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Post by mtmynd » September 3rd, 2004, 4:36 pm

Well, I imagine most of you old Litkickers know by now that the New Litkicks has been launched. I feel the excitement in Levi's words and I will give the new direction a shot or more and see how it goes.

It seems the days of moderating the old boards are no longer a concern, something that many of us will surely miss. But thanks to good timing or whatever, here at Studio 8, Doreen and Clay have brought many of us back together to continue with our many sidetracks and friendships that we all intially met by way of Litkicks. It's good to see many familiar names popping up and I hope more will find out about this place and join in.

That's about it from me, for now... :)

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Post by WIREMAN » September 3rd, 2004, 5:20 pm

my thoughts exactly cecil......all things change and progress to the next......
....onto the future.....I love to have a forum to write on freely with feedback and positive intentions.....this I found at Litkicks and enjoyed it immensely.....I will always be amazed by the kick of action poetry and I will always read my favorite action poets I think back on the past few years there is a bright light that shines upon the very thought of the times and place we all inhabited.......and now were here and thank you doreen for all the work your doing and all the new ties that are the product of this artistic union....there is a strength in a group of creative minds pushing the limits together, that throughout it's history have pushed these spirits to greater heights....that was what drew me to litkicks and that is the juice that fuels me here....and the sites with our art and words and music to come and.....well.....this is amaxzing ........wired

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Post by e_dog » September 3rd, 2004, 6:00 pm

i've begun pestering Litkick's to put up a notice / link to this Studio so as to alert more ole Litkickers to its existence, as i myself only found out about this place recently, after suffering from Litkicks withdraway so to speak! i am sure there are plenty 'kickers who do not know where if anywhere to go to find the type of creative energy n discussion that was for a long while available on the litkicks boards.
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Post by Lightning Rod » September 3rd, 2004, 6:50 pm

yeeee e-doggies!

good to see you here, e-dog.

the refugees keep trickling in


"These words don't make me a poet, these Eyes make me a poet."

The Poet's Eye


the new litkicks......

Post by hester_prynne » September 4th, 2004, 3:09 am

Indeed, I too wish the new litkicks endeavor well.
Also though, I will miss the boards and the outlet for creative spontaneous random brilliances I so enjoyed reading and being inspired by.
It seems Litkicks will be moderated even more now. That's cool. It's their creation and I wish them every luck and success. I think they will find more of what they are looking for with their new format. It is not, however, something that I am looking for, I mean, no offense intended but I don't feel alot of interest in it. The way it sounds reminds me more of a classroom approach. I'm just kinda done with that scene.
I'm very glad and relieved to have studio eight to come to and I consider Doreen and LRod to be veritable wunderkinds and Beat saints to have realized the importance of carrying on, and to so quickly have created this wonderful spot for us. I really dig it here. I feel comfortable and like I can just be myself. Whoever that is.
I have been hiding out a bit with a case of the sour grapes though, to tell you the truth.
Not at anything in particular.
Just at everything else.
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Post by mtmynd » September 4th, 2004, 8:05 am

hes - sour grapes are the ones that were picked too early. :)

i got too involved in the Conventions... i'm poliltically drained right now, that will burn out any creativity in me.

Litkicks will be fine. Now attaining the ripe old cyber-age of ten, it must evolve. Levi has a vision and his baby is now ready for a new path. I'll be watchin' out for it. :wink:

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Post by Lightning Rod » September 4th, 2004, 10:40 am

hey hest,

could you kinda go light on the saint thing? It makes me nervous as a whore in church when somebody accuses me of that.

I have this theory called the theory of pimps and monks. We are all pimps and monks. Subtle mixtures of the sacred and the profane.

A friend of mine emailed me that when he ran spell check on Lrod, it kept suggesting Lord. I told him just to click 'ignore.'
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Post by Doreen Peri » September 4th, 2004, 10:43 am

i think the new direction litkicks is taking is very cool!

the 24 hour poetry party was a success... as were the other projects/events they have recently undertaken, such as the book nominations and the final product, the Quest, etc

Just to set the record straight here.... maybe i'm reading between the lines... I donno... but I sorta felt there was an implication that we started these boards as a replacement for those and that's not at all the case.

I have had the concept of Studio Eight in my head for a long time and was making announcements and looking for artists and writers and musicians and columnists, etc., to participate far earlier than I had a clue that the boards at Litkicks were going to shut down. I've been doing this for several months. I made the first studio 8 pages back when we were doing the last cabaradio, in june.

The intention for Studio Eight is for it to be a showcase for creative people like all of you..... And I always planned on having bulletin boards as part of the site from the very beginning of the concept being born.

I installed this software on July 10th, prior to the 24 hour poetry party and any knowledge of the boards at Litkicks closing down. We couldn't get the darn thing to work though. It's open source software and I got an error message to throw away a file which unfortunately, i had no access to.

So, I let the thing sit while looking for help to get the software installed properly, participated in the 24 hour poetry party, went on vacation and came back to find an announcement in my email box from Levi explaining that they were taking a haitus.

Initially, we really had no intention of opening these boards prior to launching the site.... we were just going to get the software installed properly and set it up which we managed to do on August 15th. So, we went ahead and opened them early.

Bottom line is, these boards were intended to be part of this site long before anyone had any idea that Litkicks was closing its boards.


There are hundreds of thousands of discussion boards all over the internet.... Everybody's doin' it!.... all we are are people who happen to have been working on a website for quite a while and wanted to have a discussion board as part of it from the beginning...

i like the look of this place but I wish we had software that wasn't closed up like this... I like the open software better... unfortunately it's not available to us right now


I'm looking forward to participating in the upcoming litkicks event ... I think it's very cool!

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Post by abcrystcats » September 4th, 2004, 11:32 am

I'm taking a sort of wait-and-see attitude towards the new Litkicks.

The October launch party definitely sounds interesting. I'd like to submit a question except ...where's the "box on the left" he referred to for guidelines to submit? I didn't see it.

I liked his article categories, too. They seem to be broader than the old ones, and I can see some opportunities for submissions there.

I will miss the message boards, but in the meantime I can go here and to Arcanum and some similar stuff is happening. Arcanum has a broader range of participants than Litkicks did. For some reason, posting isn't quite as much fun on Arcanum, though, but for the time being, it suits the purpose very well. I think Levi's message boards were getting too spread out and hard to monitor. Did we really need "Utterances" and "Mindless Chatter" and "Flame Wars"? Some boards were taking over and others were withering away. We were using the message boards to take Litkicks where we wanted to go -- and maybe where we wanted to go was not what Levi had intended.

As for the "classroom" comment, Hester you have a good point. I kinda think I could use the structure for the time being, but that's just me.

I will definitely miss the intensity and the drama and cameraderie of the message boards! Maybe Levi could put in JUST ONE?? What a great group of people! ...and I had only just discovered it, too. All I can say is that I'm lucky I got an invitation to this board and a few others so I could hook up with some of you guys in other ways.


A little more.....

Post by hester_prynne » September 4th, 2004, 5:20 pm

Just to clarify to Doreen, I didn't mean to imply that studio 8 was a litkicks replacement at all, although I can see how it came across that way in my post....I knew you were working on this site for a long time before litkicks even went on creative hiatus. I'm just glad the timing was so good and that studio 8 came alive when it did. A nice and magic sort of segway is how I see it really....
And yes, I have found several other sites I've been exploring, there are many.
But I really like the energy here, and I do see this place as a way for some of us old litkickers to carry on which is really nice. We can continue to be connected here and I like that alot.
Touche` and again, many thanks for studio 8.

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my brother!

Post by singlemalt » September 4th, 2004, 9:20 pm

Hey, it's great to see, er, read, you again.

I'm trying to figure out the software here, but glad to see many of the old people back. Hope you had a nice summer. We'll chat soon, as soon as I can figure this place out.

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Post by Lightning Rod » September 4th, 2004, 9:27 pm

hey malt

yeah, the software is a change from LK, but it's pretty simple.

I'm three sips into this bottle of whiskey

Wish it was a singlemalt but it's a blend

good to see you here, my friend
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Post by singlemalt » September 4th, 2004, 9:35 pm


I like this place already. It's a little more structured than freedom hall, which is good. Sometimes I didn't know what the hell was going on there.

I will say that the set up of the litkicks message boards was great. The way you could read the posts, see when someone replied, etc.

But enough about them. So, what are you gonna have around here other than message boards? Anything?

And how about a malt next time. . . leave the blends to the uneducated.

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Post by Lightning Rod » September 4th, 2004, 9:45 pm

yeah, it's good to see the refugees stragling in

this software isn't quite as open as the Jive script that Levi was using, but it's functional and once you get familiar with it, it has its advantages. We're still messing around with it. is going to be a much larger site than just the discussion boards. We are working on it now and should launch the whole site in a month or so.

you can check out the front page at

it will give you an idea of how the site will be organized

many writers and artists and musicians etc are participating

stay tuned
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Post by Doreen Peri » September 5th, 2004, 9:10 pm

hey thirteen.

just to let you know that i'm not too hip on reading adolescent slams so, stick around and post something worthwhile, ok, or don't post here at all.


i wondered when your IP # was going to register... you've been lurking here for 2 weeks hitting the site many times a day.

nobody here is looking to get bored and i'm bored already typing this post.

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