An Open Letter to President George W. Bush

Commentary by Michael Bonanno.

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Post by stilltrucking » August 26th, 2005, 7:34 am

I have never read that or seen the movie. I vaguely remember that it is about a girl growing up in Brooklyn I think

But I love this song.

There is a rose in Spanish Harlem
A red rose up in Spanish Harlem
It is a special one, it's never seen the sun
It only comes out when the moon is on the run
And all the stars are gleaming
It's growing in the street right up through the concrete
But soft and sweet and dreamin'

There is a rose in Spanish Harlem
A red rose up in Spanish Harlem
With eyes as black as coal that look down in my soul
And starts a fire there and then I lose control
I have to beg your pardon
I'm going to pick that rose and watch her as she grows in my garden

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Post by jimboloco » August 26th, 2005, 2:32 pm

when will the white house rose garden be a populist destination
folks hanging out

the pentagon rose garden
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Post by stilltrucking » August 26th, 2005, 2:49 pm

Yeah the best inauguration party was Andrew Jackson's longhaired frontiersman in buck skin getting drunk and tearing up the place. Killed a man in a duel for insulting his wife. Too bad he was such a butcher. I remember a NPR piece about the trail of tears. I am sure there is not one native american that would not like to spit on his grave. Wonder what wireman thinks of him.

Claude going to be walking through texas I remember. Next summer?

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Post by MrGuilty » September 9th, 2005, 4:27 am

Israel Shamir is a nationalist and obsessed with nationalism. He is himself, of course, an extreme nationalist – a Great Russian chauvinist, who has swallowed all the worst aspects of this most reactionary kind of chauvinism. He embraces enthusiastically all the reactionary ideas that have come flooding back into Russia along with the restoration of capitalism. And he pretends that this represents love for Russia – when in fact it is quite the opposite.
compare this with the one below his "official biography" below

Israel Shamir is the Jew in the Muslim Christion Jewish Alliance who sponsored Griffin's talk. They are all tied together. Shamir is a Stalinist. Nothing wrong with that. Right? ... g00032.htm
Israel Shamir, Russian-Israeli intellectual, writer, translator and journalist, is one of Israel’s leading peace activists. The decendent of a rabbi from Palestine, and an IDF veteran of the 1973 war, Shamir changed languages and traded in his literary-intellectual hat to become an activist in response to the terrible events of 2001. Here is his explanation: A Jewish folk tale relates the story of a mute child who had never said a word despite all the efforts of the doctors. Then one day, at the ripe age of ten, he dropped his spoon and cried out, "The soup is too salty!" His parents asked him in amazement why he had kept silent for years, and the child replied, "Until now, everything was all right". Read more on Israel Shamir by going to:

that is how the describe him on the

Michael it is easy to rip and run with what you see on the internet. KD comment about the left is right. I used to do it all the time. I have been burned so many times. Griffin got some strange travelling companions.

"Things ain't what they seem when you find you been living in your own dream." The internet is a dream, kind of like Osaka castle.

You can make a case for any got dam theory. I will tell what I think. I think Bush and Cheney are death lizards from outer space. Seriously... I got proof.


I been leaning more on websites with the dot edu in the url, but the above one about Marxist theory is from a Utah edu which makes me want to take it with a boulder of salt.
Last edited by MrGuilty on September 9th, 2005, 4:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MrGuilty » September 9th, 2005, 4:46 am

More on Griffin's pal, the Jew in MUJCA.


Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 13:53:12 -0500
From Ali Abunimah & Hussein Ibish (acting solely in his private capacity)
Dear Friends:
In recent months, many people have been reading the writings of Israel Shamir, who describes himself as a Russian-Israeli journalist. Many have been impressed by these writings, and Shamir has been embraced in many places in the US on his current speaking tour. From early on, some of Shamir's writings struck us as straying beyond criticism of Israel and Zionism, and crossing into the territory of implicit anti-Semitism. We have discussed this with many people privately, but now feel compelled to raise some of these objections publicly. While there are many passages in Shamir's rhetoric that cause serious concern, it is sufficient to cite these three:
1) Yesterday we received an "Easter Message" from Shamir in which he repeats the most odious characterizations of Jews as "Christ killers," the staple of classic European Christian anti-Semitism. In the message, which originates from Shamir's own email address, he writes ... etter.html


In late 2000/early 2001, in the period following the beginning of the second Palestinian Intifada, articles began appearing on the Internet by a previously unknown Israeli-Russian writer called "Israel Shamir". With a powerful command of the English language, compelling anecdotes, dramatic metaphors, and a spirited opposition to the Israel's military occupation, Shamir was rapidly and warmly accepted into the pro-Palestinian activist scene, and by Spring 2001 had embarked on a speaking tour of the United States, speaking at many public events alongside leading lights of the Palestinian scene.
As his articles kept coming, however, an increasing amount of the tone and content was observed by more than a few to fall into what could -- if this hadn't been an Israeli Jew writing it -- best be described as a classic anti-Semitic repertoire. Shamir's identity as a Jew initially enabled people to excuse this, until the whole mess began to unravel as more and more questions were asked. Eventually, these questions began to be answered, and the issue errupted into a controversy. This page is an archive for some of the material that circulated, and is offered to the Palestinian community in particular as a warning to check the backgrounds and content of the message of people who claim to speak on their behalf. However worthy the cause, the end does not justify the means. Nigel Parry

Nigel Parry I know not of him but I like hes aesthetics better than Shamir. I mean he seems a little more whimsical about it.

Here is Shamir's website

What do ya think?
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What do you think of Obadiah Shoher's views on the Middle...

Post by AlexZello » February 15th, 2008, 6:48 am

What do you think of Obadiah Shoher's views on the Middle East conflict? One can argue, of course, that Shoher is ultra-right, but his followers are far from being a marginal group. Also, he rejects Jewish moralistic reasoning - that's alone is highly unusual for the Israeli right. And he is very influential here in Israel. So what do you think? uh, here's the site in question: Middle East conflict
Last edited by AlexZello on February 17th, 2008, 7:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by tarbaby » February 16th, 2008, 5:40 am

What do I think?
As little as possible.

Why have you asked that same question over three thousand times on the net? I see the Magnum games forum has deleted your question from their discussion of video games.

Are you plugging your book?

Rush Limbaugh is a genius at self-promotion. When he first started out in the eighties he would have people call The Larry King Show and ask old Larry what he thought of the Rush Limbaugh Show. King had the number one radio show in America at the time
“Where is that man who has forgotten words that I may have a word with him?”

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