"Infinite Tide" -the 1st Studio 8 anthology!

S8 anthologies & member's books.
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Post by Doreen Peri » November 19th, 2007, 3:06 pm

I just never called one of those numbers so I don't know how it works, that's all. But it sounds cool! ;) I didn't know people were hired to work to answer phones from their home for infommercials. I might look into that. I used to make calls from my home but never answered them from home. Yes, it's clearer. I just don't know much about it, is all. :) That's all I was saying.

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Post by hester_prynne » November 19th, 2007, 4:42 pm

Is there a wholesale buying availability for this book? I mean, i'm going to show it to my friend Charlie who has a bookstore in astoria. If he wanted to sell them in his store, would he just buy retail copies and then up the price a little or something?
H 8)
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Post by Doreen Peri » November 19th, 2007, 6:05 pm

hest... that would be great! The markup is $4 per book. CafePress gets the rest. After 4-1/2 years, I'm hoping it will be a little something to offset the hosting costs. (though we've only sold about 10 books so far. LOL!)...

The only way I can figure out how to do this is to purchase them myself at wholesale cost and have them shipped to his address and then he can reimburse me. Would something like that work? (then again, I don't have the money to do that right now. I'm planning on buying a few for christmas presents for my family but money is wayyy tight).

I don't know whether he'd consider paying directly to me and then waiting for the check to clear so I can order them for him. Just an idea. Email me and/or ask him to email me so we can further figure this out.

It would be great to have the books in his store! All the contributers will be honored by this!

That's another thing I need to work on.... ideas about how we can all promote the book. I need to get it on Amazon.com for one thing, then who knows if I can get it into Borders and Barnes & Noble.. there's got to be a way. It has an ISBN # and everything *smile*

But it would be good if all of the contributers who are published in the book would send the link out to their friends, fans, and families to let them know they've been published. That's the only other idea I have for spreading the word.

And like you, if anybody has a local book store which might want to stock a few books, maybe we can work something out to get the books to them wholesale.

Thanks so much, hest!

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Post by jimboloco » November 20th, 2007, 9:32 pm

oh my i got my copy and now will buy more to send out proudly
i like the way it was composed and shuffled and juxtaposed

i like the longest line in LRod's poem
woman in studio
when he caught the obvious distortion
in my drawing
and turned it into his verse
"thighs are longer than imagination,'

i like how the usually wordless dave the dov
expounded into
the ghost of batista
and also was impressed
pardon the compliment
of axanderdeath's proofread anti-love series
that kid can carve marble
he is a sculp·tor

i learned that hester is theda
her real name is even more beautious
and recognized her poem of introspection
let her be don't awaken her in her sleep
as one that i'd felt a sense of
compassion for
her being

and every page unfolds

thanks to the crew that stuck it together!
wondrous composition

first thoughts only
a real wonderful surprise
beyond expectations
and the fact that i can read each page slowly and contemplate
these fellow sojourners
and only now start to appreciate them
(that includes you)
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Post by Doreen Peri » November 21st, 2007, 8:29 am


Yay! You got it? you love it? omg I'm so happy about this! Your work helped make the book a treasure!

Honored, we are, sir.


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Post by jimboloco » November 22nd, 2007, 11:49 am

i gotta send a copy to jack tiles
he's the one who invited me in here
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Post by Doreen Peri » November 22nd, 2007, 12:15 pm

Jim... do you think the price is cost prohibitive for most? I have it set at $18 a book. CafePress takes $14. So $4 comes to Studio Eight to help offset the cost of hosting for the past 4 or 5 years and in the future.

I could lower the price, though, if people think it's too much. But then all the people who already bought it would probably be pissed at me. LOL! Geez...

Maybe we should have a Christmas sale? $16 instead of $18? What do you think?

Anyway, as I've said several times, I truly wish I could afford to buy all of the contributers a copy but I can't afford it. There are like 30 contributers and at $14 each, it would cost me $420. I've already invested in 9 proofs myself.

I have told Jack and one other contributer who didn't know when she'd be able to spring for it, that if it comes down to them not being able to buy one, I would buy them one.

But if you want to send him a gift, that would be generous and beautiful.

The book wouldn't be what it is without Jack's contributions! I love the pieces he has in there and I'm grateful and honored to have included it.

Let me know what you think of the pricing and whether you think we should have a holiday sale or something or bring the price down permenently or whether you think the price is ok as it is.

Thank you!

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Post by stilltrucking » November 22nd, 2007, 6:28 pm

Jim I will get a copy of it. I am working on a big fat paycheck.

Doreen is there a hurry? I hope it will not be out of print.
The price sounds fair to me. I like the idea of kicking in a few bucks for the overhead.
I am waiting till I can order Cool Calm Collected too.
I tried printing out the pdf file clay sent me but it did not work out.

I got your address jim, you sent me an Xmas card last year, I will send you one this year. Soon as I can find my white out@ :)

I invited you here?
I thought you invited me here.
Thank you fjor being a cyberpal jim

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Post by mtmynd » December 5th, 2007, 11:57 am

I have received my two copies of the book and must say, Doreen did a great job of putting this compilation together. Kudos for a job well done! Highly recommended for those that may still be sitting on the fence wondering if the should buy.

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Post by Arcadia » December 5th, 2007, 1:48 pm

I recived the book today too!!!!!! The portero of the building gave me a big cafepress green-comet sobre and said "is it a book, no?" how would he know? the sobre only said 1 Bo :roll: I´m so happy and it´s so beautiful!!!! I have to say that I only looked at the images and the titles (just like when I was a kid!) :D
Thanks again to doreen and all who helped her!!! it´s an amazing re-union-creation jewel!!!!!!! I´ll tell you more when I read it (I´m still in the energetic-object fascination period :wink: )

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Post by Arcadia » December 6th, 2007, 1:56 pm

I´m really enjoying the reading and the seeing!!!!!!!. I´m a fast reader but it seems I can´t do that with this book..!! :D

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Post by stilltrucking » December 9th, 2007, 11:27 am

I been trying to order Infinite Tide and Cool Calm Collected on the same order.
I am going to have to call it in

If i can get this done it will be a good day.

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Post by mousey1 » January 6th, 2008, 7:23 pm

I got mine! :D Well worth it!

I'm quite enamored. Why is it we all sound so much more professional when printed and bound? Damned if I know. But I am impressed with you all and truly am enjoying the quiet curl of a good book pressed by hands as words swirl into form and take glorious shape.

The images all spectacular.

I'm honored to be a part.

Thanks again. *she glowed...emotifying*

If the book were any more delicious I would simply have to eat it!
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Post by judih » January 6th, 2008, 11:11 pm

mousey, that's one way to get your fibre.

my parents called me. '....infinite tide....infinite tide...'
i must admit that under these current security conditions, i thought they were giving me a code for 'hide, there's a big one coming'. But then they confessed they'd just received the book in the mail, and that my father had already listed all the pages my stuff appears (which is more than i would have thought of doing). But he's an engineer (retired) and it has to be expected. If any of you have engineers in your immediate life with the book, expect such a call.

In any case, my Toronto family are another group of happy customer (just one book=one customer)

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Post by bohonato » February 7th, 2008, 3:44 pm

I got my copy today! Looks gorgeous.
Definitely going on the coffee table (And I don't mean as a coaster!)
Though only after I'm done reading it.

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