Size & binding options - our first book

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Size & binding options - our first book

Post by Doreen Peri » October 27th, 2006, 2:44 pm

As you know, we're creating our first art/photo/poetry book.

Submissions are coming in and we are closing in on the Oct 31st deadline, plus we are going to have a community event soon to work on the book together.

But the book doesn't have a name yet and we really need to name it because it's our baby. :)

1 – About the book & size & binding options

First, let me describe it ...

It will be a different size than most paperbacks.

It will either be
6.625" x 10.25" or 7.5" x 9.25"

I'm leaning toward 6.625" x 10.25"

It is possible to set it up either portrait or landscape. If we do it portrait (like most books), we can have it perfect bound.

Perfect-bound books are printed on 50lb opaque cream paper.
Perfect-bound covers are printed on 10pt stock and are laminated.

But since it is an art book as well as a book with text, it might be interesting to set it up landscape and use a Wire-O binding.

The Wire-O binding would allow the book to be opened and lay flat on a table when viewing it.

Wire-O books are printed on 50lb opaque white paper.
Wire-O book covers are printed on 10 pt glossy cover stock.

I like the fact that the Wire-O books are on white paper and have a glossy cover stock. But a cream paper for the perfect bound book might be very nice also.

I can't decide which would be better. Any input you all have would be appreciated.

Please offer your input regarding size and binding options to this thread. Thank you!
Last edited by Doreen Peri on October 30th, 2006, 8:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by judih » October 27th, 2006, 3:03 pm

i really like the idea of a spiral bound, landscape oriented book. It's comfortable for enjoying the images and poetry.

As for a title, Studio 8 Presents

might be nice.

the concept will shine through the graphics.

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Post by Doreen Peri » October 27th, 2006, 4:53 pm

Thanks, judih!

I'm liking the landscape idea, too, but it dawns on me that I have to check into how the cover image would display on the CafePress site. If you can't flip it sideways for landscape so it appears properly in the store, it won't work. I'll let you know what I find out.

Do you have a preference for size between the two options I suggested?

Maybe I should have made this 2 threads.... that way we could vote. Hmmm... we could do a poll later maybe.

firsty's ideas for titles found in this thread

go figure

infinity up

studio 8: raising hell forever

the headless snowman


(where the heck is firsty anyway? haven't seen him in a while... get back here, you! lol)

The only title idea I have so far is ....

Infinity Sideways

.... I'll be back to post more as I think of them

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Post by judih » October 28th, 2006, 12:02 am

size: i like the larger size.
names: i like loop. i've always liked loop. but if so, we need to use it in the dedication or somehow reference it throughout the book.

If we 'raise hell' - we need to pick poetry accordingly!
i think 'raising hell' might be better left to the politicians who are so adept at it.

where is firsty. you're quite right...anyone seen the person?

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Post by panta rhei » October 28th, 2006, 10:48 am

here are my very subjective thoughts:

i'm not a big fan of a wire-o binding (i find it makes the process of page turning somewhat annoying, and i don't like the look), but the fact that it would allow the book to be opened and lay flat on a table when viewing it speaks for that binding, of course.

subjectively, i would prefer the perfect-bound version, though ("perfect-bound" is an interesting way to express it, btw).

what does "setting it up portrait or landscape" mean? i've never heard that before.

as for the size, i'd prefer the 7.5" x 9.25" version (if i have figured out the cm-equivalent correctly), as i find that format more "round" to the eye, and because it'd give more options to place text and pictures in various arrangements / groupings, and not just below or above each other. and, it would fit better into the bookshelves.
(all this, of course, only unless i haven't gotten that wrong and the binding for that other size option isn't on the smaller side, making it a 'horizontal' book, in which case the options of arrangement would work for this version as well; but personally, i wouldn't like that format very much).

and the title! i don't have a unique or creative suggestion yet, but set up a thread for that, doreen, and let the s8-ers' creativity run wild!

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Post by Dave The Dov » October 29th, 2006, 7:41 am

I agree in a way with panta rhei on the wire binding process. I'm not that big of a fan of it either. It would make it look like a cookbook. I like the perfect bound instead it seem more refine to me. As for the title I like "8" it shows as in "Studio 8 ". :D
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Post by Arcadia » October 29th, 2006, 1:12 pm

No idea about the size. I think the only requisito would be that you can see the images and the words...!
I would like the word or the number 8 appears in the cover. But not idea yet about the title. Some years ago I wrote about eight as a weird infinite, I still like the idea but not at all the words.

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