Sex and the Single Girl

Commentary by Lightning Rod - RIP 2/6/2013
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Lightning Rod
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Sex and the Single Girl

Post by Lightning Rod » January 18th, 2007, 10:06 pm

[Image ... 059033.jpg

Sex and the Single Girl

for release 01-19-07
Washington DC

The recent New York Times survey showing that more than half of American women (51%) are now living in a state of singleness without benefit of wedlock, verifies a theory that I have long held--that women are infinitely superior to men in every way. They don't need us. At least no more than they would need a pet or a houseplant--for amusement.

The modern male has become a totally superfluous species. There are enough sperm from Nobel Prize winners stored in nitrogen tanks to last for centuries. Sperm banks have robbed the male of his only flimsy claim to power, the seed. Face it dudes, they don't need us anymore.

Of course we still need them. They own the portal of birth. They control the milk. Without them, we wouldn't be around to exhibit or fulfill our potential for uselessness. We would have to get our own beer from the refrigerator.

Make no mistake gentlemen, we are pets. We can be trained to do simple tricks like getting a job and mowing the grass, fetching the paper or mail, catching the occasional cricket in the bathtub, signing checks, you know, that kind of stuff. But all males are essentially non-essential.

Does the thought of a future warrior race of career girl amazons make you a little queasy? Are Sex in the City and Desperate Housewives going to become the new social paradigm? Will The View claim as much authority as the Supreme Court? Will the anchor-babes on CNN gain more credibility than Walter Cronkite? It's enough to make you go limp.

Before they harass us into extinction, they will probably make prostitutes out of us. I'm hoping so. There's nothing like a steady paycheck. Have you ever wondered why prostitutes are almost always women (or young boys)? It's because of supply and demand. Men just want it more than women. Urban myth has it that men think of sex on average once every twenty minutes. (My personal research puts it closer to every twenty seconds) And women think of it on average every twenty-eight days or whenever the payment on their Porche is due.

But it looks like the situation could be shifting. With 51 percent of women living single, maybe we'll soon see hunks in storefront windows in Red Light Amsterdam. Websites will spring up selling an evening with Fabio. My friends, there may be careers opening up for you in the service industry. A good stud horse can service up to six mares a day and with modern performance enhancing drugs, there is no telling how many customers could be served in the course of a four hour erection.

The only honest way to get sex is to buy it. That way it's a straightforward transaction, no hidden costs. That should appeal to the new, independent, practical minded woman who is living alone.

I hear someone say, "Lightning Rod, you usually write about politics, why are you writing about sex?"

I say, "There is nothing as political as sex. After all, isn't politics the science of who fucks whom and who gets paid for it?"

The Poet's Eye sees a whole new vista of economic activity. A Free Trade Agreement between the sexes. Do you hear that giant sucking noise?

Just a gigolo
everywhere I go
people know the part
I'm playing

Paid for every dance
selling each romance
every night some heart

There will come a day
youth will pass away
then what will they say
about me

When the end comes I know
they'll say just a gigolo
as life goes on
without me
--David Lee Roth
"These words don't make me a poet, these Eyes make me a poet."

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Ann Bingham
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Post by Ann Bingham » January 18th, 2007, 11:21 pm


This one caught my eye. You titled it well. At any rate we won't go into the how's and whys of why I live alone. Suffice it to say I am one cold tough bitch to live with. Yeah I'd like to have a guy around.....but I don't want to treat him like my dog.....which most of the time I ignore. Oh and another thing...we don't need them to sign the checks either. I have three kids and do not collect child choice. I'll shut up now. Some of the things you say are oh so true. Guess the tables are turning.

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Post by K&D » January 19th, 2007, 2:27 am

i'm looking for something different the the old time arrangement, someone refeard to my boyfriend and i as being companions....thats my hand, i suppose everyone has a different set of interest....but companionship may also be the reason i enjoy living alone, i want to have a seperate life and i want him to have a seperate life, you know i neither want to be owned or to own someone....whats that eurethmics song about some people want to use you some people want to be abused....theres nothing in that song about equality and i think its because there is a sort of dycodomy formed, you either want the relationship of you older stereotypes of women being taken care of by man or then theres the other rebellion of women taking care of man.....i don't know if you see too much companionship in all forms, i mean the jobs aren't split....i don't know, i want something completely different then most relationships i see, and maybe thats why i probably will live alone...theres changing gender roles, but at the same time i'm not interested in being the overbearing bitch you know...i'm trying to find the synthesis, which i beleive to be companionship.

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Post by Doreen Peri » January 19th, 2007, 11:57 am

Urban myth has it that men think of sex on average once every twenty minutes. (My personal research puts it closer to every twenty seconds) And women think of it on average every twenty-eight days or whenever the payment on their Porche is due.
I'm thinking you should change the name of this column to "The Sexist and the Single Girl"

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Post by stilltrucking » January 19th, 2007, 12:36 pm

Where is bennie when we need him?

Men think about sex every six seconds

Another salty one Clay
It sounds like an interesting subject for a thesis or senior paper in cultural anthropology. I wish I was not too old to go back to college. There is some Intriguing work being done on the evolutionary purpose of the female orgasm in humans.

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Post by Lightning Rod » January 19th, 2007, 1:03 pm

stilltrucking wrote:Where is bennie when we need him?

Men think about sex every six seconds

Another salty one Clay
It sounds like an interesting subject for a thesis or senior paper in cultural anthropology. I wish I was not too old to go back to college. There is some Intriguing work being done on the evolutionary purpose of the female orgasm in humans.
every SIX seconds? Well, Benny's younger than I am.

Where the fuck is that shining light?

he must have a girlfriend who is keeping him a willing prisoner in her attic or something. I hope she is paying him well. :lol: :lol:
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Post by Doreen Peri » January 19th, 2007, 1:12 pm

Why do you only reply to one of the people who replied to your column?

Don't you know everybody who replied took the time to read and make a thoughtful reply to you?

Just curious.


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Post by Doreen Peri » January 19th, 2007, 1:16 pm

Sorry. I'm really not a bitch ALL the time. Only when I get ignored. (oh there are other times, too, but I won't go into that because validating my bitchiness is not in today's agenda. I have other more important things to do.)

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Post by Lightning Rod » January 19th, 2007, 1:55 pm

OK, doreen

I'm not beyond protocol

Thank You Ann

In my opinion any woman who doesn't accept child support is a real man


I've been wondering where you were.

Yes, companionship is the answer, and acceptance. Like I said, if you are looking for a lover who is perfect, get a houseplant.


I'm sorry. I can't imagine anything higher on your agenda than being a bitch. That's why I love you.
"These words don't make me a poet, these Eyes make me a poet."

The Poet's Eye

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Post by Doreen Peri » January 19th, 2007, 2:05 pm

I didn't say being a bitch wasn't on my agenda today. That's on my agenda every day. Lately anyway. And for valid reasons.

I said validating my being a bitch wasn't on my agenda today. And that's why I'm not going to go into the valid reasons which you should be aware of anyway.

Thanks for taking the time to reply to those who took the time to read your work and reply to you.

Yes, it's protocol. It's called proper netiquette.

I believe people should be polite on the internet. (and everywhere else for that matter).

I try to be polite even when I'm being a bitch. It's an awkward combination, let me assure you, but I do my best.

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Post by stilltrucking » January 19th, 2007, 2:24 pm

not to change the subject
but where is stupid bob when we need him
Thinking about the song he did on the last cabaradio.
Beautiful song sung well, music pretty nice too. ... ideos.html

The last little line sung ever so softly, cracked me up. I got a pretty sick sense of humor I guess.
"That's what I get for loving,...a bitch like you

It was probably just a aural hallucination, i am sure he never really said that.?

Beautiful song, I wish I could find it, going to listen to the whole show again if I have to.

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Post by Doreen Peri » January 19th, 2007, 2:31 pm

Yeah, he wanted to call it "Bitch Like You"... i mean that's really the way he named the song.... but I said you can't introduce it like that, it ruins the punch line!

Great tune!

I love Stupid Bob (Rene Lawrence). Love him like a brother. Talented guy for sure!

Too bad he doesn't do the forum thing any more. I think he's too busy having a real life. :) We all should be so lucky! lol

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Post by Dave The Dov » January 20th, 2007, 10:19 am

Everyone has there way in life. Why make such a big deal out of it!!!!
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Post by mousey1 » January 20th, 2007, 2:31 pm

yes, where is every one. we are all floating away like ice floes. ice picked ice chipped off the community block and floating away. I am a lone mouse, caught in the swirling eddy of this life and I just ain't getting nowhere but in a circle fast.

a life you say? get a life. the tap tap tapping of my fingers on this keyboard is a life. a fraction of my life. a way of glugging to the surface of my mind from time to time. I am a word dropper who's attune to the silent thud thud of an empty room in the corner moonbeam gloom. I am edging toward eternity on a broomstick broom, flailing high and dry on vintage whine and slices of doom.

hello. hello. is this mic working? hello?


I think the actions of a sane mind should be watched closely for footprints leading nowhere.

sex is nice
men and women are so different
sex without love is like
sex on ice
a frozen cock tail

yes guys and girls stay single
the fringe benefits
keeping it fresh
not rotted insipid

do I sound jaded? I'm not. I'm twitterpated. twitterpated with life.

someone correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't marriage just the solidifying of property. it should be outlawed not inlawed.
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by Dave The Dov » January 21st, 2007, 7:53 am

No just a way of life!!!! :D
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