Between Iraq and a Hard Place

Commentary by Lightning Rod - RIP 2/6/2013
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Between Iraq and a Hard Place

Post by Lightning Rod » September 17th, 2006, 1:43 pm

I think it was his eye! yes, it was this! He had the eye of a vulture --a pale blue eye, with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees --very gradually --I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye forever.
---Poe, Tell Tale Heart
Instrument of Torture

Between Iraq and a Hard Place
for release 09-18-06
Washington D.C.

When is someone going to state the obvious? The only wars that we are fighting are the ones that we started, and there is no such thing as a War on Terror.

Neither the Republicrats or the Demicons have the guts to step out of the 'We Are at War' mentality.

We are NOT at war. We are dealing with a few bad actors. The demolition of the Trade Towers was not an act of war, it was an act of vandalism. It was a sucker punch. It was done by wing-nut religious gang members. They have no army of conquest poised on our borders. There are no missiles leveled at us. They have no means to overwhelm us. In short, they are criminals.

But they have achieved their goal. I'm not talking about the wailing and gnashing of teeth caused by the physical disaster of 9-11, I'm talking about how the vandals have caused us to change our way of looking at the world. In the post 9-11 world, it's OK for us to surrender our dignity just to get on an airplane. It's OK to torture if you have a slick new name for it. How about 'intense interrogation?'

Bush wants us to amend the Geneva Conventions. It's sort of like retro-legislation. We reserve the right to do just what we have been doing.... use cattle prods on the genitals, the iron boot and the rack, and as long as we can call bamboo splints under the fingernails an extreme manicure then we are protected under the law.

They can't have it both ways. We are reminded again and again that we are 'at war'. If we are at war (which we are NOT) then we must treat the prisoners in that war according to the Geneva Conventions. Name rank and serial number is all we should be interested in.

For some years I was part of the Mujahideen in that other phony war, The War on Drugs. In that conflict, you didn't want to fall into the hands of the Mexican Federales. They amended the Geneva Conventions to suit their own purposes just like the Bushites are proposing. One of their methods of interrogation was similar to waterboarding. They would put duct-tape over the victim's mouth and then shake up a Coca-Cola and squirt it up his nose. The victim would think that he was drowning. It gave a whole new meaning to Coke up the Nose. To him it was the Real Thing.

One day, many years ago, I was sitting in The Lion's Pub in Dallas. I was drinking Heineken as I recall. The Lion's Pub was a hangout for SMU students and local bohemians like me. I was engaged in conversation with a young Arabian foreign exchange student. He was drinking Heineken as well. He was a lapsed Muslim. We were talking about competition and fair-play. The Marquis of Queensbury rules came up. The Arab student said, "A typically naive Western give the opponent an even chance."

The Bushie's have become very adept at exploiting the fear that was caused by 9-11. They keep fanning those fires with the bellows of constant repetition. But now they find themselves between Iraq and and hard place. The body count keeps going up day after day. They don't want you to think about this. They want you to think about fear and torture and gay marriage or anything that draws attention away from the historical blunder represented by the war in Iraq. A typically naive political give the public an even chance.

In old Trinidad, I also fear
The situation is mighty queer
Like the Yankee girl, the native swoon
When she hear der Bingo croon

Drinkin' rum and Coca-Cola
Go down Point Koomahnah
Both mother and daughter
Workin' for the Yankee dollar
--Morey Amsterdam
"These words don't make me a poet, these Eyes make me a poet."

The Poet's Eye

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Post by Dave The Dov » September 17th, 2006, 5:47 pm

Basically it was our ignorance in the past that finally caught up to us!!!! It will be nice when we can get free of this "sidetrack" route that the country is taking. A return to common sense and looking at the future long run and learning never to do it again!!!!
Honda Civic GX
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Post by stilltrucking » September 17th, 2006, 7:52 pm

How many times can I say it. I take it all back. This is the best P.E. yet.

It is comforting to hear the truth even when I can't do a hell of a lot about the lies. I blame it all on Freud's nephew.
Born in Vienna but raised in the United States, Bernays was a nephew of Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, and his public relations efforts helped popularize Freud's theories in the United States. Bernays also pioneered the PR industry's use of psychology and other social sciences to design its public persuasion campaigns. "If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it," Bernays argued. He called this scientific technique of opinion molding the "engineering of consent."

Goebbels had a couple of his books in his office.
In his autobiography, titled Biography of an Idea, Bernays recalls a dinner at his home in 1933 where "Karl von Weigand, foreign correspondent of the Hearst newspapers, an old hand at interpreting Europe and just returned from Germany, was telling us about Goebbels and his propaganda plans to consolidate Nazi power. Goebbels had shown Weigand his propaganda library, the best Weigand had ever seen. Goebbels, said Weigand, was using my book Crystallizing Public Opinion as a basis for his destructive campaign against the Jews of Germany. This shocked me. ... Obviously the attack on the Jews of Germany was no emotional outburst of the Nazis, but a deliberate, planned campaign." Bernays is held in high standards even today, and was even named as one of the 1000 most influential people of all time.

Source: Toxic Sludge Is Good For You: Lies, Damn Lies and the Public Relations Industry ( by John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton.

Suffice it to say that Lord Invader collected $132,000 from Morey Amsterdam in his part of the suits, which, coupled with the action by Lionel Belasco, bankrupted Amsterdam.

Apparently old Morey stole the song.

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Post by firsty » September 18th, 2006, 10:40 am

the terror torch has been passed from the scrappy suicide bombers to the corporate boardrooms in the west wing.

i wish i lived in the trailer for V for Vendetta. the people should not fear the govt. the govt should fear the people.

well, i guess they do. which is why they are removing our freedoms and trying to scare us.

horror movies are pretty popular. this is the reason the bush plan is succeeding. we want to be frightened. we want to shit our pants while seated and surrounded by food and darkness.

the texas chainsaw massacre indeed.
and knowing i'm so eager to fight cant make letting me in any easier.

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Post by iblieve » September 18th, 2006, 2:47 pm

Bush is an illusionist, a slight of hand and mouth motivator. I am so afraid he is succeeding in fooling the voters again, the numbers are moving up again in approval for his insanity. God fucking help us. Loved it my friend. "C"
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Post by Dave The Dov » September 18th, 2006, 3:58 pm

The illusion can't last he's not going to make through tactics of fear!!!!
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