The Democratic Party is not Broken

Commentary by Michael Bonanno.

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The Democratic Party is not Broken

Post by Michael » June 21st, 2006, 2:34 pm

There are so called Progressive radio talk show hosts, such as Rhandi Rhodes, who scream and shout and are extremely familiar with the taste of their own feet. Many idolize Bill Clinton as one of the great progressives of our time. The thing is, these talk show hosts aren’t even progressives. They’re Democratic Party apologists.

So called “progressive” organizations such as have also proven to be Democratic Party apologists. Many of them didn’t help us in ’04, whether or not the election was rigged, when they supported and told their members to support a candidate who agreed with George W. Bush on far too many issues. Kerry supported the war and wanted to add more troops. He supported NAFTA. How could a Progressive in good conscience have voted for either Kerry or Bush? I voted for Kerry, though, and have no one to blame but myself.

Now Kerry is making a fool of himself by trying to sound like a Woody Guthrie populist. He’s not and he’s as disingenuous as they come.

Hillary Clinton and Joe Lieberman are Democrats, not Progressives.

We need to move past the Democratic Party's and the Republican Party's “red/blue” propaganda and adamantly support only Progressive candidates.

Even possibly the most independent Democrat, Barbara Boxer, has surprised us with some of her votes. When Reid called the closed session of Congress, she told John Stewart that she was “proud to be a Democrat”. What is a Democrat?

The Democratic Party is the other pant leg on the “red and blue” pair of pants and is not broken. It’s perfectly fine. It’s just that there are people who don’t belong there. I’m not talking about Biden, Clinton or Lieberman. They’re part of the game, not part of any solution. That is the Democratic Party. It consists of wealthy people for whom politics is but a game. Anyone who’s moved by conscience and not by money doesn’t belong there.

Progressives need to create another party and maybe call it The Progressive Party. Maybe they need to partner with the Socialist Party of the United States or possibly The Green Party or they need to become non partisan and support candidates who stand for goals and issues, not party platforms.

I’m tired of losing and I’m tired of wondering which Democrats are going to side with The Regime on the next bill to be introduced in Congress. There’s got to be a humongous political uprising, peaceful if possible, in order to reclaim The United States of America for its citizens.

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Post by mtmynd » June 23rd, 2006, 7:05 pm

"The Democratic Party is the other pant leg on the “red and blue” pair of pants..." Yes.

Good essay, Michael. I'm in agreement with you.

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Post by Michael » June 24th, 2006, 1:13 am

mt, I’m happy that you agree. We can’t let the Democratic Apologists –,, etc. talk us into voting for candidates just because they’re Democrats.

The mainstream media (MSM) reinforces this shrinking of the color spectrum with their “blue state”, “red state” propaganda. The Dems and the Crazies are offered to us as the only parties, indeed, the only people from whom we can choose.

This, believe it or not, is the fault of The Electoral College. The EC just doesn’t have room for more that two “serious candidates”. The EC is a propaganda machine.

There’s some history to this phony division. After the Europeans’ occupation of what is now called North America or, more specifically, The United States, morphed into the European led government of this nation, the President and Vice President didn’t have to belong to the same party. How did that relationship work? Well, I assume.

There’s a rumor that Kerry had asked McCain to be his running mate. McCain didn’t want to screw up the farce and turned Kerry down. I’m not sure if that’s true, but I suspect it is. What a wonderful show of bipartisanship that would have been, hey?

Bipartisanship. There’s another Orwellian word. If Congress can make bipartisan decisions, it’s thought of as a wonderful display of teamwork. And it’s true! It is a display of teamwork. They’re all on the same team. That’s not so good. We need a team that says preemptive strikes upon nations that pose no threat to us, illegal wiretapping, stripping social services, everything that The Regime is doing and wants to do is wrong. Continuing to give The Regime blank death checks is wrong!

There needs to be a loyal opposition, not a loyal partner.

Vote for the candidates who most represent your views on war and peace, social injustice and social inequality and other view points. If the candidates offered up by the MSM and corporations are going to work against your best interest, don’t vote for them!

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Post by mtmynd » June 27th, 2006, 12:04 am

I'm going to vote for anyone that's not in office this year. I don't care what party they're representing... everyone in office needs to be shit canned. The adage, Power Corrupts...., has everyone of the bastards corrupted to some degree or another. Even if a rookie got in, there's a slim chance that they'll think of how they got in... no time for the same line.

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Post by stilltrucking » June 28th, 2006, 1:51 pm

I'm going to vote for anyone that's not in office this year. I don't care what party they're representing... everyone in office needs to be shit canned.
Better to just not vote. imo

I can think of many members of congress that deserve my vote.
But Texas has me stumped. I can't think of one senator or congressman/woman from Texas that I would vote for.

Viva Kinky

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