MTV Awards

Honoring Clay January (Lightning Rod) RIP 2/6/2013
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Lightning Rod
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MTV Awards

Post by Lightning Rod » August 30th, 2004, 12:48 pm

Last night I watched the MTV Awards on television. We rolled our little six foot red carpet out and I watched the lavish proceedings with my eleven year old pop music consultant, 'Lisha Pepsicola. She filled me in on pertintent facts like who this or that perfect plastic little girl was and who was going with whom and who had been going with whom last season. She's a little consumer queen and she knows the names of all the CD's. She is my consultant because after all the MTV Awards represent the pinnacle of consumerism. MTV runs commercials for CD's and recording stars as it's primary programing.

It was a spectacular even with some of the best staging that I have seen at an awards show. From P-Diddy's arrival standing on the bow of a 40 foot pristine white yacht dressed in a white suit, to the Busby Berkley set direction, to Christina Aguilara's terrific song and dance number, it was great entertainment.

And as a tribute to how intermarried the political and the commercial entertainment industries are, we had an appearance by The Bush Twins and the Kerry Sisters, Both duets got about an equal share of boos and yeas, but for the most part the well heeled audience was there for music and glamor and looked annoyed by that little exercise in equal time. It is hard to tell from the mic feeds in a show like that on television what the crowd sounds like, but I sure didn't observe that the Kerry Sisters came anywhere close to being booed off the stage as Matt Drudge implied in his "Developing..." story that went online before the show was over.

What is your take on the subject of music awards and this years MTV Awards in particular?
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Post by mnaz » August 31st, 2004, 1:08 pm


About the highest accolade MTV could have ever expected out of me
was a "been there, done that". Unfortunately, MTV cannot even claim
that distinction. I just never really went there. In fact, the mainstream
corporate music juggernaut in general lost me quite early in my life, with the rise of disco, which co-opted and ruined "the Funk" (in which disco
had its roots) for a long time.... bah!... although "Disco Inferno" had a
little somethin' goin' on... guilty pleasure, I guess.... but <B> Still! </B>

Anyways, I used to watch MTV's alt. show, '120 Minutes' once and a while,
but that's <B>it!</B> And I hate awards shows in general. I probably
wouldn't even show up to my own, if I won something....

Bah!.... Why back in <B>my</B> day, we didn't have such nonsense!....

Signed..... Grumpy Old Man.


I hafta smile.

Post by hester_prynne » September 1st, 2004, 12:23 am

I watched the awards with Stella, my 12 year old daughter who kept me abreast of who everyone was.
What a rush to see stevie W!
I was hoping to see some Black eyed Peas and Avril Lavigne....both of whom I really like.
The rest was all greek to me, but it was certainly wonderful to have Stella leading me through the glitzy maze with her amazing knowledge of the scene, man, she knows all the rap lyrics and I can't even understand what they are saying! Heh.
I especially liked the graphics when they were showcasing the competitors before announcing the winners....the glimmer people images were beautiful to me....I could have looked at those for a long long time....
At first I didn't want to watch, but now I'm really glad I did.
Sounds like we had similar experiences watching it.....
It was a groove watching it with Stelly to be sure.

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