What's The Point?

Commentary by Lightning Rod - RIP 2/6/2013
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Lightning Rod
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What's The Point?

Post by Lightning Rod » July 16th, 2007, 10:40 am


What's the Point?
for release 07-16-07
Washington DC
by Lightning Rod

In Harry Nilsson's timeless animated musical fairy tale The Point, Oblio and Arrow have been banished to the Pointless Forest. They encounter the Rock Man. When they ask him if this is the Pointless Forest,
the Rock Man says,

"Say, babe, there ain't nothing pointless about this gig. The thing is you see what you want to see and you hear what you want to hear. You dig? Did you ever see Paris?"


"Did you ever see New Deli?"


"Well, that's it. You see what you want to see and you hear what you want to hear."

This is the profound message of the fairy tale. Even a rock could understand this simple truth. You see what you want to see and you hear what you want to hear.

A rock can see it, and Iraq can see it, and we have a president who sees what he wants to see and hears what he wants to hear. He's living in a fairy tale.

He wants to see progress being made in Iraq. So he sees it. He wants to hear that democracy and freedom are blossoming in the Mid-East, so he hears it. He's in the Pointless Desert fighting a pointless war with your money and your children and husbands and wives.

We are spending billions of dollars and ruining countless lives with this war. My question is: What is the Point?

Oh yeah, we are rescuing the world from Al Queda. The only problem with this theory is that the plant of terrorism, whether you want to call it Al Queda or Hamas or MS-13, flourishes on devastation and destruction and war and chaos and occupation. These are just the conditions we have created in Iraq by our invasion.

How we can imagine that we are spreading freedom and democracy with Shock and Awe and occupation and tens of thousands of killed Iraqis and 2 million refugees created is beyond me, I don't get the Point.

The neo-cons, who are still very much in control of this regime, have an agenda. The neo-cons want to establish neo-colonialism. One of their objectives is to secure hegemony over the Mid-East and it's oil resources. If it wasn't for the oil in the region we would abandon the Iraqis to their sectarian amusements just like we ignore the suffering in Darfur.

The Poet's Eye sees that the Point is oil. But that's a slippery subject and you see what you want to see and you hear what you want to hear. We would much rather hear that we are fighting to spread freedom and democracy and to protect our shores from evildoers and terrorists than we want to hear the truth. The truth is that we are sacrificing our flesh and our treasure for the enrichment of a few. Until we wake up and see this truth, we will be wandering in the Pointless Forest.

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The Poet's Eye

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Post by mtmynd » July 16th, 2007, 11:54 am

that's about it. oil. who's going to control the 2d largest oil reserves? u.s. will never leave iraq. see the embassy. long term digs.

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Post by Kreddible Trout » July 16th, 2007, 8:47 pm

Yeah... I don't think GWB misses the point at all. The point has been his agenda before he knew it. Doesn't mean he understands it, but he knows what it is. He was bred for it.
The only ones who don't see The Point are the American people. Most of the rest of us out here see it. It's clear as day. We outsiders (though with the scope of PNAC it's hard to say there are any outsiders left. Norway maybe. Until glacier water becomes the new oil) think that it's so blatant in fact that all Americans must be in on it. They must be! If a nation can stand behind such brazen hostility, the nation must be in favour of it. Especially if the nation re-elects those responsible for such hostility!
Unless they've been distracted somehow... Does anyone know the reason for American troops being in Iraq? It was freedom wasn't it? Or was Ossama there? WMDs? Freedom? Democracy? (at the tip of a missile?) Hussein? Ossama? Democracy? PCBs MWDs MTVs... what were we talking about?
Those seeking the Point have had blinders placed on them. Big (blockbuster staring Denzel) well placed (drink Coca-Cola) black (Buy a second car) blinders (what colour is your IPOD?) with a carrot dangled in front of them (your SUV is your identity. be cool like your friends)!

Oil and Power.
'...and I never buy unbrellas 'cause there's always one around.'
-Tom Waits

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Post by mischaz » July 18th, 2007, 9:03 pm

Hi, Folks:

Yes, George W. spends unbelievable billions of taxpayer's money and hundreds of thousands of lives to give the stolen oil to the oil corporations that serve the USA and Britain, so they can make money. The big three countries in oil reserves: Iraq, Iran, Venezuela. News sources are already saying that the White House now leans toward invading Iran before the presidential election. Who knows what lies we'll be given this time, or what terrorists horrors will "be allowed to happen." If this is done well enough, we might even get martial law and a full-time tyrant. At the very least, Americans may be frightened in sticking with similar-thinking Republicans, since they "are so much tougher than Democrats."

Anyway, the official BS has long been in place against Chavez, country #3 for oil reserves, with one failed CIA-sponsored overthrow of his government already behind us. The US corporate news never let us know that 1 1/2 million people took to the streets to demand the return of Chavez the day after that failed coup. He is obviously incredibly popular. But, this is still oil reserve #3, and I'm not sure whether or not the neoconservatives can be stopped, they are playing for keeps with Iraq, Iran, and Chavez; they may prove to be capable of manipulations far beyond what most Americans would ever imagine. Even some of our "loving Christian" evangelicals are calling for Chavez's assassination.

By the way, GWB just came to Nashville to give a "wake up, America" speach on the "state of the economy." Gee, he finally woke up! But, what happened to the surplus he had when he came into office? Of course, his solution is to take from the poor via horrific destruction of social programs. The poor and disabled must pay for this war, far past the point that their disadvantaged young people are already sharing the brunt of overseas military action. And, of course, we must tax the middle-class to further destroy them, and we must give more tax breaks to the rich since his last 5 tax breaks to the rich don't seem to have "trickled down" to the rest of us yet. WAKE UP, AMERICA, indeed...


Mischa Z

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Post by Doreen Peri » July 18th, 2007, 9:40 pm

What's the point of making pasta
in different shapes?
What's the point of loyalty?
What's the point of Trigonometry?
what's the point of philosophy
What's the point of all this?
What's the point of the past?
What's the Point of Praying for the Dead?
“What's the point of going out,
we're just going to end up back here anyway?”
What's the point in all this screaming?
Amnesia: What's the point?
What's the point of satire?
What's the point of pain?
What's the point of interaction?
What's the point of having a vision?
What's the point of leap year?
What's the point of truck weigh stations?
What's the Point of Protest?
Daylight-Saving Time: What's the Point?
What's the Point of Reciprocal Trade Negotiations?
Sobriety: What's the Point?
What's the point of Miss America
The Restless Sleep: What's the Point?
What's The Point of Marriage, Gay or Straight?
What's the Point of Unparalleled Corruption?
What's the point of pubic hair?
What's the point of robot pets?
What's the point of sex?
What's the point of all this argument?

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Post by jimboloco » July 21st, 2007, 9:59 am

the point is recognition of what is
the point is acceptance of what is
that it is what it is, not that it is ok
like mytyamynd living on the far left corner of texxas says
facts are not opinions
the point is awareness that much suffering is happening
both foreign and domestick, fact
because of the neo-con's policies, opinion. but one cannot deny the fact
that an increase in suffering is happening unless one lives a sheltered life or is not paying attention
the fact is that a whole lotta folks are still sucking down this crap
and are ready to follow lemming like into Armeggadumb
the point is investigating the storylines and seeing thru the lies
the point is not-identifying with the whole pseudo-patriotic fervor
that conditions the mandate towards WW3
that is the way to liberation
and for this we give thanks
one more time
where is harry potter when we need him to wave his magic wand and proclaim,
wake up people
wake up
before it is too late.
Ah, the presidunce is having a colonoscopy,
and the vice is in charge,
hope he stays in his bunker.

Meanwhile, someone with a dowser
found a huge underground stream
down below Darfur.
Now they are saying the point of the war there is water.

guess they will send in the troops now
you can bottle it and sell it, man
Last edited by jimboloco on August 1st, 2007, 1:18 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by stilltrucking » July 21st, 2007, 6:53 pm

Thank you.
A hell of a poem.

just my opinion

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Post by jimboloco » August 1st, 2007, 1:10 pm

in be here now
ram dass says
"when a pickpocket sees a sinner and a saint,
what does he see?
"Well, that's it. You see what you want to see and you hear what you want to hear."
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Post by Artguy » August 1st, 2007, 9:15 pm

"you don't need a point to have a point dig?"

LR... I love that film...it should be on every child's agenda, made damn sure mine did...

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Post by westcoast » March 18th, 2008, 10:42 pm

i loved it too - my utmost fav :)

great thread folks!


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