#23 -The "I Can't Wait Word Jam" March 8-16, 08

March 2008
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Post by stilltrucking » March 16th, 2008, 9:17 am

'Le bon Dieu est dans le detail'
and others say
'Der Teufel steckt im Detail'

my aunt once said the world would never find peace until men fell at their women's feet and asked for forgiveness. {jack kerouac} ...

Funny how Kerouac had to change the details, change the facts, to make his mother into an aunt

When women owned us
when we were completely in their power
as children
lost in their powerful auras
those loving angels who watched over us
or tormented us
seeking revenge for the sins of the father
on the sons

Maybe that is why Mourning becomes Electra
but Oedipus wrecks.

I don't know why the details are important
what to leave in what to leave out
it is only important that I can say
"It is finished"
and walk away like Fangio

Going to be a beautiful day
to ride my motorcycle.

Talkin' to a preacher said God was on his side
Talkin' to a butcher they both were sellin' hides
Well I gotta tell the story boys I don't know the reason why
Niel Young
Were the feet sparkling?
I was thinking of the story of the red shoes
and Zelda Fitzferald dancing
I thought the feet looked tired.
musing life
musing oblivion
seeking the end of the eternal scrolling text box
but it never ends

yes you are right too much information

provocative picture
children are polymorphously perverse
their entire bodies are erogenous zones
from their head down to their toes

fuck this memory of mine
waiting to blow it out.

yep it don't matter who we are
we are children of the world
we got to serve someobody'
but that's another Dylan song.
& lo que vendrá
I got to find what that means

I will say it three times
so it will come true
like a child hood wish

It is finished
It is finished
It is finished
And I am happy
all is well

Beautiful sunday
to ride my motorcycle
and you are kind
if not for the kindness of strangers
I would be long gone

thank you for the art Norman
where ever you are.

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Post by WIREMAN » March 16th, 2008, 9:46 am

feats don't fail me
still willin'
jam night supreme
me and a guitar player
at my roost
till 10 pm then willie, becky jane
samantha and me
all headed up into the
hills in the mist
for a bonfire and jammin
in a mountain meadow
totally tribal
djembe's & congas
by a roaring blaze
even a didjeridoo
a dream state
i still smell like
woodsmoke this morn
love it........

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Post by stilltrucking » March 16th, 2008, 11:18 am

the joy of victory
the agony of de feets

spring morn
live oak trees sheding their leaves

walking my foo dog
I think he is getting senile
about a 105 years old in dog years
he walks six feet and stops
I got go back and pet him and
say come on boy
let's go
another six feet another pat on the head
for encouragement
another six feet
it's like I have to wind him up

when i transition out of this world
will i remember the smell of burning leaves in the fall
the sound of wind in the sails
the snow on monarch pass
the feel of my true loves caress
musing life
& lo que vendrá
life a beautiful dream state

mountain high

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Doreen Peri
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Post by Doreen Peri » March 16th, 2008, 11:54 am

14 pages... what a fun week... longest jam in a long time.

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Post by westcoast » March 16th, 2008, 11:57 am

ah.. the dead
can't give the gifts you do
or choose to be
as you are
so vibrant
alive ~

thanks for a great jam
and for keeping this cool site doreen :)


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Post by Doreen Peri » March 16th, 2008, 11:58 am

heh.... i edited that out 2 seconds after posting it... you caught me! arghh... lol

thanks, west
yer a dear

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Post by Doreen Peri » March 16th, 2008, 1:35 pm

gonna go out
go shoot a game of pool
or go see a flick,
nothin big, nothin rash.
gonna call a taxi.
gotta check my cash.

meet me at Leftover Louie's.
i'll be on the second bar stool
from the back end flirtin'
with the bartender, Joe.

Why wait?
let's go!

They thought i was nuts last time i was at Louie's.
I sat at the bar and wrote verse.
nobody talked to me, nobody knew me.
but it could have been worse.

i coulda stayed home waiting for something to happen,
mappin' out plans without any moves.
toe-tappin' outa the groove.

nah, ain't gonna sit here any longer.
my will is tough but my boredom, stronger.

need some human companionship, maybe some touch.
this girl ain't askin for much.
see ya later, mate.
gotta go. can't wait.

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Post by Doreen Peri » March 16th, 2008, 3:01 pm

well, it's that time,
ladies and gentlemen...
my dear poet friends
all good things must come to an end.

thank you for playing!
see you next time
you bring the metaphors
i'll bring the rhyme



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