Sunday Stream (155) ~ Aimless

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (155) ~ Aimless

Post by mtmynd » March 16th, 2008, 11:52 am

I've never been any thing. I have always been many things. This has caused rifts between my family and friends at times... not being decisive enough to be some thing that subscribes to one path and one path only.

This fluidity is a path within itself, I guess, but not one that would be highly recommended. How can I explain 'the path of no path' to someone and make it sound like a good path to be on? Would you tell a friend to follow such and such a path that seemingly leads to no specific place? I doubt many would listen to such nonsense (that's what they'd think).

Maybe my path is the non-sense path. I like the sound of that today. It is filled with the unknown... a path that leads to - who knows where? Just traveling... simply going to where instinct tells me to go. Aimless? I've traveled aimlessly for years, but even the aimless path is a path. I've learned much about my Self while on the journey of aimlessness. Not all of it good, but certainly not all of it bad... somewhere in the middle.

Is the aimless path the middle ground that my instinct follows? Have I asked myself that question more than once. I always have gotten different sides of the answers, again ranging from the illusory good to bad ... but never "Stop!"

I spent four years in the U.S. Navy, 1965 - 1969. After bootcamp I was promoted, like everyone else, to Seaman Apprentice (E-2), a rookie. I knew from my days at bootcamp that I had gotten into something that was not for me. Being a sailor didn’t fit me. But I had signed a contract with Uncle Sam and I intended to fulfill my promise for four years. I never took a test to upgrade my rank. I remained a Seaman Apprentice for my entire four year stint. I chose to do so and paid the consequences. My first 2 years I was stationed on Guam and became a disc jockey for Armed Forces Radio. It was a fluke... a lucky stroke. I was doing something I enjoyed for awhile - playing and discovering different types of music. But I had no desire to be a DJ as a profession.

My next assignment was on an aircraft carrier. As a Seaman Apprentice all the shit duty came my way along with my regular jobs. Hell, it was only two more years... and it offered me my own private times, like when I had to clean the head ... I got to lock up the restroom and have some quiet time reading books in between swabbing the decks and polishing brass.

I was in San Francisco in 1967. My ship was home ported in Oakland. A magical time for someone like me (and thousands of others for their own reasons). The Flower Children in full bloom coming from all parts of the globe to experience the essences of the garden. The stereotypes of what became known as hippies were rampant, usually focused on the long hair, drugs and rock 'n roll... often about all the 'free sex' and the unbathed pilgrims hitchhiking from and to wherever they wanted. Still being in the Navy prevented me from embracing much of any semblance of that lifestyle, but I returned after my discharge in 1969.

I was unable to live out the media’s stereotypes of what these hippies were. I enjoyed a daily bath. I didn't use any drugs but pot and other psychedelics, and even those for the most part were infrequent.... not necessarily the weed, for that was as common as beer - passing a joint was a symbol of giving/receiving, no matter if they were strangers or not. But I was never what a hippie was supposed to be... even that ideal of freedom and love was too weird for me. I just went in and out of that world, too... the aimless path.

But upon each journey I learned more of the world and more of myself. I've found it difficult to adhere to any particular 'way', whether it be a job description, a familial expectation or any other commitment to being some thing or somebody. I have this automatic response to shrug it off if I feel myself becoming some thing that doesn't fit me... and very little, as I've found out thru my years, fits me comfortably.

I've been a purchasing agent for a large corporation. I've been a warehouseman. I've been a manager for a moving business. I've done petty shit to bring in a few extra dollars... but I could never fit the description of any of it. I could not mold myself into a job. I could not fit into any sort of suit that identified me with a career. I have been lucky enough to never have had a job that required me to punch a clock. I've never had a desire to have a career or be a professional.

This rejection of whatever has driven me to even reject music. I have enjoyed music on practically every level, every taste, every genre... because I could not simply accept one style. If I find myself listening to too much new age , I have a reflex that pukes out new age and I seek out something else, maybe country, maybe rock or jazz... but never have I stuck with one genre as being me. I could never identify completely with one musical path. Even in art I have rejected the norm... I tried in my teen years to take art classes and immediately rejected the instructor's guidance - he was completely irrelevant. In college I could not sit in those mandatory classes and listen to the nonsense coming out of professors that I had felt should be wise people and not robots spewing out facts and figures that were in certain books deemed necessary to complete this class . I dropped out of college and hit the road, but I also rejected being a bum.

I write, but I never see myself as a writer... the stereotypical writer tucked away behind walls, busy at his desk writing away furiously to meet deadlines from his publisher, hoping that this latest piece will sell.

I don't see myself as any thing. Careers don't fit into my life. If I had to paint pictures that suited the masses, using colors that matched sofas, and images that embraced 'cuteness' I would leave my pallet and wander aimlessly down further paths... absorbing what I see and experience. But for what?

What is the purpose of any journey? To simply journey? To take in Life and what? What the hell is it all about? Do I (we) need to have to be some thing?

I don't consider myself to be any thing, any particular thing or person other than my Self. Is that not enough? I've asked that one a thousand times, believe me. Is it not enough that I am Cecil B. Lee , human, husband and friend of my mate, father of two terrific boys,? I have no choice in my aimlessness but to remain me and whatever it is that concludes will be all that I was.

i am a visitor upon this earth
that has no purpose
but to celebrate life
and live in awe of the mysteries
that surround me daily

i attempt to unravel the veils
that envelope this world
in hopes of receiving the
love that pulsates eternally
behind all that derives purpose
from that which it came
in silence i hear whispers
in languages not yet deciphered
the name of all that is without matter
and form knowing that one is
beyond duality -
the final target
in sight of
the third eye

16 march 2008
[originally written 06 june 2004]
otHERwoRldLEE gOOds
[booth shots]

note: link to SooZen's blog -

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Post by westcoast » March 16th, 2008, 12:07 pm

i enjoyed this contemplation immensely :) goals are like periods on the page. a brief catch of breath before moving forward to the next moment's moment.

i look forward to reading your column regularly.


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Post by judih » March 16th, 2008, 12:42 pm

i am what i am
as you have said so cecil-lee

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Re: Sunday Stream (155) ~ Aimless

Post by mnaz » March 17th, 2008, 3:40 am

Cecil, I really enjoyed this read. I haven't been enough things.
How can I explain 'the path of no path' to someone and make it sound like a good path to be on?
Not a good path/no path to be on, except that we all seem to be on it from time. I'm on it. I've been this thing I'm doing for too long, it seems. Got-ta take a different path soon.

I enjoyed the story, the ride, and perception. It's similar to my own, or at least how I imagined. Helps me understand who(m?) I'm talking to. Thanks, Cecilio.


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Post by mtmynd » March 17th, 2008, 8:18 am

Welcome, westcoast. Nice seeing you here. Thx for checking in and I trust you'll enjoy your romp around Dor's open studio. I'm sure you recognize several familiar names, eh?

Hi, judih! Indeed, you is what you is as we all be what we all be. But do we confuse what we've become with what we are..??

Hey, nazzer! Needless to say, I do appreciate the comment(s). In this circular/cyclical world of ours the paths are innumerable... but so is our capability to digest many. Much like our diets, we can (and should) digest as much variety as possible to keep our wholeness "wholly".
Last edited by mtmynd on March 17th, 2008, 10:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by westcoast » March 17th, 2008, 9:41 am

yep - good to find the fount of poetic goodness!



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Post by Arcadia » March 17th, 2008, 4:08 pm

nice to meet you, Cecil!!!! :lol:

thanks for the stream & saludos!!!!!!!! :D


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Post by stilltrucking » March 17th, 2008, 9:22 pm

I woke from a nightmare
A worrisome dream
I could not find a dispatcher
to tell me where to go next
Such an aimless feeling
I was on a dead head to nowhere.

thank you
for a timely stream
probably nothing to do with your stream but when I read it a couple days after my dream it seemed to relate.

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Post by sooZen » March 18th, 2008, 1:26 am know I already have read this, you know...and as I write, you are snoring softly behind me. I love the aimlessness of you, it may be the best of what you are, in the purest sense of who you are and who WE have become, aimless except for that arrow straight to my heart. Thank you for everything in all ways. I am a sentimental fool for you for you are the one eye love...

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Post by stilltrucking » March 18th, 2008, 5:16 pm

dang me Cecil
for writting that the dream
probably nothing to do with your stream
just as unseemly as saying sorry all the time

When I read your stream it was a pretty good interpretation of my dream,

I Like to muse over my dreams on first waking, find something in them I can use to necklace into a strory maybe. The dream was on a friday, the stream was published on sunday
and written four years ago.

I suppose that is what I meant about timely

Just a sentimental fool
to feel happy
you snore softly next to sooZen

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Post by mousey1 » March 18th, 2008, 8:31 pm

I'm wondering if aimless has to have a point
since it's not going anywhere
not even in a circle really
it wanders about
does it ever bang into walls
howl loudly
the injustice

aimless spirals inside me

like a top
pumped up
it spins

and then tips sideways

apparently my aimless has a sense of gravity.

As always, mt, your aim was less. :wink:
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by mtmynd » March 22nd, 2008, 11:49 am

westcoast... 'the fount of poetic goodness' surrounds us as we 'isle' away our writes.

ah, arcadia! a pleasure knowing you, amiga mia. jaja!

truck... a stream on time! thx to good dispatchin'..? zensensical, old man, zensensical. ;)

soozen, my dear one. thank you and for being... i am.

mouseyone, you wrote "I'm wondering if aimless has to have a point".

"it" needs a point to hit the target... but aimless is free
with no direction home as the clouds weaving configurations
never to last thru the moment but always to be... aimless
spiraling within you and i and them too... aimless existing
for the sake of aim, blind-sighted to the real-ality, really...

thanks, y'all. you guys are fun to read!

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Post by jimboloco » March 23rd, 2008, 9:49 am

nice to be creative
very impressive set up
it should be time to get out doors soon
in el paso

i am tied to a concept, if not a particular job,
which i have had now for over 8 ad infinitum years

but this will change eventually
as time takes over
and my former years of vagabonding melancholy
will find me once again in the loose and free state,
yet with the encompassing happiness that career success
and marraige have given me, so, in retrospect,
i will be a better vagabond for it, and so forth and so on,
but the spiritual quest is eternal and now,
beginner's mind
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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