Sheep Attacked in Ware Neck

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Sober Duck
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Sheep Attacked in Ware Neck

Post by Sober Duck » May 5th, 2006, 11:33 am

Sheep Attacked in Ware Neck
Richard Moylan Jr.
This story dates back to the middle of February but I’ll begin with the most recent incident.
Sunday morning the 30th of April, Mrs. William H. Tunner of Ware Neck went out to tend to her sheep. Their water barrel was as far as she got when she noticed the water was a deep red. She retreated into her house knowing what was wrong. It was just a few days before on the 26th that a friend was asked to tend to the Hockley Farm flock. Tammy Jones of Gill Lane arrived at the farm planning to feed sheep only to find a massacre. As she walked into the sheep’s stall she discovered three adult sheep and one lamb dead. She described the scene as horrific with the faces of the dead sheep missing, chewed off. Even today the walls of the stall are still stained with blood.
With Wednesdays discovery still fresh on her mind, the 89 year old Mrs. Tunner called a friend Charles Depping, to investigate. What he found was three more sheep dead and three severely injured. Later that same afternoon Tammy Jones was once again called on to care for a two week old lamb that some how escaped injury but had lost it’s mother. That’s when I got involved. Tammy asked me for assistance in rounding up the extremely lucky lamb. What Tammy and I saw when we arrived was carnage beyond description But I will describe it. Two full grown sheep had shredded lacerations about their faces and were all covered in blood. One sheep had no face at all exposing teeth jaw bones and tongue. The injured sheep were put down Monday morning bringing the total attacked sheep at Hockley to ten. Everyone involved including myself has been dealt an emotional blow having to see the mangled results of such a violent attack.
Back in February, just a few miles from Hockley at Oak Hall, Clayton Wiltshire reported a dog attack that killed one sheep and severely injured another which also had to be put down. Fearing another attack Mrs. Wiltshire kept her sheep inside at night until the weather became to warm to do so. Within three days of leaving them out they were attacked again around the middle of March. Even though the dogs owner was taken to court charges were dismissed because no one witnessed the actual attacks, However the dogs in question were seen around the dead and injured sheep and were also tested and had traces of sheep hair and blood. Because of the dismissal the dogs were returned to their owner. Ironically, after the second attack Clayton Wiltshire decided to remove her sheep from the property and take them some where safer. She sent them to Hockley Farm where the most recent attacks occurred.
In total fourteen sheep have been killed in Ware Neck within three months These incidents have been quite devastating for the owners and friends of all involved and many Ware Neck residents have concerns not only for their livestock but also for the safety of their children. What ever is attacking these rather large sheep have found a taste for blood and at the rate they are going they may run out of sheep to prey on. What do you suppose they will go for then?

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Post by jimboloco » May 7th, 2006, 2:40 pm

Nive little community you live in. have you been writing for the local paper?
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
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Sober Duck
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Post by Sober Duck » May 7th, 2006, 2:57 pm

Why yes.
Been writing for about three or four years now. It's a bi-monthly so no preasure. The sheep story made the front page. I can hardly stand it.

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