Sunday Stream (160) ~ being betwixt and between because

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (160) ~ being betwixt and between because

Post by mtmynd » April 27th, 2008, 11:40 am

being betwixt and between because
Why don't we fucking open our fucking eyes and give the fucking world a good fucking look see? What the fuck is going down? We are being fucked by our fucking own and fucking with everyone and every fucking thing that ever fucking was. We've turned into mad fucking, alienistic fucking morons that have not a clue to what the fuck we're REALLY doing.

Anti-depressant drugs are the most prescribed medicine in the fucking world. We're all fucking out of our fucking minds and we're eating those fucking anti-depressants like they were fucking candy. What the fuck is so fucking wrong with our fucking lives that we have to consume more anti-depressants than vitamin C?

We are fucking cowards! Armed to the fucking teeth cowards defending our fucking right to cower before a fucking fear we will not fucking confront. We refuse to confront fucking reality. We fucking sit in front of monitors, tv screens, cinema screens, we worship the fucking unbelievable fiction and anime, cartoons and make-fucking-believe anythings and everythings to reduce our ability to see the world as it is. We cannot stand to be part of the fucking world anymore! We over-drink, over-eat, over-drug, over-smoke, over-snort, over-lie to ourselves and others... what the fuck is that all about? We're spineless little freaked out idiots lost in a maze of make believe pretending that this is the way it's supposed to be.

What the fuck does that mean? Embrace fear? Swallow every fucking thing that Presidents and heads of state tell you? What about swallowing every fucking thing that a preacher, priest or iman says..? Spineless bastards! No imaginations. No ideals. No guts to speak out and defend YOUR individual beings from this curse of exploitation that is happening globally to every one of us. It's fucking unbelievable! It's not just the U.S. I'm bitching about... no! it's in every part of the fucking planet where we have taken over and ruined, all 87% of it!

The Amazon is still getting it's ass kicked. And this is years after the alarm went off. People are being assassinated for reporting theft of trees, theft of endangered species. What the fuck? Is our insanity for money so overpowering that we don't have any fucking idea what really matters anymore?

Mexico, our southern neighbor is at war with the drug cartels. Why? Because America and the world want more fucking drugs! Simple. America, the highly touted country that holds the lamp of Freedom, like a beacon to the whole fucking world, needs it's drugs... any kind. It fucking doesn't matter... just eat the pills, snort the powder, drink the liquid, shoot the shit into the veins... it doesn't fucking matter. Anything to rid ourselves of reality.

Wait! This applies to the state religion. American Christianity. Watch the fuck out! Jesus is the Man, mother fucker. You fuck with Jesus you are fucking with the heart and soul of America. Jesus was born for America. Jesus died for America. Jesus was swaddled in the red, white and blue. If you don't fucking believe that, mother fucker, you don't deserve to call yourself an American. Catholics are just a cult! Jews will take every dime you have. Muslims will kill you and make your wimmen wear burkas. This will happen according to our fundamentalists that have a direct communication with Gawd, Himself! Do NOT question this. YOU do not want to go to HELL!

((pass me another anti-depressant... this one for Jesus!))

America is leading the way. But America is the blind man leading the way. Today. It wasn't always like that. I know that and you know that. He over there knows that. But today.. that is another story. A frightfully pitiful story that will bring down the most positive of us.

I sound pissed. I am pissed. Pissed at not only America. I am pissed at global stupidity. How have we, the human race gotten to this point in our evolution? Where have we gone astray? Where is the sign that first mis-directed us? I wish I knew. And I'll fucking bet there are thousands wish they had the answer. Obviously the answer is not yesterday's ideas and ideals. They shrouded our human depression for only so long.

We can avoid facing the facts day after day after day and call it 'reality' but it is far from being realty. Our daily lives are about as real as a day in Disney World. We are sworn to amusement. We are sworn to distractions. We are sworn to anything that will bring relief to our fears and frustrations. How good is that!

The reality is we do not have the courage to face our weaknesses, our fears, our anxieties... we haven't the desire to achieve the bliss that truth gives. We are too wrapped up in politics, philosophies, religions and sciences, trapped in drugs of every strength and description, that has brought only partial (at best) relief from our problems. If we had such wonderful ideas why are we so depressed? Why are we so unfulfilled? What is it in our psyche that prevents us from having a life free from mind? All our problems are between our ears. Not very far away at all. Every one of us just that close to our problem. But we kill others. We destroy our environment. We cannot agree between each other much less between our own ears. Surely we're not that stupid! I cannot buy that argument... will not buy that argument. There has been a small percentage of we humans that have risen above our problems and shared that knowledge with others. It is possible. It has been possible for millennium. We have been lost... led astray by our own greed, our own shortcomings, our own laziness to find the shortest route to that one space between our ears and found our peace, our bliss... our Oneness with all Life.

"Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you." - Luke 17:21

So many so-called Christian religions have sprouted from books of the New Testament and not so much a book but a passage or two. With a passage some people have made their own religion... to hell with the rest of the book. But that Luke passage is, today, very meaningful for me and this Stream. Forget the religiosity but focus on the meaning behind the words... "Lo here!" "Lo there!" is not where this Kingdom, (bliss, Heaven, Nirvana, godhead), is. It is within - between each and everyone's own ears. No need to listen to the messages of others when the message of Truth is between our own ears.. within.

This is not to totally condemn all religious books, no matter the religion, but to know that those books were written by the hand of man. They are a part, and not the whole of Life. If we can't take life as a whole, we can never become Wholly.

Complete your life as best as your potential allows. The more complete we become means confronting all areas of life... assimilating them, learning from them and moving on. It does not mean picking and choosing from the buffet, but savoring all the differences... each taste bringing us closer to the Whole... the One.. the Holiness of Existence, between our ears and beyond.

27 abril 2008
The Chalice
from which all gods
sip from the [/size]
One Light

cecil - acrylic on canvas [2006]
Last edited by mtmynd on April 28th, 2008, 10:23 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by westcoast » April 27th, 2008, 11:54 am

right on, cecil. let our passion for life cleanse us.


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Post by stilltrucking » April 27th, 2008, 12:49 pm

I am going to kill the next person who tells me that if I meet buddha on the road, kill him.

that's my rant for the day

gracias for the stream and the art

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Post by tarbaby » April 27th, 2008, 3:01 pm

"Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you." - Luke 17:21
Luke the only one of the four who was not a Jew I think.
A physician by trade they say.
The only gospel I have read through

Luke The Drifter

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Post by Arcadia » April 27th, 2008, 6:40 pm

I don´t know... my country was always fucked up, I don´t have the registro of a golden age :roll: . Nevertheless I have hope and I don´t use anti-depressants or buy drugs. And sure I have another problems..! :lol: (I´ve been meditation with the legs upside down fifteen minutes per day during the last week!!!! :wink:)
great shout, Cecil!!!!!!! :D

thanks for the stream & saludos!!!!!!

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Post by stilltrucking » April 28th, 2008, 12:28 am

what do you call it?
The Chalice
from which all gods
sip from the
One Light

I am going to try to print that out
if you don't mind?

Words fail me
I know that light is just passing through you
and you are just passing it on
but even so
thanky for that acrylic.

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Post by mtmynd » April 28th, 2008, 1:05 am

J : "let our passion for life cleanse us."

succinctly stated. it's so true. me gusta. thank you! ;)

tar : "Luke the only one of the four who was not a Jew I think."

I didn't know that. But I'm not a biblical scholar by any stretch of the imagination. I googled "kingdom within" because I recall hearing somewhere in the book it was mentioned. Thx.

V : "Nevertheless I have hope and I don´t use anti-depressants or buy drugs. And sure I have another problems..!"

Your country produces some very tasty vino! I'm sure you have sampled a goodly amount, si? :) congratulations on your meditating! It is one of the better things for anyone to do for their heads.

truck : "what do you call it, chalice of light? "

'chalice' actually... i only elaborated on the name because i thought it clarified it even more. help yrself, amigo. glad you enjoy the piece. :)

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Post by gypsyjoker » April 28th, 2008, 2:48 am

good night Cecil
my identity crisis is over
it is going to be gypsy j for the next ten thousand.
thanks for the reply
all of them :)

No biblical scholar either
THere is another bit from luke I remember
something about the only unforgivable sin is lack of faith
Sin, there is a loaded word. Is there a Zen equivelant for the word?

that bit about Jew and physician from my geezer memory.
Down and out at The Union Gospel Mission in 1975
To keep a roof over my head I had to sit through the sermons till I got back on my feet.
That's is what a Baptist preacher told us I think.
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Post by sooZen » April 28th, 2008, 8:58 am

Very succinctly put my dear...there is 'mindless' and then there is 'mindless'. :wink:

(And as you said this morning, "fucking is a very passionate word!")
Freedom's just another word...

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Post by WIREMAN » April 28th, 2008, 10:30 am

yes yes yes yes yes rant on crazy cloud........wired

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Post by mtmynd » April 28th, 2008, 11:16 am

truck : "it is going to be gypsy j for the next ten thousand. "

'gypsy j' it is. i'm gonna hold you to your write, amigo. (alright if i use either 'gypsy' or sometimes 'gj'..? ;))

SooZ : "(And as you said this morning, "fucking is a very passionate word!")"

Pun intended! Thx, darlin'... :)

wired, mi amigo! : "yes yes yes yes yes rant on crazy cloud"

sometimes ya just gotta do it..!! (i think you and i are the only ones cool to the 'crazy cloud' thang... and Soo. makes me smile every time i see that in a reply of yours. ;)) thankya', tanka.

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Post by gypsyjoker » April 28th, 2008, 12:45 pm

I don't know what that koan means mtmynd
"kill buddha on the road"
I first heard it in Morro Bay California in 1976
The guy explained it, but I forgot.

I tried to hang myself when I was eight or nine
maybe I used to be a buddha
I am done here
always an honor to have a conversation with you
as I toddle along on my way back to buddhahood

gracias mi amigo
love that painting
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'Blessed is he who was not born, Or he, who having been born, has died. But as for us who live, woe unto us, Because we see the afflictions of Zion, And what has befallen Jerusalem." Pseudepigrapha

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Post by mtmynd » April 28th, 2008, 6:54 pm

g.j. : "I don't know what that koan means, mtmynd, 'kill buddha on the road.'"

Buddha is within you (that infinite space between the ears). Meeting outside you is not you... it is false. Where else would Buddha Mind be?

(btw: the line does state "kill" and not murder)

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Post by gypsyjoker » April 29th, 2008, 7:36 am

infinite space
between the ears

"kill" and not murder
thems some meaty words
got to chew on them

I been trying to get back to SooZen on another board about inside out.

Sometimes, when I have a moment, the dualtiy fades, the line between within and without blurs.

That Mobius ring is a powerful concept/thing for me

But only for a moment.
As if my head disapears

I appreciate the reply 8)
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Post by YABYUM » April 29th, 2008, 9:04 am

holy fuckin moly cecil. I like this side of you. you had me at "fucking".
I really fuckin like that piece of art to. something about it really just gets me.

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