Sunday Stream (165) ~ The One Hundred and Sixty-Fifth Stream

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (165) ~ The One Hundred and Sixty-Fifth Stream

Post by mtmynd » June 1st, 2008, 11:40 am

the One Hundred and Sixty-fifth Stream
Untitled Due to Lack of Concentration
One hundred sixty five... this, the 165th Stream. Are they getting old... is writing weekly getting old..? Yes, it's one of those days. Another way of saying writer's block has set in. I could dive into my file of Sunday Streams and see which one interests me today... one that hasn't been posted here, but I've done that before, more than once.

What subject do I find interest in this fine day? It's not philosophizing... it's not religion or spirituality... it's not anything in arts. What the hell is my deal today? I wouldn't mind writing if I only knew what there is that I would like to write about. Everything sounds so damn uninteresting... just nothing strikes the imagination, Where o! where is the muse?

((pssst! hey, cec'. you're horny. i can tell. loss of concentration on things and stuff, except for... you know. ..))

I have written when horny before. It's a challenge. More than I thought it would be. In my teen years I ran into a writer by the name of Henry Miller thru two of his books "Tropic of Cancer" and "Tropic of Capricorn." Pretty heady stuff for a young teenager whose testosterone was in constant turmoil. That was so many years ago all I can remember is that there was a lot of very descriptive sex. That's about all a young teen really needs. Later I did find out Miller created a new literary form with those (and other) books. He was a pioneer in the genre. I sure could pick 'em! ;)

Sitting here I had a recall. Something that occurred when I was 15, maybe 16 years old. One of the kids I hung around with was a real character. Not that that has anything to do with this recall, but he got a hold of a little hand-typed, stapled 'book' of sorts, from where I can't remember what he told me. But whoever typed this story out was one hell of a writer... if you like sex. It was about a guy on a train trip and the sexual escapades he had while on this trip. It was definitely a horny little story.

((you must be horny... you keep writing about it))

Erotica. Now there is an acceptable word for horny stories. Erotica is a good sounding word : from the word 'erotic' - (adjective)
1. Of or concerning sexual love and desire; amatory.
2. Tending to arouse sexual desire.
3. Dominated by sexual love or desire.

Now that is something I don't post in this column... except for one time. Sunday Stream (42) was an erotic story based on a late night bus ride. That story just flowed out of me and judging by the views it has, 3252, it's pretty popular! The reason it flowed so easily was I had a theme, a story line to keep me on track. It's not the same as simply being horny. Horny is a state of mind that feeds imagination bits and snippets of sexual ideas solely to keep you aroused. Story? Possibly to an extent but not necessarily needed.

No. You can't write a satisfactory story based only on sexual arousal. The state of sexual arousal must eventually terminate in physicality, not only mentality. And that is what makes a good piece of erotica - an on track story of one or more sexual experiences that is held together with words that arouse the passions in its reader. Anais Nin was another excellent writer of erotica... her words, like those of Henry Miller, were, well how simply can I put it - 'Hot!' The reader has no trouble visualizing the descriptive scenes and are intimately drawn into the story.

That said, I am not going to write any erotica here today. I'm not fully on track. It's taken me quite awhile just to write this Stream, (so far around one hour), something that could be read in just a few minutes. Aren't we writers a strange bunch? All the time we spend putting down words to create a story, fictional or not, just to be doing it. Not at all unlike any other art. The act of creating is both wonderful and exhaustive... and often serves no purpose other than to amuse the creator, (for more read Sunday Stream 107), a creation that is directly tied to sex.

[enough. concentration is quickly dissipating into the ethers]

Today's Stream was brought to you by a combination of writer's block, horniness and simply a need to express those feelings coursing thru my head.. An unusual combination, but one that seems to fit my personal style... whatever that might be. ;)

First day on June, 2008
mimosa flower with bee
Photo: Cecil
Last edited by mtmynd on August 11th, 2008, 7:33 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by judih » June 1st, 2008, 12:02 pm

wow, now that's an erotic flower.
lucky bee

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Post by Lightning Rod » June 1st, 2008, 1:23 pm

cec, ok call me a whore
but I see you have learned the same thing as I have
put as little sex in there and it sells much better (3252 views)

but this is nothing new, Sex and the City is smashing the box office. Zeigfield knew it.

Go ahead, talk about it. Don't just talk about talking about it. I wanna hear about salty sex on a hot desert night with the smell of enchiladas and mescal.
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Post by mtmynd » June 1st, 2008, 2:14 pm

Judih... when that bee was foolin' around in that flower I could feel its joy.

L'Rod : "I wanna hear about I wanna hear about salty sex on a hot desert night with the smell of enchiladas and mescal.."

Salty sex... hot desert nights... let 'er rip, let it flow... I know what you're talkin' about. But it's not as easy as thinkin' about it. I've read a lot of erotica in my many years and there was very little worth remembering. It takes a real talent to convey that "salty sex on a hot desert night with the smell of enchiladas and mescal" and arouse your reader. Thx, amigo. ;-)

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Post by Lightning Rod » June 1st, 2008, 5:53 pm


I also know what a taxing thing it is to come up with new subject matter week after week. I did The Poet's Eye twice a week for four years. I'm relaxing to breathe right now. I only write it when I fucking feel like it.

But I find that to be the hardest part, to come up with fresh subject matter and fresh viewpoints.

I feel your pain, brother.
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Post by Arcadia » June 1st, 2008, 6:28 pm

your unfocused-focused stream was great to read, Cecil!!!!!!!!! :D

& hermosa, sensitive photo!!!!

thanks & saludos!!


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Post by SmileGRL » June 1st, 2008, 8:00 pm

where the hell is the bee??? all i see is the flower. and such a pretty pink one too. and on the subject of being horny...yeah, for some reason sundays have that effect on me too :mrgreen: much enjoyed this thread, mr. cecil

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Post by mtmynd » June 1st, 2008, 8:16 pm

eLRod... it can be a challenge and many times is, this writing weekly off the cuff stuff, this stream of consciousness... i never know how a stream will turn out, i may begin with an idea but more times than not it doesn't mean a thing. and then there are times when i end up with something like this.

i just returned to this with the intent of taking it down... i had given it some thought while helping Soo with dinner. i wasn't happy with it at all. but i scroll down and see two more replies -

arcadia : "your unfocused-focused stream was great to read, Cecil!!!!!!!!!"

an unfocused-focused stream. i like that. it makes it better. gracias, amiga mia!

... and then -

smileGRL : "much enjoyed this thread, mr. cecil"

needless to say, i will not delete this stream! :lol:

thanks for the replies. you've cheered me up. and smileGRL... the bee can be (kinda) seen on the lower left area just to the left of the 'threads' of the flower... it's moving and having a great time wallering in the beauty. ;)

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Post by SmileGRL » June 1st, 2008, 9:08 pm

oh! haha i see it now...kinda buzzy & blurry-ish :mrgreen:

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Post by mtmynd » June 1st, 2008, 10:33 pm

yeppur! ... that's the best i could capture the little fella with me camera. :lol:

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Post by sooZen » June 2nd, 2008, 7:28 am

Yes, there are those times (sometimes days on end) where nothing comes to mind, nothing flows, the stream is damned but judging from this output, this 165 stream, that is not the case. Your mind is elsewhere but you expressed it well, better than I could, for sure.

When you told me you had planned on deleting this stream, it certainly peaked my interest. I am aware of paintings painted over or trashed or burned because you 'thought' they sucked. A few survived the destruction and on reflection (and the gift of time) you changed your mind and liked them after all. From the responses you received on this Stream, it was appropriate and timely for you and the fit the moment.

I was intrigued by LRods "I wanna hear about salty sex on a hot desert night with the smell of enchiladas and mescal.." So do I and maybe that could be a poem or a story in another place here. We could do some research first. :wink:

BTW, I didn't see the bee either until you pointed it out but I love the picture (and our tree). Thanks for the Stream.

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Post by mtmynd » June 3rd, 2008, 3:42 pm

Ah, SooZen! I've read your reply several times now. Such nice words flowing from your fingertips, effortlessly describing your own thoughts. on this Stream.

Thx for the great reply, the encouragement and saving some artwork from annihilation! :)

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