God Bless the Paranoia

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God Bless the Paranoia

Post by mnaz » December 3rd, 2006, 1:14 am

We gotta fight this war on two fronts;
me in the east, and me in later east,
jammed m-16 in hand,
looking for a weapon.

I realize we've made strides since then, just as I realize now that everything can be bought, as anyone who's shelled out several times too much (amortized) cash for a temporary view can attest. The view is as true as cash, which was a little suspect to begin with. That's the free market, baby. Take it or leave it.

But those FOX News megaphones won't take one lousy little election defeat lying down. No sir. "Surely the lib-ruls will crawl outta their swamp hole any day now and storm the compound... probably order some gay drink and pretend to have an idea. Lord knows they been hidin' out fer awhile in their jumpy swamp hole... plenty of time to think, you know, when they weren't knocking alligators in the head with a stump, somewhere beneath all those explosives going off in other places. Okay. Let's see what they got. I hope it's not the usual bullshit about joining the world community, because the world community can suck my cable connection."

And on an unrelated humanitarian note, all hail the latest arrivals to the rock. Welcome aboard. So you're a baby. Milk it, baby. Babies have certain unalienable rights, like a clean slate, don't they? However, check p. 43 of the latest government manual... came out only last month. Contrition and debt for for sins you never committed or thought to commit will dominate your life. We need somewhere to put it; we've run outta space. Sorry about that. Each newborn should lose reasonable amounts of sleep (amortized over a reasonable period), whilst sucking at the teat. It's all there on p. 43. Memorize it. Shit, they made me do it. Everyone thinks they're screaming alone on this wonderful rock, and generally, they are.
Last edited by mnaz on December 3rd, 2006, 8:53 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by stilltrucking » December 3rd, 2006, 5:18 am

oh yes
babies have no rights
except the right
to protect
the unborn
from the liberal undead
don't mean nothing
fight or flight
might or smight
a disease called man
life against death
praise the lord and pass the amunition
god is on our side
democracy is born out of the barrel of a gun
war is good
"Four legs good, two legs baaad!
its a dam good joke
that life is so beautiful for me
and all I can do is feel guilty for not suffering enough
for the wretched of the earth
where is my outrage

so it is just karma baby
sorry kid
maybe next time you will be born as a hindu and this will all make sense to you.

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Post by mnaz » December 3rd, 2006, 5:35 am

yeah, i gotta admit.

that's always been a tough one,

you know, the whole right to choose to be born thing...

still don't have a real good answer for it,

so i guess i'll just keep on for awhile...

seems to be the way.
Last edited by mnaz on December 3rd, 2006, 5:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by stilltrucking » December 3rd, 2006, 5:37 am

yes keep on putting labels on it
us them

life is a bitch and then you are born

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Post by stilltrucking » December 3rd, 2006, 5:42 am

nothing to do but keep on keeping on
no other way but your way
that is all there is
a lamp unto ourselves.

he who is not busy dying is never born
death is a bitch and then you are born

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Post by stilltrucking » December 3rd, 2006, 5:49 am

has been
will ever be
will always will have ever been for me
life and death
always life and death

it is always about me
about my life
my death
my joy and sorrow
everything else is bullshit for me

I want to live
and I try to so hard to die
a damn good joke

sorry I got too much sleep I think

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Post by mnaz » December 3rd, 2006, 6:06 am

is there such a thing as too much sleep?

sounds like my (admittedly psychologically-tinged) definition of heaven,
as i sit here and hack away on this keyboard... so very tired...

have a good night, jack.

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Post by stilltrucking » December 3rd, 2006, 6:30 am

thanks mark
sleep tight

sometimes the last voice I would hear at night when I was on the road three thousand miles from home was some grizzled ex truck driver turned dispatcher telling me to sleep tight.

that banner above the picture of the sand dunes and mountains has been easing my fevered brain for a couple days now.

thanks for writting.

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Post by mnaz » December 3rd, 2006, 6:10 pm

Thanks for reading.

Wrote this one dead-tired... another impressionistic vent... thanks for putting up with 'em.... hardly remember what I wrote.... "jammed m-16 in hand, looking for a weapon".... that one kind of "sticks"... anyway... still crawling out from under the military wreckage of the 20th Century I guess. That profit-driven, bumbling war of "liberation" in the Middle East is exactly what the planet did not need... I can't believe most of this country fell for it. Still doesn't seem real. Beyond that, I wish some good could come out of it now... not the kind of good that could "justify" similar military aggression in the future... just some thread of relief for the people caught in the teeth of that madness simply due to wrong place/wrong time. We've got to rein in this war machine of ours. Seriously. Enough already. Alright, I'm done, I suppose...

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Post by Arcadia » December 3rd, 2006, 8:49 pm

"is there such a thing as too much sleep?". Sure, there is!

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