An April Shower of Words

April 2007
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Post by stilltrucking » April 7th, 2007, 8:16 pm

cold april rain
my dog is going to explode
he won't go out
he don't like to get his footsies wet
but he has to go

a rainy day in april 1962
wearing one of those black paper yarmulkes
compliments of Levinson & Sons funeral directors
the ink was running as the rain soaked through
and we all had the black tracks running down our faces like tears
but I shed not a tear for him

if ever there lived a man with heart so dead
at the tender age of one and twenty
It was me

Many a raindrop has fallen since then
but not a tear
any day now I hope I can cry for my father.
I called out to him in a dream the other night

April showers
blooming flowers
this feeling of dismay
will go away
in may
with a little help from my friends

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Post by stilltrucking » April 7th, 2007, 10:10 pm

every april
I felt like a pirate

who cheated the sea
and escaped with my life

like a long haul trucker
coming off Cabbage Pass headed home to sunny dixie land
Like I had cheated the mountain in winter

and every april
I hoped to see another spring

but not this year
this year I don' care anymore

this year will be a very good year
I will live it like it wil be my last spring
every day my last day
every breath like my last breath
and my first breath

how sweet it is
even on a cold rainy april night

"Love, Work and Suffer".

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Post by mnaz » April 7th, 2007, 10:57 pm

rebirth, it seems.

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Post by stilltrucking » April 7th, 2007, 11:19 pm

UnDeath-- Lucy

I loved that poem, no idea what she meant

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Doreen Peri
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Post by Doreen Peri » April 8th, 2007, 12:03 am

Spring has been delayed.
It is April 8 and 35 degrees
where I am. Brrrrrrr!

Thank you all for playing!

New Jam ideas welcome!
New site coming soon.
Book coming along.

We are springing forward!

Happy new beginnings to all of you!


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Post by WIREMAN » April 8th, 2007, 9:34 am

Happy Easter
eggs over easy morn
mocha @ DOWNTIME
and some time to jam
not a lot opened today
everybody chilled
that's the buzz around
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Post by jimboloco » April 8th, 2007, 12:07 pm

spring training is over
real jam time is never
always playing
even when precepting
following leading
then leading by following
my student about to graduate
tomorrow she will make the agenda
i will follow
spring ahead
affirmations grown out of winter's fallow dread
marked with celebrations out of rule
yule tide foolery
now easter's pagan flowery show
inside my heart
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Post by jimboloco » April 8th, 2007, 12:21 pm

yes argentinian tragedy
remembered while eating lunch
then the march and stopping
to protest and assemble for courage and sanity.

we stopped against orders
march, 1972,
in front of Nixon's campaign headquarters
Manchester, New Hampshire,
a demonstration to end the war,
i was taking pictures of the police
when two of them grabbed me, dragged towards the paddy wagon
when two of my Nam Vet brothers clubbed them with plastic machine guns
i broke free and turned around to take pictures of their faces
pictures of police faces
dazed and bewildered
all too human

march, 1982, bivouacked at night against an old stone wall,
Derry, New Hampshire, patches of snow,
a deep cold stream all around,
nearby a neolithic assemblage of stones,
to catch the spring equinox, spiritual communal rituals,
hooded angels scaring me onward,
the low point touched, wet, muddy, cold, shivering,
warmed by Sunday morning sunshine
and redemption. long and slow
creeping into springtime and the way.

body-mind redemption
the northern school
at last
a sane path
whilst watching out for any crazy wisdom masters who may appear,
like Frog in the medicine hut, Rainbow Gathering, 1980, August
"we are all explorers," he said,
new visions of growth
cultivating stillness
to make a rhyme.
to make a life.
to make nada mucho mas.
just buying time
starting at the root chackra
bringing up the sprouts,
the shoots, poking up thru old leaves and mud
one more time,
tabla raza,
with some history to chew on,
it's time for a change
for the better,
new harmonies,
new energies,
inner alchemies,
outer well-being.
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Post by jimboloco » April 11th, 2007, 8:40 am

c-span michelle obama in manchester
hot dawg here we go
hang onto yer hatz
with all them flowers
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]


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