Rocky Raccoon

Commentary by Lightning Rod - RIP 2/6/2013
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Lightning Rod
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Rocky Raccoon

Post by Lightning Rod » January 5th, 2007, 1:34 pm

Image ... accoon.jpg

Rocky Raccoon
for release 01-05-07
Washington DC

Presidencies are a bit like romances. After the blush is off the rose, that is to say after about the first four years, things start to get dicey. You've told all of your stories (several times). She is too familiar with your habits, and you with hers. Everybody knows who snores or who grits their teeth or who can't keep up with their socks. The things that once endeared now irritate. She's told you all of her stories (several times). You both know what to expect from the other (yawn). The cap is off the toothpaste tube, so to speak.

This is the situation in which our president finds himself. I call it the second term blues. It's the Crossroads where Robert Johnson meets the devil. It's happened to almost every modern president who has had a second term. Everybody's heard their stories before (several times). We know too much about them. Their foibles and mistakes are on record, catalogued in the indelible ink, the video tape, of memory. Yes, presidencies are like romances.

In love affairs, you excuse the minor shortcomings at first. You assume that bad habits will improve or that characters will change or that love will transform your partner into the dream creature that you desire. The Poet's Eye hasn't noticed any instances of this actually happening.

When George Bush was first quasi-elected, the American people didn't know whether we were really married or just living in sin. But when the wedding present was delivered on 9-11, we were giddy enough with fear and romance to overlook minor transgressions like The Patriot Act. We all smiled when he invaded his first foreign country. It looked like the manly thing to do. Then he invaded Iraq after lying about the lipstick on his collar and he's playing poker with his buddies all night and we start to get an inkling that he's a nasty drunk in the geo-political sense. He's a second-term boyfriend.

Every relationship has its Rocky moments. When you are a second-term boyfriend or a second-term president you can expect global cooling and you can expect the political winds to change. The only solution is acceptance. At some point in a romance or in politics you have to accept that your partner burps when drinking beer and that your president is a pompous little chest-thumping jackass who is signing laws which assert that he has the right to open your mail.

Now enters The Other Woman. Her name is Magil, she calls herself Lil, but everyone knows her as Nancy,,,,, Pelosi. Whether she uses Thomas Jefferson's Koran or Gideon's bible, she is swearing in a democratic majority in the House of Representatives. Georgie Raccoon is going to have to make nice. He has survived into his second term, but will he survive the Seven Year (B)Itch?

Georgie Raccoon checked into his room
Only to find Gideon's bible
Georgie had come equipped with a gun
To shoot off the legs of his rival
His rival it seems had broken his dreams
By stealing the girl of his fancy.
Her name was Magil and she called herself Lil
But everyone knew her as Nancy.
--paraphrased from the Beatles
"These words don't make me a poet, these Eyes make me a poet."

The Poet's Eye

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Post by mtmynd » January 5th, 2007, 2:52 pm


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Post by Doreen Peri » January 5th, 2007, 4:34 pm

I'm not good at understanding other people's metaphors.

Interesting column, though. I'll try to figure it out.


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Post by tarbaby » January 6th, 2007, 12:21 pm

You have a gift for understatement
Their foibles and mistakes are on record, catalogued in the indelible ink, the video tape, of memory. Yes, presidencies are like romances.
He can open my mail anytime
I hope someone mails me some anthrax

I was thinking about rocky racoon just the other day
I can't remember why
maybe something firsty wrote.

Or maybe it was this.

Raccoon Eyes

I never get any metaphors about women and romance

Thanks for something to read sincerely 8) a very good read

Sorry about the sock puppet
Just what it is all about for me
just me
done none of those rights of passage that a man should have
no children no marriage no books no house
just me
not even a bar mizvah
but it keeps me detached
so I don't mind giving all my money away.

just because you inspired this nonsense
does not make it your fault
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Post by Michael » January 6th, 2007, 10:18 pm

I don’t know. Before she was the official keeper of the gavel, she “pre-pardoned” Dubya by taking punishment off the table.

I hear there are going to be hearings. Have you heard the same?

So, let’s see. They hold hearings and, if they listen at these hearings, they’ll hear about Dubya’s breaking several laws, constitutional and international alike. If nothing else, they’ll hear them by accident, even if they don’t want to hear them at the hearings. They may not see the elephant, but they'll hear it.

Now, what to do with what they hear at the hearings? Does Nancy sneak punishment back onto the table? Will she be known as a punishment flip-flopper, sort of a punishment Indian-giver?

After he chanced looking like a basement fool by holding a nonbinding, no-count hearing, Conyers got conned not by neos but by Nancy the table keeper.

Back to the question. What do they do when they run into the fact that Dubya’s been getting high on crimes and misdemeanors?

Has Dubya sent Nancy a thank you note yet? What a peach.

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Post by stilltrucking » January 8th, 2007, 11:15 am

Don't underestimate Nancy, I knew her well, when her name was D'Alesandro. I would walk by her daddy's mansion in little italy on my way to PS #2. He was a shrewd old time machine pol. I think she is a very shrewd too. ... 87,00.html

As for opening my mail:
From the trial of Peter Zinger in 1735 to the Alien and Sedition Acts
of 1798 to the Palmer Raids these things get sorted out in the long haul.

NYTIMES editorial
Also last month, Mr. Bush issued another of his infamous “presidential signing statements,” which he has used scores of times to make clear he does not intend to respect the requirements of a particular law — in this case a little-noticed Postal Service bill. The statement suggested that Mr. Bush does not believe the government must obtain a court order before opening Americans’ first-class mail. It said the administration had the right to “conduct searches in exigent circumstances,” which include not only protecting lives, but also unspecified “foreign intelligence collection.”

The law is clear on this. A warrant is required to open Americans’ mail under a statute that was passed to stop just this sort of abuse using just this sort of pretext. But then again, the law is also clear on the need to obtain a warrant before intercepting Americans’ telephone calls and e-mail. Mr. Bush began openly defying that law after Sept. 11, 2001, authorizing the National Security Agency to eavesdrop without a court order on calls and e-mail between the United States and other countries.

So many things for congress to do, I think the democrats have to pick their issues carefully. The war is job one. I don't think the mail issue is going to get much resonance with the masses. Plenty of time to go there.
Rome was not burned in a day. But where is Atilla when we need him?

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Post by stilltrucking » January 8th, 2007, 1:29 pm

Sorry to butt in
so much bad shit going down
where to begin
I just don't think Nancy is a bimbo.

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Post by stilltrucking » January 8th, 2007, 1:29 pm

Sorry to butt in
so much bad shit going down
where to begin
I just don't think Nancy is a bimbo.

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Post by mtmynd » January 8th, 2007, 3:15 pm

truck, i don't either. thought you might like to know.

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