Charlie Sheen and 9/11

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Post by Scootertrash » April 1st, 2006, 9:00 pm

In don't know if a link to Loose Change has been posted yet, but in case it hasn't here's one" ... 3762628848

I don't know how much of the stuff these guys say is true, but they've put together a compelling 80 minute presentation that is very effective at connecting some pretty far out dots.

Here's another good site for conspiracy slingers:
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Post by stilltrucking » April 1st, 2006, 10:04 pm

I think it is counter productive.

I think it underestimates the infinite capacity of human stupidity.

Ok I give up. There were five thousand Jews in New York City that did not turn up for work on 9/11/01.

Why should you white boys give a fuck about this? I have spent hundreds of hours surfing these sites and trying to find out what I could about them. Not just grabbing the first interesting thing that caught my eye and posting it here. . Dr David Ray Griffin is a tool. As much a front man for facists anti semitic conspiracy nuts as Bush is a fromt man for corporate greed..

Have fun with it.

I think this whole thing is an industry.

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Post by knip » April 2nd, 2006, 12:25 am

that's what is so maddening, isn't it s/t? searches for truth end up with finding guys with ulterior motives almost every time...both sides and in between

so i'm guilty of reverting to my gut, most works for me in my professional life, why not in my searching life?

sucks when my gut is wrong though


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Post by microbe » April 2nd, 2006, 2:00 am

Why should you white boys give a fuck about this?
Because thousands of people were murdered in New York and the official version of events stinks that is why. What has being white got to do with anything? Why do you continue to drag this thread into the gutter with vitriol, swearing and racist comments. Am I to take it that ANYONE who questions the most BLATANT fairy tales that the government is telling regarding 9/11 is to be associated with extremist and evil organisations. The heroic firemen who survived and tell of a series of explosions are just tools of a right wing conspiracy? Like millions of other people I am becoming aware of the ridiculous explanations that the government is using to describe events on that day. I do not know of any extreme organisations being in control of this issue. A fair question is a fair question whoever raises it and there are many that remain unanswered. You avoid addressing them and merely state that to ask such questions means you are in sympathy with evil organisations. I am not. You raise issues relating to Jews not me. I was unaware that Bush or Cheney or Rice were Jews. I just want to know things like how the hell did building 7 collapse and why was the whole Air Defence Systen down for hours that morning and why do they not show the videos of the Pentagon crash. There are many other issues as well that cannot be explained by incompetence. An enquiry is called for. Calling for a thorough investigation does not make people a gullible tool of the far right. What can such an enquiry do that bothers you so much?

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Post by microbe » April 2nd, 2006, 4:14 am
Rep. Curt Weldon Town Hall Meeting Audio

April 1, 2006

Encouraging answers today from Pennsylvania Rep. Curt Weldon, in a Town Hall Meeting when he's asked questions by two 9/11 activists, Dave Slesinger and Jon Gold. Interesting perspective on Weldon's passion about our firefighters, especially, and why he's continuing to push for answers.

Weldon states he's "willing to challenge the system... I hate to say that sometimes I don't trust my government, but sometimes I don't trust the government." "Do I automatically accept what the government tells me? No."

Audio file provided thanks to Gold's 9/11 forum:
Interesting audio. Unless you find this kind of thing a bore, in which case just consider him an alien reptile in human form who hates the Chinese and has an evil agenda. Then ignore.

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Post by stilltrucking » April 2nd, 2006, 5:47 am

Yeah this is my point exactly
do you continue to drag this thread into the gutter with vitriol, swearing and racist comments. Am I to take it that ANYONE who questions the most BLATANT fairy tales that the government is telling regarding 9/11
You post references to sites that contain links to the the most outrageous lies and racist statements to the Jews and you wonder why I get antsy. Some of those people are still pushing The Protocols Of The Elders of Zion.

You can find anything you want on the internet. Lyndon LaRouce sites are very good for getting hard facts.

Now the guy that does the Green Lantern site is also very interesting. His big thing along with 9/11 is bible prohpecy. He puts his dazzling intellect to work connectinng dots in the old testament.

Scooter, I been going with the dot edu sites as trust worthy. but even then I dont know. We have people with PHD's in sociology speculating about mechanical engineering.

I have gone round and round with Michael about this. I have spent a lot of time googling names and domain names. I click through a lot of those websites as far as I can stand.

Microbe do you know the difference between a Jew and a pizza?

Never mind
Never mind this whole discussion
Never mine my family
Never mind trusting my government
Never mind reasonable solutions
Never mind resonable answers
Never mind final solutions
never mind
never mind
no matter
mind over matter

everything is beautiful
and I hope all is well for you and your family.
We have a tradition in my family that a baby should never be named after somebody living. It should be named after a dead one. Fortuantely we have a lot of names to work with. Not unusual I suppose, every family got dead relatives.

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Post by microbe » April 2nd, 2006, 5:42 pm

Microbe do you know the difference between a Jew and a pizza?
Not a question I would ever consider as sensible. Lots of questions about 9/11 I do consider sensible. I have mentioned them. You have ignored them and instead persisted in trying to make this into a debate about Jews. My questions are compelling and demand answers, yours is infantile. You continue to trash this thread. I refuse to accept that questioning the nonsense that is the official version of events makes anyone anti-semitic. There is something sinister in your attempt to portray such questioning as akin to Jew bashing and smearing the academics who raise the issues as associated with lunatics. Take your own advice and be bored with this and stay away. Maybe some people who are capable of listening to the questions and deciding for themselves their validity will contribute.
Not unusual I suppose, every family got dead relatives.
Exactly. We are all the same!

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Post by stilltrucking » April 2nd, 2006, 5:51 pm

Exactly. We are all the same!

We got Monty Python on here this week.

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Post by microbe » April 2nd, 2006, 7:26 pm

Oh I see - some are more equal than others!! That figures. Now it all makes sense. Your kind are more equal than the rest. Monty Python!! Sure beats debating!!! Fuck asking questions! Fuck the first amendment! You got a criticism? You must be a Jew hater!!!! Hell I will now shut up in case I offend you! Still not so bored as to stay away I see!

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Post by stilltrucking » April 2nd, 2006, 7:39 pm

Have you seen this one by our own Michael, interesting post

michael and I have been punching at each other over this for long time. You might want to move this discussion over there. It would be nice to have a moderator. I trust Michael a lot, he is Italian American.

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Post by mtmynd » April 3rd, 2006, 12:21 pm

Thanks, Jack, for this reminder.... an excellent essay by Michael and the link(s) he provided are real eye-openers.

I'd ask that anyone that would like fair reporting to click on Michael's 'blue this' and be patient enough to wait for the doucmentary movie (which is thorough and long) and come up with your own conclusion. It is very powerful and disturbing but extremely important for anyone to view.

And a thank you to Michael for his original essay!

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