Local Rules

Commentary by Lightning Rod - RIP 2/6/2013
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Lightning Rod
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Local Rules

Post by Lightning Rod » December 12th, 2007, 6:37 pm


Local Rules
for release 12-13-07
by Lightning Rod

Local rules always prevail. This lesson was taught to me by Babe. one of my mentors in criminal society, I was seventeen and Babe was about thirty with salt and pepper gray hair. He wore sharkskin suits and drove his purple Caddy with his knees while he smoked and drank beer with his hands.

"Local rules," he would say, "you always play by local rules." When you go into a pool hall and you are playing Eight Ball, some places want the 1 ball to go into the left side pocket and the 15 to go in the right side pocket, otherwise it counts as a scratch. Some places want the 1 in the right side and the 15 in the left. Some places don't care. But you always play by local rules.

In Tennessee, in order to buy beer or spirits EVERYONE must present ID. In most places, my white mustache and gray hair is all the proof of majority that I need, but in Tennessee you need an official State picture ID. So ladies, forget being flattered because they card you when you are 40+. They do it to everybody. Local rules.

In Iraq we have a strange case of local rules. It seems that if you are a private contractor like Halliburton, working for the US government, neither US nor Iraqi laws apply to you. You can kill the locals or rape your fellow contractors with impunity. According to Jamie Leigh Jones, a Texas woman who is filling suit against Halliburton for being gang raped by fellow employees and imprisoned in a shipping container in Iraq. this is exactly what is happening. Because of the subtleties of our occupation laws the rapists likely will face no prosecution for this crime. Local rules.

The United States has suffered many recent black eyes in the world because we persistently fail to observe local rules. Our imperial arrogance has developed to the point where we think that our way of life and our customs and our system of government are so much better, so far superior that we are astonished when local rules assert themselves, when people prefer their traditional customs and values to ours.

History has shown that pop music and blue jeans are a much better means of winning hearts and minds than force of arms. What I mean is that if we think our culture is that far superior to any other culture, then we should practice what we preach and let our culture compete in the free market of ideas rather than try to enforce our values at the point of a gun. Let's have some respect for local rules.

I must point out a slight flaw in my argument here. It goes back as far as the perennial conflict in our country over State vs. Federal rights. If we always respected the integrity of local rules, then we would still have segregation and poll taxes in the South and polygamy in Utah. At some point local rules should be overridden by more just and general rules. But this is an intramural exception that applies to our country, our own national local rules. It shouldn't apply to the rest of the world.

The Poet's Eyes notices that it is much harder to respect local rules when the 'locals' happen to possess something that you want. Something like oil. Then all the rules go out the window.

The English believe he comes of their English stock,
A Jew to the Jew he seems, a Russ to the Russ, usual and near,
removed from none.

Whoever he looks at in the traveler's coffee-house claims him,
The Italian or Frenchman is sure, the German is sure, the Spaniard
is sure, and the island Cuban is sure,
---Whitman, from Song of the Answerer
"These words don't make me a poet, these Eyes make me a poet."

The Poet's Eye

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Toronto Local Rules

Post by roxybeast » December 12th, 2007, 8:09 pm

Hey L-Rod:

I abhor rape, or kidnap, or false imprisonment, and I bet Halliburton settles this one out of court for multi-millions. There has been a lot of progress made in the US Court system lately about being able to sue American multi-national corporations for their out of country abuses. (One of the few areas in which the US court system has made any progress and not actually regressed under the Bush administration).

Of course, she should be appreciative that Toronto local rules didn't apply lest she be beheaded for not wearing her Muslim burka head covering. The sad reality is that in certain extremist Muslim cultures, including some sects present in Iraq, rape is actually a step up from local rules which would otherwise require death. On second thought, rape may actually be worse than death. I hope I never find out.

Peace (and I mean that),
B. Isbell

And check out my new columns posted on Studio 8 under The Pregnant Pope, including a new articles about fixing the college football playoff system, the sex pistols, and a comprehensive collection of my eccentric and eclectic original song lyrics.

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Post by jimboloco » December 22nd, 2007, 5:43 pm

and ibelieve that the king of saudia arabia just pardoned a woman whohad been raped while out in public unaccompanied by a relative male.

but tis true
we show no respect for others
unless it turns a profit
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Post by stilltrucking » February 8th, 2008, 2:02 am

Pretty good eye Clay, one of the best.

So whose rules are we playing by now?

I just realized something
if you ever need a mystery shopper for a beer run, I am your man.
Texas the same as Tennessee now, but I suppose you know that by now

On the subject of Jews and pool.
I been reading an article about how many old synagogues have become black churches. I can think of one that did not. Last time I saw it, it had been converted to a pool hall.

I got to read that Whitman poem

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