
Go ahead. Talk about it.
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Post by judih » December 14th, 2007, 12:12 am

Pablo Cassals was right.
Do what we do and keep doing it.
dor - i hear you about winter. That's how i ended up in the middle of nowhere, a sand dune calling my name. 'Cold' here is about 10 degrees which is a lot warmer than 30 below or whatever can happen back in the Old Country.

People pull out scarves and boots and shiver when it gets below 20 degrees C, so it's all a matter of perspective. Then there are those who love winter, jump into oceans in winter, laugh in the snow, run face down into freezing rain. There are some like that.

(On the other hand, a friend sent me a nice little slideshow of how the Inuit cope and none of them were nude - lots of layers means authentic smiles)

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Post by hester_prynne » December 15th, 2007, 12:12 am

I've just been working my ass off to dormancy!

Lots of busyness in retail this time of the year. And I am the astonished cashier, ringing up purchases that oftentimes amount to 5 6 7 8 9 hundred dollars!!!!! :shock: Vitamin tablets that cost a hundred and fifty a bottle!
Fancy foods and wine, beers from everywhere, cookies, deli, produce, mercantile....everything under the sun, and nary an eye bats at the totals on the tills.
Many transactions require me to inquire: "debit or credit?"
Oh how I shudder at the faint cries of "credit."

Indeed, I am sorely depleted upon return to my abode each night.
(I make a fire in the woodstove regardless, because i'm tireder of the heat bills.)
I come to the studio here, and read you all and find myself in this us place.
Before I go to bed and get up and do it all over again.

There's a dormancy to it, I know what you mean.
But Naw, it's not really dormancy.
I mean it can't be, because tired, uninspired, or not, I still have this spot inside where I am young and free, and still learning tons of new things, even at 54 years old!!!!!!
I keep reminding myself that anyways....
H 8)
"I am a victim of society, and, an entertainer"........DW

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Post by mnaz » December 15th, 2007, 9:25 pm

Like hibernation.

God I hate the smug death of winter.

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Post by Doreen Peri » December 17th, 2007, 12:10 am

Hey hest and judih and mnaz and Zlatko and everybody else who replied to this thread...

I was really only remarking that the Studio Eight website was slow, dormant... not much happening.

It didn't have anything at all to do with anybody here getting OLD... including ME, thank you very much.

I am quite ALIVE and kicking and preparing myself for the best year of my life so far.... 2008!

Hope you all are doing the same.. I know you are!

Hest... expensive vitamin tablets? cookies? deli? produce? What is it? Wegmans? Just guessing. Hey i'll be there in a flash to enjoy your wood stove with ya! ;) have missed you, lady! :)


judih - I wish I could figure out what the difference in temperatures are but I guess I'm lazy and don't have a celsius/fahrenheit calculator... hmm.. wait.. OK if zero degrees celsius is 32 degrees fahrenheit , then 10 degrees celsious is like 42 degrees fahrenheit, right? So people are complaining with it's that cold? (which is really warm considering how cold it gets in a lot of places including here). OK so 20 degrees C is like 52 degrees F? I that right? I'm so confused. But hey, I know you're in the mediterranean so it's GOT to be warmer than here year round. If it wasn't for the frickin war zone, I'd come visit. No kidding. I worry about you. Why don't you come visit me instead? :)


Zlatko - Further proof that there's still time for you yet! And me too! LOL! :lol: :shock: :D


mnaz "the smug death of winter". what a great line! gonna steal it! ;)

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Post by mnaz » December 17th, 2007, 1:47 pm

Yes, dormant... slooooooow... but not done.

Can't believe it's been more than three years... The last half of 2004 is when I started to write. I scribbled a bit on litkitsch but that wasn't the same-- it was only after Levi pulled the plug that I began to write. Maybe I was too busy arguing on the "poetry and politics" board... "poetry and politics"??... Hmm... It's damned cold out but there's still a small fire going.

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