where are you hester????

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Post by jimboloco » May 27th, 2008, 1:57 am

Hester, I am so greatful for this reading. It speaks to me and there are portions that I can assuredly relate to. I will read these thoughts over and I appreciate the thoughts of patience involved. I do have an inner core of value, and of course am being tested, but like the feeling of both letting go and enduring in a mix.

Thanks again, James Beauregard Loco, your brother, Happy Birthday!!!

This is a sweet present, am awed by it. It is wonderful.
My spirit feels lifted.
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Post by Perdida » May 28th, 2008, 6:04 am

Wow, thank you so much Hester! All of this makes sense to me. I so appreciate the time you took to do this. I didn't expect this reading to consist of all these portions and oh boy each portion speaks so much.

and Happy Birthday to you too!

Thank you again.

Perdida :D
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Post by Doreen Peri » May 28th, 2008, 11:36 am

Thank you so much, hest!

I've been reading mine over and over. Yes, it seems to apply. I think it's talking about my work because I'm taking a long vacation from personal relationships.... and.... I'm sort of in limbo in the work area of my life ... and this is helpful to try to sort it out.

You are so kind to go to all the trouble to do our charts like that!

I will continue studying it and hopefully learn something. Believe me, I have a lot to learn.

Hope you had a great birthday! Thank you again, dear mystical lady!

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Post by Lightning Rod » May 28th, 2008, 1:04 pm

ok hest, you know I don't believe in this but it does fascinate me
I guess that's because I'm a sag.

nov 29, 1948
dallas, tex

I get conflicting stories about what time
my mom says 4 in the morning
my grandmom said 4 in the afternoon
take your pick
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Post by hester_prynne » May 28th, 2008, 1:41 pm

Lrod...I went with the 4pm as I think the Taurus ascendant suits you more than the Libra Ascendant that comes with 4am....
However, you are a scorpio moon person either way! They have special clubs for folks like us (i'm a scorp moon too) it is an intense combination in all aspects negative or positive...happily both. heh, anyway, be fascinated here, so glad you open to it.
H 8)

Your sun sign is Sagittarius. This is the sign in which the Sun is in your birth chart. Your Ascendant is in Taurus, and your Moon is in Scorpio.

Saturn conjunction Saturn: Pruning your life

Mid October 2007 until end of July 2008: This is one of the most important times in your life. A major cycle of experience is closing, and great changes are about to take place. How great these changes are depends largely on what you have been doing with your life over the past several years. Have you been living as you feel you should or as you think others want you to? If you have been doing the latter, this influence will have a greater impact.

This influence occurs about every twenty-nine years. The first such influence occurred when you were about twenty-nine, and the second is now, between your fifty-eighth and sixtieth birthday.

Last year, many aspects of your life have begun to change. Relationships may have changed, and you may have changed your residence or your job; you have been dominated by an urgent feeling that if you don't do everything you have always wanted to do, you will never have another chance. And now, at about fifty-eight, you will feel that a substantial portion of your life has passed and that you had better get on with making it all work. If your relationship is unsatisfactory but you have been making the best of it, you will examine that relationship even more thoroughly now and may decide to end it. Certainly you will have to change it substantially. The same is true of any other aspect of your life that you have tolerated but not found very rewarding.

Consciously or unconsciously, you are pruning your life of everything that is not relevant to what you really are as a human being. If this process is not happening consciously, you may experience a sense of loss for the elements of your life that are coming to an end now. However, do not dwell upon these losses, for they are necessary in order to clear the decks for the major period of action in your life.

This is a time of endings and new beginnings. If you have built your life up to now around activities that are inappropriate for you, it will be a period of crisis. If you have been doing what you should in previous years, this influence will simply mark a time of solidification and the beginning of new phases of activity.

Saturn square Sun: Patience and perseverance

Beginning of November 2007 until beginning of August 2008: This influence represents a time of critical developments. Various factors in the outside world will challenge you strongly, and it may seem difficult to maintain your freedom of action in whatever you are trying to do.

You may feel unusually discouraged at this time, because your vitality is at a low point. It may be best not to struggle too hard against any adversity that comes into your life now. Patience and perseverance will carry you through until your energy level is up again.

Authority figures, such as employers, government officials or parents, may prove difficult to deal with. You may find that they are not receptive to your plans or suggestions, that they resist your efforts. It is advisable to work patiently to bring them around to your point of view. Don't withdraw from the confrontation, but don't fight blindly. That would guarantee defeat.

This period of your life is directly linked to a time seven years ago, a time of new beginnings for you. This time now is made especially difficult by the fact that many of these projects have been going quite well, and the current difficulties seem totally unexpected.

However, this is a period of trial, which will demonstrate whether or not those new beginnings were valid. Anything invalid is likely to fall by the wayside. You will probably regard it as a failure. But you may not be aware right away that this is happening, especially if you are not paying close attention.

Your ambitions may be thwarted now, but be patient and make sure you are on the right course. If you are, this period will be a trial rather than a defeat. Even if it is a defeat, you can still accomplish a great deal by transferring your energies to more productive areas.

Jupiter square Neptune: False optimism

Mid February 2008 until end of October 2008: At this time you will work very hard to actualize your ideals and find a concrete way to put your spiritual views into practice in the real world. But you can expect the real world to put up some resistance to your ideas. Among other things, you will be challenged to demonstrate that your ideals are not just irrelevant, impractical abstractions. You will also have to demonstrate that your views are based on realism rather than some dream world, which is where you may very well be now. At any rate, this time will give you the opportunity to find out.

You will give readily when called upon now, because this influence signifies a great generosity to people who are less fortunate than yourself. But you may not be very discreet in choosing the people on whom you lavish your charity. Some people can be helped, and it would be worthwhile to spend your time on them. But others are not worth wasting time on, although with this influence you may not be able to tell the difference.

On another level, this influence can signify the kind of false optimism that makes you take foolish risks, especially with limited resources. In any financial dealings be very careful that everything is exactly as represented to you by others. Otherwise you could be taken for a ride.

This time is a test of your grasp of reality and your ability to translate ideals into practice. There is no reason to assume that you will not pass the test, but you do have to be careful.

Religious or spiritual delusions are another danger of this influence. You may be tempted to run after false messiahs or teachers whose ability to dazzle with spiritual phrases exceeds their ability to teach you how to cope with your life.

Jupiter trine Ascendant: People at their best

End of February 2008 until end of October 2008: This influence signifies your willingness to grow in consciousness and experience through your contacts with others and to be more magnanimous and willing to help others. In this you are helped by the fact that your relations with others are very good at this time, and you experience people at their best. This makes you more optimistic, and you rightly believe that whatever you give to others will be returned with interest. A person may enter your life now who really helps you out in various ways, especially by teaching you something about the universe and your role in it. This learning will be on whatever level you are ready for, perhaps simply learning to be more tolerant and open to new ideas or even encountering deep spiritual and religious truths through this relationship. Certainly you are ready for a greater spiritual understanding of the world now. You need to experience more than the superficial banality of life that many people become mired in. Although you are inclined to idealize the world in general and certain persons in particular, in the long run you will find that this is not a delusion but a period of truly expanding knowledge.

Your learning at this time is not limited to spiritual truths, for you are in general more intellectually eager and willing to learn. This is an excellent time to go to school or take a course in a subject that will give you greater insight into the questions that interest you.

On occasion this influence will signify the beginning of a relationship that can bring you great emotional happiness. It could be a new love, although that is much more likely if indicated more specifically by another influence at about this time. Any new love that comes now will be very beneficial to your personal growth, whether or not it lasts.

Saturn trine Ascendant: Gaining experience

End of September 2008 until end of June 2009: During this period of time you will establish yourself with respect to the rest of the world. People will come to know who you are and what you are doing. At the same time this influence indicates that you have reached a point of equilibrium at which your actions and behavior toward others are reliable and consistent. You will not feel like surprising people with sudden or unpredictable actions, nor will you want others to surprise you. Your whole objective is to reach the point where all your affairs are running smoothly and on schedule. Your approach is disciplined, well ordered and mature.

About the only problem with this influence is that you find it difficult to make changes conservatively. And if that response is inappropriate to the situation, you will have difficulty. You are not very flexible, but that is not usually a great problem.

At this time in your life, you are very concerned with gaining experience, particularly in your profession. You are likely to be ambitious and will work hard to get ahead and improve yourself. You will seek out people who can help you, and probably you will make very sure that you want to be fair and just, you don't want to be in debt to anyone. This is a time when self-sufficiency is very important to you.

This is reflected in your relationships also. You are somewhat more reserved than usual and cautious about forming new relationships. Usually this is to the good, although if you are too cautious you may overlook persons who could assist you. Older, more experienced people attract you especially, because you know you can learn from them. A person who will play a very important role as your teacher may come into your life at this time. But don't expect him or her to necessarily conform to your preconceived image of a teacher. He or she may come from any area of your life, and you may not recognize what has happened until later.

Planetary positionsplanet sign degree motion
Sun Sagittarius 7°36'53 in house 7 direct
Moon Scorpio 26°37'49 in house 7 direct
Mercury Sagittarius 0°26'57 in house 7 direct
Venus Scorpio 4°45'59 in house 6 direct
Mars Capricorn 2°16'44 in house 8 direct
Jupiter Capricorn 3°04'40 in house 8 direct
Saturn Virgo 5°56'08 in house 5 direct
Uranus Gemini 29°23'53 in house 2 retrograde
Neptune Libra 14°33'05 in house 6 direct
Pluto Leo 16°31'49 in house 4 retrograde
True Node Taurus 4°41'44 in house 12 retrograde
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Post by Lightning Rod » May 28th, 2008, 2:31 pm

hest, this is one of the reasons that astrology fascinates me even though I really don't believe in the factuality of it.

This is an amazing brand of literature. It makes you believe that the text applies directly to you. It's generic of course. It will apply to almost anyone.

But let me say that this one hit me pretty directly. But I, like most people, can read myself into any metaphor.

That's probably why astrological prognostication works. Vanity.

Thanks for doing this.
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Post by hester_prynne » May 28th, 2008, 3:07 pm

Vanity? Maybe. I mean I can respect that interpretation.
But you can't deny that two people can be dealt an identical hand of cards and interpret them in totally different ways.
That's the beauty of astrology if you ask me...it's a hand of planetary cards for each individual to interpret for themselves......and it works individually that way..
You just have to know when to fold em, and when to hold em. It's an enteric brain kinda thing.
H 8)
"I am a victim of society, and, an entertainer"........DW

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