd » March 31st, 2006, 11:59 am

Good for Charlie!

I hope is influence ignites some more answers for questions ignored by so many for too long.

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Post by stilltrucking » March 31st, 2006, 1:32 pm

I don't think I have ever seen a full episode of the show, so I don't know who he is?

But if it brings the war to the attention of one of the those tabloid type TV shows like aahh, like Entertainment Tonight. am all for it.

Yeah Charlie.
yeah cecil, strangely so.
all those 911 conspiracy sites about the melting point of steel and the Perfidious Jews give me the squirms.
Conspiracy indeed
A Confederacy Of Dunces
Christian Zionist Jihadists

man i wish I had said less about a tv show I have nerver seen

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Post by microbe » March 31st, 2006, 1:49 pm

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Post by stilltrucking » March 31st, 2006, 2:17 pm

God all mighty

I knew it.


They forgot to mention DP's stolen purse.

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Post by mtmynd » March 31st, 2006, 2:21 pm

microbe - could be.. could be.. When dealing with conspiracies anything goes.

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Post by microbe » April 1st, 2006, 2:29 am

mtmynd wrote:microbe - could be.. could be.. When dealing with conspiracies anything goes.
It can hardly be called a "conspiracy theory" any more. It is a blatant cover up. A "conspiracy fact" is more appropriate.

The link below is a two hour lecture by one of the leading figures who are calling for a proper investigation into the 9/11 catastrophe. ... in_32k.mp3
(best to right click and "save as")

After listening to this and watching videos from the following sites no reasonable person could doubt it was an inside job.

"Do you agree with Charlie Sheen that the U.S. government covered up the real events of the 9/11 attacks?

Yes...............84%.................32609 votes
.No...............16%...................6389 votes

Total: 38998 votes "

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Post by mtmynd » April 1st, 2006, 2:57 am

Times are changing more rapidly than I presumed. I was still in a 2002 frame of mind regarding this issue and how the majority at the time felt about it.

Thx for the current links, microbe!

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Post by microbe » April 1st, 2006, 10:02 am

Times are changing more rapidly than I presumed. I was still in a 2002 frame of mind regarding this issue and how the majority at the time felt about it. ... 0120349841

"Monday, Aug. 30, 2004

Half of New Yorkers Believe U.S. Leaders Had
Foreknowledge of Impending 9/11 Attacks and
"Consciously Failed" To Act;

66% Call For New Probe of Unanswered Questions
by Congress or New York's Attorney General,
New Zogby International Poll Reveals"

That was 18 months ago. Interesting to know what the figures would be now.

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Post by stilltrucking » April 1st, 2006, 10:10 am

I am not going to waste any more of my time on this bull shitl. Give me a fucking break. Dr. David Ray Griffin


yeah Cecil watch out for that occasional Jew.

How can I make you understand? Yes it was a fucking conspiracy, It is a very old one. it is called A Conspiracy Of Dunces.

You dam right they knew, just below the top level of the federal government. Plenty of people new. And they were all covering their answers. And the pentagon was hit with a rocket not an airplane.

You all pardeon me while I vomit
Yeah microbe good info you must be fucking joking right?

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Post by microbe » April 1st, 2006, 10:59 am

I am not going to waste any more of my time on this bull shitl
Pleased to hear it. Maybe others who do not get angry when reasonable questions are raised will spend time considering the issues.

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Post by stilltrucking » April 1st, 2006, 11:04 am

Yes reasonable questions my ass. I have spent hundreds of hours checking into those reasonable questions of yours.

It is too late for your reasonable questions.

Thank you lord Haw Haw

but no thank you
I don't bite on reasonable questions anymore

Because your reasonable questions are Nazi lies whether you believe them or not.

Too much time wasted on reasonable lies
I am out of this because just when I thought I was beyond boredom you proved me wrong

No I cant bear bores.

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Post by microbe » April 1st, 2006, 11:18 am

I don't know where you get the Haw Haw from, or the Nazis, or the reference to Jews in your posts. If you think this is a bore then do as you said and stay out. There is nothing mnore tedious than reading an infantile response full of swearing and venom. There are those who think it is perfectly reasonable to question and if the questions used are so stupid then opponents will have no trouble in refuting them. If they are so boring as to be beneath response them don't bother to comment. Maybe others without your insight will find it worth investigation. What is the harm in listening to the doubts expressed by an increasing number of people. If it is junk have faith that they will reach that conclusion. Or, god forbid, maybe you are wrong.

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Post by stilltrucking » April 1st, 2006, 11:55 am

Microbe how many of your family has been murdered lately? Is that a reasonable question? Did you loose any loved ones On 9/11/01. If you did I appogogize for my insensitivity. IF not then let me mention this in passing. I have a lot of family that has disapeared. Now this has happened in my lifetime. People we have never heard from in over 60 years. I take comfort in the fact that the Holocaust is another Jewish conspiracy and that all my felatives are living in Miami beach under witness protection programs and they can't write us.

Well that david ray griffing. Some one interviewed him on CNN or Salon or someplace like that. They asked him a very reasonable question I thought "if as you say the pentagon was hit by a rocket not a hijacked airplane what happened to that airplane?"

The good doctor got a little irritated he shrugged and said "I dont know what whappend to that airplane" now that seemed like a reasonable question to me. And it has a reasonable answer, UFO's come down and took the airplane away to cover thier tracks.

David Griffin started out on this website they were the first one to carry his Address to the MJCA (the Muslim Jewish Christian Alliance) ***

They are covering their tracks not it is a podcast less able to track I suppose here is the orginal site it was carried on.

here is another little goodie from the same website.

Here is more I have done your homework for you
I been here done that got the hat

who think it is perfectly reasonable to question

And I am telling you that behind a lot, maybe not all of these conspiracy sites are a vast right wing conspiracy. Dig down though the sites and sooner or later on most of them you will find holocaust denials and worse.

The first one on the list there. Dr David Ray Griffin, a trained theologist a real sweet guy would not harm a fly. But he gave that speech to a group called MUJCA and it has highly promoted by AFPN or APFN american friends patriot network, all these sites interconnect you seem pretty computer literate. One person could set up fifty different websites, create a buzz give them selves awards for truth telling have them quote each other etc etc...make big hits on google. Submit annoymous ariticles to unchecked factoid sites lik wikpedia.


Well back to The Muslim Jewish Christian Alliance. Turns out the Jew in the alliance is some mystery man who showed up in Israel, claimed to be a Russian Jew, turns out he was a Stalinist. The author of articles on The Jews The Christ Killers and shit like that. But I am supposed to keep my cools. I wish I had LR's control. But I am just a hysterical Jew with half my family gone in the holocaust; oh pardon me I meant to say the alleged holocaust.

Israel Shamir is a nationalist and obsessed with nationalism. He is himself, of course, an extreme nationalist – a Great Russian chauvinist, who has swallowed all the worst aspects of this most reactionary kind of chauvinism. He embraces enthusiastically all the reactionary ideas that have come flooding back into Russia along with the restoration of capitalism. And he pretends that this represents love for Russia – when in fact it is quite the opposite.

compare this with the one below his "official biography" below

Israel Shamir is the Jew in the Muslim Christion Jewish Alliance who sponsored Griffin's talk. They are all tied together. Shamir is a Stalinist. Nothing wrong with that. Right? ... g00032.htm

Israel Shamir, Russian-Israeli intellectual, writer, translator and journalist, is one of Israel’s leading peace activists. The decendent of a rabbi from Palestine, and an IDF veteran of the 1973 war, Shamir changed languages and traded in his literary-intellectual hat to become an activist in response to the terrible events of 2001. Here is his explanation: A Jewish folk tale relates the story of a mute child who had never said a word despite all the efforts of the doctors. Then one day, at the ripe age of ten, he dropped his spoon and cried out, "The soup is too salty!" His parents asked him in amazement why he had kept silent for years, and the child replied, "Until now, everything was all right". Read more on Israel Shamir by going to:

that is how the describe him on the

Those 911 conspiracy Theorists spend a lot of time defending them selves against crackpot magazines like

Scientific American, ... 414B7F0000

The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society ... -0112.html

Popular Mechanics, ... page=4&c=y

TV shows


The Collapse: An Engineer's Perspective
In this interview, Dr. Thomas Eagar, a professor of materials engineering and engineering systems at MIT, explains how and why the Twin Towers survived the initial impact -- and how and why they likely failed in the end.

and wacko organizatons like

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

Journal Paper
Discussion: by K. Sivakumar (See full record)
Closure: (See full record)
Abstract: This paper presents a simplified approximate analysis of the overall collapse of the towers of World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001. The analysis shows that if prolonged, heating caused the majority of columns of a single floor to lose their load carrying capacity, the whole tower was doomed.

, so many of those 911 conspiracy sites show how much hatred still is in the world for Jews. Not just Israel but Jews everywhere.
UFO conspiracy theories, Jew hating conspiracies, right wing religious wackos and so forth. I am just don't care anymore. If it makes youl happy to entertain these theories I am not going to debate you. But I think they weaken the case against bush, makes it easier for his goons to dismiss anyone who opposes him as wackos.

I like it the best. No the Bush administration is not a bunch of incompetent corrupt greedy evil doers they are death lizards from outer space.

and that New York Jews were ordered to stay home that day (Zionists and other pro-Israeli factions, of course, were involved).

But you know I am a kike, a liar and twister of the truth,
I been thinking about using this Nazi poster as my icon ... laims.html

Now when you dig down into apfn's website you find this

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Post by microbe » April 1st, 2006, 1:07 pm

At no point in my posts have I ever denied the holocaust or accused any Jews of being behind what happened on 9/11. The fact there are whackos who DO accuse Jews of everything is not something I am unaware of. Of course there are extreme lunatics with fantastic political views, and Jew haters and blacks haters and all sorts of other idiots. I am not one of them and I do not believe to question the veracity of the government report into 9/11 in any way associates me or anyone else with such idiots.

The fact someone cannot answer the question as to where the plane went if a missile hit the Pentagon does not mean it is unreasonable to question the official version of what happened. If people are prepared to murder thousands of civilians in the twin towers then a few hundred on a plane isn't going to bother them. What I DO know is that all video evidence has been seized and not one video has been released to show conclusively what did happen. Why persist in concealing the videos? Let us see and then the whole problem is solved. What possible reason is there for NOT releasing them?

When 9/11 happened I believed the official report and why not? There was no reason not to. Over time I have joined a growing body of people who have come to have doubts because of the unanswered questions and the omissions in the official report. Building 7 alone is sufficient reason to warrant opening an enquiry.
A 47 storey building not hit by a plane and with just a few small fires fell into its own footprint. THAT doesn't even deserve a mention in the official report!

The fact that the whole of the Air defence system was down for most of that morning is also incredible. There are hosts of holes in the official report.

If you associate people questioning these events with lunatics then so be it. I am not interested in the rantings of such people or organisations. I believe there are many credible people who question the behaviour of their own government that day and they have a right to do so. Most of the videos I have watched and speeches I have listened to have been from academics, and from the survivors of the attack, as well as from people bereaved by 9/11 - demanding justice.

If I remember rightly, the German people at the end of the war were incredulous that their government had been doing something so evil, and had to be made to witness the death camps. It is difficult for many to believe their own government could commit an evil act like mass murder but unless questions are asked constantly and governments made to answer then we might as well let them get on with anything.

There will inevitably be an attempt to smear anyone who tries to expose a cover-up and to associate them with lunatics as a way to deflect enquiry. In my opinion there are too many serious deficiencies in the government's response to 9/11 and the beginning of accountability is with questions. Let the government respond with satisfactory answers and the issue will be closed. They could start by showing a video of the plane hitting the Pentagon. I fear it isn't going to happen - but I live in hope. I would like nothing better than these allegations to be shown to be nonsense. I will still exercise my right to question events, however wrong you may think that to be.

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