Side Effects

Commentary by Lightning Rod - RIP 2/6/2013
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Lightning Rod
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Side Effects

Post by Lightning Rod » May 30th, 2006, 10:14 am

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Side Effects
for release 05-31-06
Washington D.C.

I love side effects. No dope worth its salt has fewer that three good side effects.

When Albert Hoffman invented LSD, he was looking for a treatment for migraine headaches. The marvelous mind-expanding properties of the drug were side effects. When Pfizer began research on the compound known as Sildenafil, they were trying to develop a drug to treat hypertension and angina. The marvelous penis-expanding property of the drug was a side effect. But as any junky knows, " When you can't find a mainline, the sideline gonna have to do." Now Sildenafil is called Viagra. Invent a new brand name and voila the side effect becomes the primary effect and Pfizer makes billions per year.

I can do without side effects like nausea and liver damage and constipation or runny nose or the ones they euphemistically refer to on the TV dope ads as "rare but dangerous." I like side effects like It Makes You Feel Like God or gives you the ability to work 37 New York Times crossword puzzles in an hour or Delusions of Grandeur or Feelings of Infinite Peace. The four hour erection side effect is tantalizing but Repeated and Multiple Orgasms would be better.

In our modern dope culture, we can tolerate side effects like diarrhea and drowsiness or loss of hair or appetite. The side effect that we can't handle, that will doom any drug to exile, is euphoria. We want to avoid that at all costs.

I'm imagining a commercial for cocaine on the evening news. They would probably call it something like Kokanex and sell it as an antihistamine or an anti-depressant or a headache remedy or a topical pain killer. Then the understated announcer will say something like, "Side effects may include sleeplessness, tooth grinding, tachycardia, paranoia, talking to people that aren't there, disco dancing till dawn and the desire to rape white women. If you have liver problems or a pre-existing tendency to max out your credit cards, Kokanex may not be right for you. If you find yourself peeping through the venetian blinds for more than four hours in a row, consult a psychiatrist."

When we introduce a foreign substance into any system, the whole system changes. We can't really separate intended effects from side effects.

In warfare, side effects are called collateral damage. In politics they are called backlash. What I am saying here is that substances can have unintended results, but also actions and attitudes can have side effects.

When Bushco decided to invade Iraq, it was to achieve a noble effect (in their minds at least). to rid the world of an evil tyrant. The giddy drugs of invasion and conquest and occupation cured the acute condition, Saddam is gone, yes. But like the myth of the hydra, when you cut one head off, seven grow in its place. The side effects of toppling Saddam have been a social, an economic and a political disaster. The invasion has bred discontent with America throughout the Muslim world as well as a rallying point and a training ground for terrorists. As Rep. John Murtha and Sen. Chuck Hagel and others point out, conditions in Iraq are worse today than they were before the 'liberation.' We have treated an acute condition and created a chronic one, just as morphine successfully treats the acute condition of pain while creating the chronic condition of addiction.

We are discovering in the Middle East that sometimes the remedy can be worse than the affliction.

The Poet's Eye sees that there can be happy and unhappy side effects. A recent study shows that marijuana, in addition to its well known positive effects, has the side effect of lowering lung cancer. Now that's my kind of side effect. The boys at Bushco should smoke more pot. It might have the side effect of giving them a clue.

Don't bogart that joint, my friend
Pass it over to me.
Don't bogart that joint, my friend
Pass it over to me.

Roll another one
Just like the other one.
This one's burnt to the end
Come on and be a friend.
--Country Joe and the Fish
"These words don't make me a poet, these Eyes make me a poet."

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Post by firsty » May 30th, 2006, 10:59 am

here is my pop top hoppy yap:

television is the opiate of the masses
oil is the opiate of the masses
walmart is the opiate of the masses
coffee is the opiate of the masses
agreeing is the opiate of the masses
oprah is the opiate of the masses
e! is the opiate of the masses
movies are the opiate of the masses
airbrushing is the opiate of the masses
foxnews is the opiate of the masses
the internet is the opiate of the masses
taxes are the opiate of the masses
employment is the opiate of the masses
rhetoric is the opiate of the masses
enemies are the opiate of the masses
congress is the opiate of the masses
big brother is the opiate of the masses
green tea is the opiate of the masses
headlines are the opiate of the masses
radio station formats are the opiate of the masses
clandestine sex is the opiate of the masses
weekends are the opiate of the masses
what the masses need
is more opium.

the best news i heard all day was that weed kills cancer cells. lets let the fda suck and hold on that for a while.

great column, lrod. everyone's got their drug of choice. for the neocons, war is their drug and the worst side effects are felt by to them faceless others, poor little johnnies and janes, not the rich bitches and fidgety snitches holed up in the west wing.

it's a new dawn for the victimless indulgences of mind altering substances. the side effect of truth should be happiness, not depression and despair.
and knowing i'm so eager to fight cant make letting me in any easier.

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Post by mtmynd » May 30th, 2006, 11:05 am

Sharp Eye, L'Rod! I like this.

(notes: "...fewer than three good..." and song ref - not CJ but lyrics by Lawrence Wagner, and originally sung by Family of Man. ;-))

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Post by iblieve » May 30th, 2006, 1:16 pm

I swear I have nothing against drugs, fuck I love them but being young and stupid and old and stoned out of my head I quickly accumulated about 8 or so drug felony convictions, weed and meth, so the side effect of my drug use would be a long prison sentence. My last high priced lawyer worked a miracle and convinced me it would be to my advantage to stay as far away from a joint and a needle as I could get.

War I detest, and the one in Iraq is useless and reminds me of Vietnam, someday we will rape the country of its most brilliant minds, and evacuate Baghdad just as the rebel forces take over the city. In the meantime, we will spend trillions of dollars and lose 40 to 60 thousand lives, that’s just counting the American lives, for some strange reason the media never counts the lives of the innocent Iraqi’s killed and call them collateral damage, tell that to the families of these people. I worry more about this country. In our zeal to spread democracy to the middle east we are letting our constitutional freedoms be taken away and no one is saying a word.

Loved this article Lightening Rod, you tell it like it is and yes side effects can be deadly. Also thanks for the information about marijuana curing cancer, maybe I won’t follow in my families footsteps and die of colon cancer, I had extensive treatment of marijuana for 26 years, hope that’s enough.
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Post by firsty » May 30th, 2006, 1:24 pm

there is nothing funner than a colonoscopy.

isnt colon cancer something like the easiest cancer to cure if caught "in time"? i wish the "caught in time" thing was easier, tho. like, "it's easy to cure s'long as we ... gah!"

my grandmother died of it, it runs in my family too.

the best drugs i ever had was the morphine when my pancreas got pissed at the gallbladder cure. the best fix i ever had, man. shit, that nurse with that needle. funny how time slips away when the shit is a thumbclick away. click click. side effects of the good stuff, mmm.
and knowing i'm so eager to fight cant make letting me in any easier.

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Post by jimboloco » May 30th, 2006, 8:26 pm

Addicted to War, they are all so nice
went to the Memorial Day vigil stoned
chatted up a storm

time for rest
every time I do a street scene it zaps my energi
yet also affirms

gotta get a cardiak stress test zoon.
meanwhile i'll be dishing out the morphine and dilaudid
in th jewel mine.
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Post by iblieve » May 31st, 2006, 10:18 am

jimboloco wrote:
gotta get a cardiak stress test zoon.
meanwhile i'll be dishing out the morphine and dilaudid
in th jewel mine.
Dilaudid, now there's a handful of heavenly dreams. Been awhile since I even thought about those little jewels.
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Post by jimboloco » July 7th, 2006, 9:12 am

In our modern dope culture, we can tolerate side effects like diarrhea and drowsiness or loss of hair or appetite. The side effect that we can't handle, that will doom any drug to exile, is euphoria. We want to avoid that at all costs.
Music Video-Marijuana
marijuana americanbahaha
When Bushco decided to invade Iraq, it was to achieve a noble effect (in their minds at least). to rid the world of an evil tyrant. The giddy drugs of invasion and conquest and occupation cured the acute condition, Saddam is gone, yes. But like the myth of the hydra, when you cut one head off, seven grow in its place. The side effects of toppling Saddam have been a social, an economic and a political disaster.
Addicted to War
mercy americanz should stop being such dopez!
it'z all too true
mix'em an match'em el rod!
Dilaudid, now there's a handful of heavenly dreams. Been awhile since I even thought about those little jewels.
"it's delightful it's delovely it's dilaudid"
it's a song i sing t myself whenever i dole out th stuff.
(a takeoff on th old de soto car ads)
ain't never did it myself tho
watch out fer th flying fishiez!

ya get a free dose of demerol an versed when ya go under fer th colonoscopy
bettern when i had my sigmoidoscopy
it's basically the descending colon
omly i was watching th tv screen along with th resident an his mentor
geez i felt like i had my head up my ass!
tho i can tell youse fer sure
getting a colonoscopy
iz farr bettern being up shit creek without a paddle
an seeing th smiling proctologist
is bettern getting fucked over
with prostate mets to th bonez and brain,
just beware of them what sayz,
"my pleasure"
altho it'z been said,
when th going getz wierd.
th wierd goez pro!
th doctor, ibelieve
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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