The Supreme Court On Pot

Commentary by Lightning Rod - RIP 2/6/2013
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The Supreme Court On Pot

Post by Lightning Rod » December 1st, 2004, 10:29 pm

final formatted version:

From the late 1960's to the early 1980's I made a substantial part of my living as a pot salesman and grower. But those days are in the past (the statute of limitations.) Today I'm just a writer and an enthusiastic consumer. But while I was a dealer, the worst thing I could imagine with respect to my livelihood was that the marvelous plant should be legalized. The only reason that you can ask upwards of $400 per ounce for a weed that will grow in anyone's back yard is because it is illegal. If the drug companies could figure out a way to patent a product that has been in use for four thousand years, it would be legal.

Now comes Angel McClary Raich before the Supreme Court of the United States of America. She has a list of ailments for which she consumes 'medical' marijuana. I've never really understood the difference between 'medical' marijuana and regular old marijuana, but I'm not a doctor or even an actor playing a doctor, so what do I know? The State of California has, by referendum of the people, provided in law that its citizens can use marijuana for medicinal purposes. This is only compassionate and sensible. The problem is that the Federal government has its own laws against marijuana and because of the precedent set down in Wickard vs. Filburn, and because of Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, the Feds think that they have the last say when it comes to regulating interstate commerce.

Just what Angel Raich growing pot on her windowsill in Oakland so that she can smoke it to ease her pain has to do with interstate commerce, only a lawyer could tell. But this is the issue before the Supreme Court.

Any pool hustler can tell you about The Principle of Local Rules. Local Rules always prevail. If you go into a pool hall where, in a game of eight-ball, you have to sink the 1 ball in the left side pocket and the 15 ball in the right side pocket, that's the way you have to play it. The concept of States Rights is based on the Principle of Local Rules, and the conservative Justices of the Supreme Court find themselves in an awkward position in the case of Ashcroft vs. Raich. They are stretched between their conservative dedication to States Rights and their native aversion to dope smoking. States Rights are fine when it comes to abortion and how to apply the death penalty and gay marriage, but smoking pot might make someone feel good and that's just going too far.

This writer rarely indulges in the discussion of whether or not marijuana should be legal. The whole subject strikes me as ridiculous. I'm going to smoke it no matter what the law says. I smoked it while I was locked up in prison for smoking it. I think it is a gift from god. But that's just my religion. John Ashcroft has his religion and I have mine. Local Rules apply and the locality in question is my body. Sue me.

The dispute at the root of Ashcroft vs. Raich is the same one that has plagued this country ever since the supremacy clause was written into the Constitution. One of the little flaws in our Constitution is that the supremacy clause contradicts the 10th Amendment. The tension between States Rights and Federalism has been a constant burr under the saddle of our Republic, from the nullification battle in the 1830's that was the underpinning of our bloody Civil War, to slavery, to voting rights, to the current topics of gay marriage, euthanasia and medical marijuana. Will local rules prevail or will the Federal government set the standards? If Mass. provides for gay marriage or if California legalizes pot, is that tantamount to succession? How about if South Carolina reinstates slavery?

As I write, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is indisposed due to cancer. He might be undergoing chemo or radiation therapy. I'll bet a phatty would do him good. If he smoked one he could probably make it to the bench long enough to rule against medical marijuana and States Rights.

The Poet's Eye sees that local rules always prevail. Pass me the medicinal reefer.

"The action of Hashish is as varied as life itself, and seems to be determined almost entirely by the will or the mood of the 'assassin'and that within the hedges of his mental and moral form". ALEISTER CROWLEY(1920)

"Let them smoke tobacco"
Last edited by Lightning Rod on December 5th, 2004, 11:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jimboloco » December 2nd, 2004, 11:59 am

Speaking of local rules, Tom Hayden has outlined a several part plan to oppose and end the Iraq War.

I mean look if we can get pockets of progressive politico-culture and enhance them with local ordinances in favor of issues like legal pot, anti-war resolutions from the city councils, progressive not whippingboy congressional reps, like grassroots, man, uh where was I?, oh yeah, the dude abides.
Selectivity about states rights, wow.
As you know, pot is a door opener to perception, just like that people will stop seeing through filtered conditioned one-dumbmensional reality.
I have it from a personal source, an anti-war Vietnam vet who was one of those at the infamous Kansas City meeting of the VVAW, formerly known as "Scott the Assassin'" who demurred about how would they like it if we had a similar policy here in America of planned assasinations of leaders who made us do those things in Vietnam....and of course in was a conjecture, merely, but carried a heavy weight with it....he was later set up and then acquitted for conspiracy to commit violence at the '72 coronation of Nixon....he told me directly that he had smoked pot with Kerry.
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for kids at Christmas. for a nice video and blues tune: ... /Hippy.htm


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Post by judih » December 2nd, 2004, 12:35 pm

interesting photo twist
parallel universe looks better

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Post by stilltrucking » December 2nd, 2004, 1:04 pm

SECOND VERSIONoh my god jimboloco
I been looking for that picture for a hundred years
thank you

naow I got to read this string, I just sent you email saying I got go can't shot the eight ball with you today

I showed that picture to a young dude at work one day the reply was, "So?" I hardly ever used to stop to count the years, but I think that was the day I started to look at the candles on my birthday cake,

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Post by jimboloco » December 2nd, 2004, 5:12 pm

Halleluja it's a miricle!It's hard to be morally superior to L Rod, sweet creeping Jesus, but I gotta believe....I call it life in a parrallel universe #1, boy and Judih kibbutzing with a poker face, talk to da hand she sayz, Jack who is the Grandma to be?Image

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Post by stilltrucking » December 2nd, 2004, 8:40 pm

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Post by jimboloco » December 3rd, 2004, 8:32 am

test post

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Post by judih » December 3rd, 2004, 8:37 am

test reply

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Post by jimboloco » December 3rd, 2004, 8:50 am

i keep getting booted out

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Post by Lightning Rod » December 3rd, 2004, 9:50 am

Test Answer,

Jimbo, there is a glitch in this software. First of all it logs you out at a certian time. I'm an administrator and I still have to log in at intervals.
Also, sometimes when I log in, I have to do it twice. If you push the post or reply button it should take you to the login page and if you do it in that order it usually lets you login on the first try.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

oh, and btw, that's one of the greatest photoshopped pictures I've ever seen. Wicked funny.
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Post by jimboloco » December 3rd, 2004, 10:23 am

this time I saved the document.
keep getting booted out. This the third attempt and will copy it this time so I don't lose it.

The quote about the assassin....
"The action of Hashish is as varied as life itself, and seems to be determined almost entirely by the will or the mood of the 'assassin and that within the hedges of his mental and moral form". ALEISTER CROWLEY(1920)
And I talked about "Scott the assassin" his Vietnam moniker....and remembered my talk with him about how he still believes in what he said back at the Kansas City meeting of the VVAW.
He was talking about how our leaders need to be held accountable
for the orders they issue.

He testified at the Winter Soldier deal with Kerry there taking notes, in a video now. He said, "I was a nice Jewish boy from Miami." He became a warrior Marine in the Phoenix Program in Vietnam, stopped counting at 300, he was quoted in something I read a long time ago. He was some kind on Biblical David, then underwent a transformation, woke up traumatized and transformed.

What part pot may have played I can't say. I smoked dope with maintenance crews, pilots....nobody else became conscientious objectors, just me....I knew a number of potheads cargo flyers in Nam who went on to become B-52 bomber pilots without any remorse.....

The last two days on on Radioactivity at 1 PM EST host Rob has had two guys testify who were former company men and became transformed. The first was John Perkins author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man: How the U.S. Uses
Globalization to Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions

former A.I.D.(Agency for International Development) prep dude for the heavy handed followup, made deals they couldn't refuse, and then yesterday, Paul Delgado, who grew up a son of an A.I.D. employee, came to the states for the first time age 18 having grown up abroad....he enlisted in the Army reserves in 2000, going to school, was activated, became an Arabic interpreter at Abu Grave(?) prizin in Iraq....came home, changed, declared conscientious objector and Buddhist, wow a generative Jimbo, now speaking out. I called in and asked Perking about his process of transformation, wanted to ask him if he'd ever smoked pot in Tashkent or Marrakech, but he only stated that 9-11 made him believe he had to finish the book....not sure that pot would have been necessary with either one of them in opening their caged former selves....

Stll I wonder, El Rod's conclusion that the chief Justice is so entrenched in his own caged convictions that, even if he were healed palliatively by pot, it would make him well enough to condemn it; about right for the firmly entrenched.

Something liberates. the will or the mood, within the hedges of one's mental and moral form.

I have been smoking pot lately. My wife's son is staying with us and has been a supplier and encourager.

Oh my. Scott in Nam, nice Jewish boy....Image and Scott transformed Image

and now as advocate for clean air....Image

Some perchance, evolve, and can contain enormous pain as well as joy.
And others of us are mere fuckups who don't know when to quit!

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Post by stilltrucking » December 3rd, 2004, 3:36 pm

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Post by jimboloco » December 3rd, 2004, 5:04 pm

Some perchance, evolve, and can contain enormous pain as well as joy.
And others of us are mere fuckups who don't know when to quit!

It depends on what blog roll you are inside.

That Jubilation Cornpone feller was before my time, man, also Tommy Franks got to have his military campaign, what he wanted.
But jubilation we gonna retreat at last!
It all boils down to negative distortions not welcome thang.

I got my own rules to follow I don't need somone jabbering at me about my unwiorthiness.
Yeah man, Scott is a walking wounded, man, and he changes it like an alchemy, he says he is a marine, becomes kind. My marine friend Bob has his spanking Repubs web site, vacations in Mexico. Not Cancun but Jelapa south of Puerta Vallerta. Other marine friend protested in Crawford during the election.
What it is the makes the man know when to quit the company?

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